Week 6

We have had a busy and fun week in Reception. Our topic this week was People Who Help Us. We talked about all of the people who help us at school, at home and in the community.

On Tuesday, we had a visit from fire fighters! The children were excited when they saw the fire engine on our playground. Every child got to spray the big fire hose and sit in the fire engine. The firefighters explained what the children should  do if they ever saw a fire and asked them to check at home for their smoke alarm. Harry’s mum visited to tell the children about her job as a nurse. The children enjoyed trying on the gloves, aprons and listening to all the important jobs that nurses do. On Wednesday, we had a bus driver with their bus visit. The children all had a turn of sitting at the wheel and opening the doors using the buttons. They were delighted to sit upstairs on the bus too! Please click for the photos – Photos

Each day, the children have been acting as vets and doctors in our role play areas and using their writing skills to write down details and prescriptions. They have also enjoyed dressing up as police and firefighters and using different equipment to put out their pretend fires. It has been wonderful to witness the children’s  imagination and the development in their vocabulary. Then the children thought about what they wanted to be when they grow up. They want to be police officers, builders, chefs and many more professions.

In Maths, we have been learning about one less. The children have been demonstrating their understanding by playing musical chairs, singing songs and playing games. We have been learning that 1 less is taking away 1 and the number gets smaller when we take away.

On Friday, the children went to their first assembly. I was very proud of the way they sat beautifully and joined in with the prayer and some of the singing.

The Year 2 children demonstrated how we set up an altar and explained each of the items. We are learning about the church and what is inside. The children made their own altars and churches  using bricks and blocks.

This week we have learnt the sounds, ck, e, u and r. Please practise saying and writing these sounds at home. We have also been practising reading some tricky words. I, a, the, to, no and go.

Finally, we read with our Year 6 reading partners! The children have already developed wonderful relationships with their partners.

Next week is One World Week. The country we are focusing on is Cyprus because we have lots of children from Cyprus in Reception. If you would like to share your knowledge about Cyprus or any traditions you have, please let us know.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Friday, 13th October 2023

The children in Year 4 this week continued their learning of rounding whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000, identifying key benchmark numbers along the way and later applying their understanding in missing number problems.

In English, the children edited their final narratives for punctuation and sentence structure before writing them up in the neatest. Next week, we are moving on to a short poetry appreciation unit.

In RE, the class identified the symbols, actions and words associated with the Sacrament of Baptism and explained their meaning whilst in Art, they experimented with lines and patterns using colourful art tapes, creating some very effective pieces.

In Computing, they gained understanding about the services provided by the Internet, including the World Wide Web, file management and emailing. They also investigated how a website is different from a webpage and completed practical activities to understand how routers work.

In PE, we played 5 a side basketball games, practicing dodging, shielding and passing skills.

Thank you for all the parents who joined us for our class Mass this Wednesday. The children created a truly prayerful, reverent atmosphere with their beautiful reading and singing. Well done Year 4!

A few important information:

Tuesday, 17th and Thursday 19th- parent consultation evenings

Thursday 19th- class trip- please check you gave consent and that you have ordered school packed lunch if needed

All week next week- One World Week with a focus on Colombia


Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 17th October 2023
Spelling Words with the prefix ‘inter-‘ meaning ‘between’ or ‘among’


Please log into your account and practice this week’s spelling words.

Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login

Please log into your account and complete 2 activities, alternatively download the attached comprehension sheets:

The Hurricane Tree-text

The Hurricane Tree-questions

The Hurricane Tree-answers

Multiplication https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check


Use these links to practice your mixed multiplication facts

One World Week As a preparation for One World Week, please research the flag of a country/ countries your family has connections to. We are lucky in Year 4 to have such a beautifully diverse heritage. From Albania to the Ukraine, Ghana to Italy or Ireland and Scotland to Spain and Colombia; children proudly explained where their families are from. Once researched, please create a not larger than A4 poster of the flag to be displayed in class. You can use a variety of media such as pencil, paint, felt tip, fabric, foil, etc. Please be ready to present your flags by Tuesday. If possible, write your name on the FRONT of the flag so we know who the flag represents.

Year 6 Week Beginning 9/10/23

It has been a very quiet week in Year 6!

The children have been working really hard completing some assessments in Maths and Reading. These assessment will be very helpful in identifying any misconceptions or gaps in their understanding, and will also help to inform next steps in their learning.

In English, the class have been very busy composing narratives set during WW2, written from an evacuee’s perspective. This has been part of our unit of work based around the book, Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian. The children have really enjoyed doing these and I am looking forward to reading them!

In History, the children have continued to learn about how Potters Bar was affected by both world wars. After doing some research, they found the exact locations of bombsites around our local area and also learnt how the Catholic church was bombed in Southgate Road. Year 6 also found out the names of the 13 soldiers buried in St Mary’s Cemetery, Mutton Lane.

In Science, the class have been learning about the importance of drinking water and how it keeps us alive.

Gentle reminder-On Wednesday, we have our class mass at 9.15am- we really hope you can join us!

We are looking forward to next week, where we will be learning about Zambia as part of One World Week!

For home learning, please find out about inspirational people who come from Zambia. Choose one person to make an information poster or booklet about and be prepared to talk about your inspirational person to the rest of the class!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton



Autumn 1 Week 6 w.b. 09.10.2023


On Tuesday we welcomed our new Italian teacher Corrado to Year One.  Corrado has been delivering Italian lessons to all the classes in school and we are very fortunate to have him come to teach the children in our class. The children were very enthusiastic and excited to learn how to say Hello ‘Caio’, Good Morning ‘ Buongiorno’ and how to introduce themselves ‘Oi Sono’. Italian lessons will take place every Tuesday morning.


In English this week the children celebrated the end of their Plenty of Love topic with a Tea Party! The children had the best time eating their snacks with their cuddly toy.

Seasonal Learning

This week the children took part in lots of different creative activities exploring the season of Autumn. They made hats and hedgehogs using leaves they collected earlier in the week. It was very messy in Year 1 on Thursday afternoon but there was lots of fun being had by all. The children also enjoyed exploring our new Autumn tuff tray which is full of acorns, pine cones, pumpkins and much more!

One World Week

Next week is One World Week and our class focus is Italy! If you have anything you can pass on or would like to come in and take part in an activity with the children, please do come and speak to myself or Mrs Barnes, we would love to hear from you and any amazing ideas you may have.

Please make or print a flag for the country your child or their family is from. Please send this in on Monday for us to display.

Home Learning – Due for Friday

Mathletics – please complete the activity set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day.

Have a restful weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Year 5 – Songs for assembly

Here are the 2 songs to learn for Friday’s assembly:

Backing track:

Year 5 – 06/10/23

In Music this week, we continued with What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor, using cups to add a percussive element to it. Have a watch at how the children did!

On Wednesday, we had our class Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. The children were fantastic in the various ways in which they participated – well done!

Home learning for this week:

Maths Mathletics assignments – revision of this half term’s place value concepts:

·         Rounding within 1,000,000 (Quest)

·         Comparing & ordering numbers to 1,000,000 (Quest)

·         Partitioning numbers to 1,000,000 (Quest)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-tial’

·         potential

·         confidential

·         essential

·         impartial

·         substantial

·         preferential

·         influential

·         torrential

·         residential

·         circumstantial

Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.

Miss Donatantonio

Year 6 Week Beginning 2.10.23

Year 6 have been very busy this week preparing for today’s class assembly.

They began on Monday by meeting in their new leadership groups and deciding on the key messages they wanted to deliver to the Pope Paul community, during their time on stage.

On Tuesday, they used the chrome books to write their speeches. They then presented them to the rest of the class and the children then gave suggestions in order to improve each speech further.

On Wednesday, the children edited their speeches and made improvements; they were then put together as an assembly!

The children made their teachers very proud this morning with their professional attitudes and outstanding delivery! Well done Year 6!

On Tuesday, the children met their new Italian teacher Corrado. He will be teaching the class Italian every Tuesday afternoon! Welcome Corrado!


Home Learning



Spelling Shed

TT Rockstars

All learning has been allocated on these websites for you, as discussed in class.

In preparation for One World Week, please find out as much as you can about our focus country, Zambia!

I also attach information about the BBC 500 Words competition. There is no pressure to enter this, but it looks fantastic!

BBC 500 Words 2023: register your interest to become a judge – BBC Teach


Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton



Friday 6th October 2023

Our English learning this week has involved using the present perfect tense. We took sections of The Tortoise and the Hare story in the simple past and changed them into the present perfect. Take a look at our freeze frames that we used to develop our ideas for writing.

In Science we improved our knowledge about nutrients and developed our teamwork skills. In groups, the children looked at what nutrients give to our body and they then presented what they had learned.

On Tuesday the children met Corrado who will be coming into year 3 to teach the children Italian once a week. In Maths the children have worked hard on reinforcing their understanding of counting on in ones, tens, hundreds and back in ones, tens and hundreds. The children have played many games to assist them in their understanding.


In our history this week the children have looked at the structure of the Egyptian society and wrote about the role of the vizier, the chief treasurer and the general of armies who were the important officials who carried out the orders of the Pharaohs.

In art, the children looked at ‘exaggeration’ using the many pictures created by Quentin Blake as inspiration.  I was bowled away by their artistic skills in this task.

Well done to the children who took part in the Golf competition this week at the Furzefield.  They wore their medals with such pride.

Mr Gavin Nicola, our guitar teacher, also wanted to let all parents know that he has spaces available if your child is interested in taking up guitar as a musical instrument. He led a concert this week and the children listened attentively and took part with such enthusiasm. He has asked that if you are interested to get in touch with the school office and he would get back in touch with you.

Have a restful weekend.

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning

Spellings on spelling shed

Log onto Hit The Button [click on number bonds, then click on number bonds to 10, then number bonds to 20 and up to 100 if the children would like to challenge themselves!!].

Log onto Paint the Squares [Click on 1 – 120.  Go to Paint a Puzzle and try finding the missing numbers when you click on Lines, Crosses and then Patterns.  Try each one five times,  clicking new each time.]

Log onto Mathletics and complete the tasks set.





Week 5


Our focus this week has been Friendship. We read the story The Rainbow Fish and spoke about the importance of sharing and though about how friends make us happy like in the story. The children have been making friendship bracelets out of different things, making cards for their friends, painting pictures and writing their own names and their friend names. They have been demonstrating qualities of lovely friends in the class and in the playground. On Thursday, we retold the story The Rainbow Fish by drawing story maps. It is wonderful to see the children using the sounds they know to write words about their pictures and messages to their friends.


This week we have learnt the sounds g, o, c and k. The children have been practising to write the letters, finding objects that begin with those letters and beginning to read and write words. Please continue to practise saying the sound and writing the letter at home. Each child received a reading book this week. Inside the book, it says your child’s reading day. Please send their books back on that day. The library book is for you to read to your child. The reading books are for your child to read to you. If there are no words in your child’s book, your child should talk about the pictures and tell a story using the pictures.


In Maths, the children have been making three in different ways and saying the number sentence. For example; 2 + 1= 3 They have used sticks, conkers, dinosaurs and animals to show this. Then we learnt how to add one more to a number using many resources including a 5 frame and number fans.

On Friday we read the story Noah’s Ark from the Bible and role played the story. Then we made animals and rainbows to retell the story.

Make or print a flag for the country your child or their family are from. Please send it in on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey

Friday, 6th October 2023

The children in Year 4 moved on to number magnitude and rounding in Maths. They investigated different number lines and identified benchmark numbers to help them understand the relative size of numbers in relation to these benchmarks. They also used number lines to round 3 and 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

In English, the class worked on sentence structure before planning for their first narrative. Using their plans they put their understanding of compound and complex sentences into practice when writing their first big narratives based on the story of the Spider and the Fly.

In Science, the class looked at and later constructed different food chains depending on habitat and diet. The also identified and explained a variety of roles within food chains such as producers, primary and secondary consumers.

In RE, we researched the life and mission of St Edward the Confessor, who is the focus of our Class Mass next week. We also gained understanding of the 5 main parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, such as the consecration or the sign of the peace. We then spent time practicing for our Mass.

In PE, the children moved onto defensive techniques and practiced those through basketball.

In Art, the class continued their learning of pattern and after looking at artists using some of the learnt techniques, they experimented with the colour, texture and pattern of lines in their sketchbooks.

Finally, just a few dates/information:

Our Class Mass is on next week Wednesday, 11th October at 9.15am. All parents are welcome!

Mr Nicola, our guitar teacher also wanted to let all parents know that he has spaces available if your children are interested in taking up guitar as a musical instrument.

Our chosen One World Week Country is going to be Colombia this year. If you can support our learning in any ways (artefacts, ornaments, pictures, information books, recipes, books, music, clothing, etc from this region), please contact me directly or leave a message in the office and I can get back to you. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 10th October 2023
Spelling Words with the prefix ‘sub-‘ meaning ‘below’ or ‘further divided’


Please log into your EdShed account and practice this week’s spelling words.

Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login

Please log into your Theory account and complete 2 tasks.

Alternatively download the attached documents and complete this comprehension:

Festivals- text

Festivals- questions

Festivals- answers

Multiplication https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check


Use this links to spend 15-20 minutes practicing your mixed multiplication facts

Study Ladder https://www.studyladder.co.uk/

Please log into your Study Ladder account and complete the activities in your assigned pod, all related to rounding.