Friday, 6th October 2023

The children in Year 4 moved on to number magnitude and rounding in Maths. They investigated different number lines and identified benchmark numbers to help them understand the relative size of numbers in relation to these benchmarks. They also used number lines to round 3 and 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

In English, the class worked on sentence structure before planning for their first narrative. Using their plans they put their understanding of compound and complex sentences into practice when writing their first big narratives based on the story of the Spider and the Fly.

In Science, the class looked at and later constructed different food chains depending on habitat and diet. The also identified and explained a variety of roles within food chains such as producers, primary and secondary consumers.

In RE, we researched the life and mission of St Edward the Confessor, who is the focus of our Class Mass next week. We also gained understanding of the 5 main parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, such as the consecration or the sign of the peace. We then spent time practicing for our Mass.

In PE, the children moved onto defensive techniques and practiced those through basketball.

In Art, the class continued their learning of pattern and after looking at artists using some of the learnt techniques, they experimented with the colour, texture and pattern of lines in their sketchbooks.

Finally, just a few dates/information:

Our Class Mass is on next week Wednesday, 11th October at 9.15am. All parents are welcome!

Mr Nicola, our guitar teacher also wanted to let all parents know that he has spaces available if your children are interested in taking up guitar as a musical instrument.

Our chosen One World Week Country is going to be Colombia this year. If you can support our learning in any ways (artefacts, ornaments, pictures, information books, recipes, books, music, clothing, etc from this region), please contact me directly or leave a message in the office and I can get back to you. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 10th October 2023
Spelling Words with the prefix ‘sub-‘ meaning ‘below’ or ‘further divided’

Please log into your EdShed account and practice this week’s spelling words.


Please log into your Theory account and complete 2 tasks.

Alternatively download the attached documents and complete this comprehension:

Festivals- text

Festivals- questions

Festivals- answers


Use this links to spend 15-20 minutes practicing your mixed multiplication facts

Study Ladder

Please log into your Study Ladder account and complete the activities in your assigned pod, all related to rounding.