Week 3

What a busy week in Reception! The children have all started to learn the routines in the class. They remember that our day starts with our morning prayer and song and then a Wake and Shake dance.

Our book this week was The Colour Monster By Anna Llenas. This book is all about feelings and each feeling is associated with a colour . The children enjoyed creating their own monsters with boxes, drawing and painting  monsters. The children thought about the things that make them happy and drew them in a jar. This has been beneficial for the children to talk about how they feel and why they feel that way. Thank you for the family photos, these make the children happy when they look at them in our home corner.

This week we started our Phonics lessons. The children learnt the sounds s, a, t and p. They have been learning to write them using rhymes to remind them of the correct direction. They have been practising in sand, sugar, flour and foam. They have been writing them on small pieces of paper and big pieces of paper. It was wonderful when children started to blend the sounds to make words with the letters they have learnt – at, as, pat and sat. Thank you for supporting your child with their home learning. Please complete the home learning as it will help the child to remember the rhymes. Remember to send the book in each day.

It has been lovely playing games with the children including Snakes and Ladders, matching games and counting games. They love singing number songs and playing number games using our interactive whiteboards.

A highlight of the week was when Mrs Heymoz came to class with her guitar and sang some songs.

We have been learning the Mission Prayer and thinking about how we are all God’s work of Art and he loves us all. The children wrote their names and decorated around them to add to our display.


Home Learning

Go over the sounds we learnt this week. Support your child with holding their pencil correctly.  All home learning should be completed in pencil.

Send in wellies with the children’s names on please.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey  and The Early Years Team

Autumn 1 Week 3 w.b. 18.09.2023


In Re this week the children looked at the four parts of Mass. There were some great discussions about what happens at Church and particular focus on the order of events. They enjoyed sharing their ideas and moved onto ordering the main parts in their books.


In English, the children have enjoyed exploring our text Plenty of Love. The children have been exploring what makes a good label. The children have been drawing characters from the story, naming and labelling the body parts of animals and Humans.


In Maths the children have been continuing to explore conservation of number by looking at patterns in numbers and looking at familiar dot patterns found on dice and playing cards. They have used ten frames to represent numbers while playing number games and continued to explore numbers to 10.


In science the children have been learning about the five senses. They have been learning how they use their senses every day to help them find out about the world around them! Next week the children will be taking part in some fun investigations putting their senses to the test!

Seasonal Learning

This week the children looked at the four seasons of the year. We discussed when we had class birthdays and they then went on to look at the months of the year. The children enjoyed looking at the different weather each season brings and were keen to share when their birthday was!

To end the week the children were treated to a show on Friday afternoon. What a lovely way to end a very busy week!

Home Learning

Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheet sent home.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day, please make sure reading books and blue folders are sent in with the children on their reading day and every Friday.


Reading days

This week you will find your child’s reading day written in their reading record. Please can you ensure their reading book and record is sent in on their reading day (in their blue folder) AND every Friday so we can put their home learning in them for the week. Please note, their reading day will also be their ‘show and tell’ day to ensure all children have an opportunity to take part throughout the week.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Year 5 – 22/09/23

The highlight this week was watching Alice in Wonderland performed by a theatre company this afternoon! I expect there’ll be many sore throats tomorrow morning!


The objective of this week’s PE lesson was to practise receiving the ball from a side-on position:

In Art this week, we looked at landscape artist Kittie Jones, and discussed her artistic style and creative process:

Home learning for this week – due next Wednesday – is as follows:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Rounding Numbers

·         Rounding to nearest 10, 100 & 1,000 (Quest)

·         Rounding within 100,000 (Quest)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
SPaG Sheet: Relative Clauses – Sentence Creator Game
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-cious’

·         conscious

·         delicious

·         ferocious

·         atrocious

·         gracious

·         precious

·         luscious

·         spacious

·         malicious

·         suspicious

Enjoy the weekend everyone, and see you on Monday!

Miss Donatantonio

Autumn 1 Week 3

The children started their week by designing their own alien and writing descriptive paragraphs about them. They later edited this writing and published it for display. I’m sure you’ll agree that they have worked very hard on these.  Next week, they will be introduced to the world of poetry.

In RE they have learnt about initiation and how we greet and welcome others. Next they will be looking at initiations within the Church.

In Maths, they have used they knowledge of how to double numbers to add near doubles. Dominoes is a great game for practising doubling, halving, addition, subtraction and finding odd and even numbers. Next week they will be looking at the different denominations of  money and using them to calculate amounts.

In Art, they have used observation skills to sketch objects they have collected. Next week, they will be using a range of materials for mark making.

In PE, they have applied their dodging and problem solving skills to play various games. I have been very impressed with their team work and the way in which they encourage each other.

This afternoon, we watched Alice in Wonderland, which was very exciting.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spelling –  please complete the two sheets (in handwriting pencil) and return on Wednesday.

Mathletic – activities have been set.

Show and tell – please check the sheet in your child’s home learning pack for details and dates. This is an optional but encouraged activity.

Reading – please read with your child and return their book (in their plastic wallet) on Friday.

Thursday 21st September

Timetable for today:




Focus: Roald Dahl

Click here for the



Direct Speech  Click here

Activity Sheets: 1 2 3



Maths Mystery Activity  (work in pairs!)  Click here



Explorify Activity:  Click here

Vocabulary:  colour, size, texture, context

Use this vocabulary to help you explain what the picture shows



Friday 15th September, 2023

It was lovely to see many of you at Meet the Teacher meeting yesterday afternoon.  The information shown and handed out yesterday is on the Year 3 Class Page. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

This week, the children have been busy with their learning!

In Maths, the children have been continuing with a variety of opportunities to represent numbers in different
ways using resources, pictorially, using language and symbols. These opportunities have allowed them to experience playful regrouping (partitioning) to strengthen their understanding of place value. They fully immersed themselves in the games they have been learning too.



In English, we have continued our learning on fables and have worked hard to tell one by using a storymap. We have also been considering our conjunctions and trying to use a range of them. The children were fantastic in picking out why certain animals are chosen in fables and could see the themes such as ‘sly foxes’ and ‘loyal dogs’. We investigated a set of fables and looked for evidence of the characters through what they said and did.

In PE the class have started to look at invasion skills and worked together to support their trio/group with the set activities to complete.

This week we have also continued with our music lessons in learning the recorder.  They each have learnt how to hold the recorder and have played alongside some lovely musical pieces remembering the note B and reading the musical score whilst following the tune.

We have begun our French Unit and learnt ways to greet people using: bonjour, bonsoir, bonne-nuit and salut!

In Art, the children have been introduced looking at the work of artists Inbal Leitner and Rosie Hurley to see how they use their sketchbooks to develop characters and refine ideas.  The class then responded by filling a couple of pages in their sketchbooks with visual notes about what they were thinking and seeing. Some of the class explained why they had sketched their ideas and as a class, the children looked at each others’ ideas, an activity which they clearly enjoyed.

In RE, we reflected on how our new Reception class feels about starting a new school and how we want them to feel about being at Pope Paul. The children shared beautiful ideas about how we can make them feel welcome and have a sense of belonging through our words, actions and symbols. This was a great start to thinking about initiation and the sacraments of our church.

Home Learning has been set in:

Mathletics-  Log onto your account and complete the tasks set.

TTRs – log on and try your hand at your times tables!

Spellings on spellingshed



Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.

Items handed out yesterday at the Meet the Teacher meeting.  

Year 3 Autumn Overview 2023              Meet the Teacher powerpoint            Year 3 Booklist




Year 6 Week Beginning 11.6.23

It’s been another week of wonderful learning in Year 6 this week!

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Meet the Teacher session on Monday.

Don’t worry if you couldn’t make it as the information will be added to the class page on the school website.

In Maths, the children have been comparing and ordering very large whole and decimal numbers numbers, as part of their learning about place value.

They have applied their new learning on persuasive techniques, through composing and editing letters of application for the school leadership positions. Once finalised, these letters will be given to Mrs Heymoz to consider, along with the results of today’s house captain elections. On that note, the children who put themselves forward and gave speeches in front of their houses this morning were absolutely fantastic- they spoke clearly, were well prepared and were so encouraging of one another! Well done Year 6! All leaderships roles will be announced in due course, so watch this space!

In Science, the children  have been learning about the circulatory system. They spent lots of time finding out about the heart and had lots of fun working in pairs to make a model of one of the chambers!

In History, the class began their new topic based around the theme of ‘Potters Bar at War’. They looked at the chronology of both world wars and looked at how they fitted in with history over time. They created their own timelines and plotted important dates and events that happened between 1900 and now. Please help your child to write down any key events in your own family history, such as birthdates of grand-parents, so they can add to them in class, thank you!

The children have been given a copy of their personal logins for: SPaG.com, Mathletics and Ed Shed. They haven’t been given the T T Rock Stars, although I believe they are the same as last year. I will locate these and give them out early next week.

Home learning has been set as follows:

SPaG– Relative clauses

Colons and semi-colons

Mathletics– Place value activities

Spelling Shed– this week’s Year 6 challenge words- dictation will follow on Friday

Independent reading– Please ensure that you are reading for a minimum of 20 minutes a day- parents are asked to kindly sign your reading record once a week.

Please let me know if there are any problems logging on or completing the tasks set. Thank you!

It has been a truly pleasurable week in Year 6 this week!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton

Year 5 – 15/09/23

It’s the end of another week, and once again it has been busy busy!

We have cracked on with our English, exploring and discussing the theme of refugees, which is central to our novel The Boy at the Back of the Class. Maths has seen a continuation of place value, including ordering and comparing numbers, and counting in steps of powers of 10 (10, 100, 1000 etc.). We began our Science topic about human growth and development, in which we had a brilliant discussion about the question ‘What if the average lifespan of a human was 200?’. We talked about how this would effect quality of life, overpopulation, climate change, poverty and crime, to name but a few points that were made. We also began our RE unit about the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation).

PE started this week too, with swimming on Wednesday and fundamental invasion game skills on Thursday.

Geography and French also began with Mrs McDonald on Tuesday afternoon, as did RSHE, which focuses initially on the understanding that if we are made in the image and likeness of God, then we should value ourselves first and foremost.

Music continued with the theme of sea shanties and in their groups the children practised and performed What Shall we do with the Drunken Sailor, focusing on a steady beat and articulation. I was so impressed with the musicality within the class!

The children also completed their visual notes in Art, in which we looked at two landscape/cityscape artists: Vanessa Gardner and the Shoreditch Sketcher.

Home learning, which is due next Wednesday, is as follows:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Place Value to Millions

·         Numbers from Words to Digits

·         Numbers to 10,000 (Quest)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-tious’ and ‘-ious’












Children were given their login details this afternoon (unless you received it at the Meet the Teacher meeting on Tuesday).

Have a great weekend!

Miss Donatantonio


Autumn 1 Week 2 w.b. 11.09.2023


In Re this week the children discussed what the word Initiation means. In pairs they spoke about a time they welcomed someone and also a time that they were welcomed somewhere. In pairs the children then did some fantastic role playing, thinking about their gestures and words they use to make people feel happy and comfortable.




This week the children started their first unit based on the book ‘Plenty of love to go around’. They created some beautiful front covers and there was some great discussion about cats and dogs. They also created some very informative tally charts on who has a pet cat or dog and the children enjoyed analysing the results!



At the beginning of the week the children recapped their number formation and practised writing their numbers. The then moved onto representing numbers to ten in different ways. The children explored the classroom and used a variety of resources to show their representation.



Our topic for Science this term is Animals and Humans. The children discussed what all animals have in common and whether humans are animals e.g.  Do we move, sense, eat, grow and breathe?  They have been learning the names of the different parts of the body and labelled an outline of a child’s body from our class!


Road Safety

This week the children had a talk about the importance of road safety. They learnt that you have to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK before crossing the road. They also discussed how walking to school can help keep them healthy and that wearing high visible jackets can also help to keep them safe.


This week the children became familiar with creating drawings using their whole body, whilst experiencing a range of drawing materials. They explored working with pencils, felt tips, chalk and crayon. They also experimented drawing not only on large paper but also on the concrete outside, the children really enjoyed developing their skills in such a creative way.

Home Learning

Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record – to be completed by Wednesday.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home – to be completed by Wednesday.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day, please make sure reading books and blue folders are sent in with the children every day.

Please remember to send your child in with their reading book and record (in their blue folder) everyday.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes




Friday, 15th September 2023

The children in Year 4 this week looked at Place value as part of their Maths learning, focusing on representation. They played strategic games to create 4 digit numbers and reason about their game using specific mathematical vocabulary.

In English, the class worked on writing an effective advertisement in M&S style to promote the often gruesome dishes prepared by Mr Spider from our class book, The Spider and the Fly. The children had great fun with this activity and we ended up with some very persuasive pieces.

In Science, we looked at the basic parts and function of the human digestive system and used ziplock bags to model the stomach. The children made great observations and enjoyed taking a look ‘inside out’.

In RE, the class broke into smaller Liturgy groups and the children planned Liturgical prayers using our ‘Gather, Listen, Respond and Go Forth’ structure, which they are going to present to the rest of the groups on Friday mornings.

In PE, we looked at  dodging as our first skill in our Invasion Games unit and practiced that skill through different ball games, such as rugby, basketball and football.

In Computing, we demonstrated our understanding of how computing networks work by acting as switches, passing messages between machines.

Thank you for those of you who came for our Meet and Greet session on Tuesday. If you couldn’t make it, please find the PPT and handouts under our class blog page along with our Curriculum overview for the year.

I hope you have a nice weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 19th September 2023
Spelling Words with the suffix ‘-ation’


Please log into your Ed Shed account and practice your assigned words.

Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login

Please log into your new ReadTheory account and complete your assessment task. Once your ‘level’ is identified, complete 2 tasks.

Alternatively, please see the attached documents which you can print out:

The Parsnips- text

The Parsnips-questions

The Parsnips-Answers

Multiplication https://mathsframe.co.uk/

Please use the link to spend 15-20 minutes practicing your mixed multiplication facts.

Study Ladder https://www.studyladder.co.uk/

Please log onto your Study Ladder account and complete your tasks in your assigned pod. Although, the site labels them as Year 2 activities, please be reassured that they are appropriate for our current learning focusing on understanding place value of 4 digit numbers.