Friday 15th September, 2023

It was lovely to see many of you at Meet the Teacher meeting yesterday afternoon.  The information shown and handed out yesterday is on the Year 3 Class Page. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

This week, the children have been busy with their learning!

In Maths, the children have been continuing with a variety of opportunities to represent numbers in different
ways using resources, pictorially, using language and symbols. These opportunities have allowed them to experience playful regrouping (partitioning) to strengthen their understanding of place value. They fully immersed themselves in the games they have been learning too.



In English, we have continued our learning on fables and have worked hard to tell one by using a storymap. We have also been considering our conjunctions and trying to use a range of them. The children were fantastic in picking out why certain animals are chosen in fables and could see the themes such as ‘sly foxes’ and ‘loyal dogs’. We investigated a set of fables and looked for evidence of the characters through what they said and did.

In PE the class have started to look at invasion skills and worked together to support their trio/group with the set activities to complete.

This week we have also continued with our music lessons in learning the recorder.  They each have learnt how to hold the recorder and have played alongside some lovely musical pieces remembering the note B and reading the musical score whilst following the tune.

We have begun our French Unit and learnt ways to greet people using: bonjour, bonsoir, bonne-nuit and salut!

In Art, the children have been introduced looking at the work of artists Inbal Leitner and Rosie Hurley to see how they use their sketchbooks to develop characters and refine ideas.  The class then responded by filling a couple of pages in their sketchbooks with visual notes about what they were thinking and seeing. Some of the class explained why they had sketched their ideas and as a class, the children looked at each others’ ideas, an activity which they clearly enjoyed.

In RE, we reflected on how our new Reception class feels about starting a new school and how we want them to feel about being at Pope Paul. The children shared beautiful ideas about how we can make them feel welcome and have a sense of belonging through our words, actions and symbols. This was a great start to thinking about initiation and the sacraments of our church.

Home Learning has been set in:

Mathletics-  Log onto your account and complete the tasks set.

TTRs – log on and try your hand at your times tables!

Spellings on spellingshed



Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.

Items handed out yesterday at the Meet the Teacher meeting.  

Year 3 Autumn Overview 2023              Meet the Teacher powerpoint            Year 3 Booklist