Autumn 1 Week 3 w.b. 18.09.2023


In Re this week the children looked at the four parts of Mass. There were some great discussions about what happens at Church and particular focus on the order of events. They enjoyed sharing their ideas and moved onto ordering the main parts in their books.


In English, the children have enjoyed exploring our text Plenty of Love. The children have been exploring what makes a good label. The children have been drawing characters from the story, naming and labelling the body parts of animals and Humans.


In Maths the children have been continuing to explore conservation of number by looking at patterns in numbers and looking at familiar dot patterns found on dice and playing cards. They have used ten frames to represent numbers while playing number games and continued to explore numbers to 10.


In science the children have been learning about the five senses. They have been learning how they use their senses every day to help them find out about the world around them! Next week the children will be taking part in some fun investigations putting their senses to the test!

Seasonal Learning

This week the children looked at the four seasons of the year. We discussed when we had class birthdays and they then went on to look at the months of the year. The children enjoyed looking at the different weather each season brings and were keen to share when their birthday was!

To end the week the children were treated to a show on Friday afternoon. What a lovely way to end a very busy week!

Home Learning

Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheet sent home.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day, please make sure reading books and blue folders are sent in with the children on their reading day and every Friday.


Reading days

This week you will find your child’s reading day written in their reading record. Please can you ensure their reading book and record is sent in on their reading day (in their blue folder) AND every Friday so we can put their home learning in them for the week. Please note, their reading day will also be their ‘show and tell’ day to ensure all children have an opportunity to take part throughout the week.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes