Autumn 1 Week 2 w.b. 11.09.2023


In Re this week the children discussed what the word Initiation means. In pairs they spoke about a time they welcomed someone and also a time that they were welcomed somewhere. In pairs the children then did some fantastic role playing, thinking about their gestures and words they use to make people feel happy and comfortable.




This week the children started their first unit based on the book ‘Plenty of love to go around’. They created some beautiful front covers and there was some great discussion about cats and dogs. They also created some very informative tally charts on who has a pet cat or dog and the children enjoyed analysing the results!



At the beginning of the week the children recapped their number formation and practised writing their numbers. The then moved onto representing numbers to ten in different ways. The children explored the classroom and used a variety of resources to show their representation.



Our topic for Science this term is Animals and Humans. The children discussed what all animals have in common and whether humans are animals e.g.  Do we move, sense, eat, grow and breathe?  They have been learning the names of the different parts of the body and labelled an outline of a child’s body from our class!


Road Safety

This week the children had a talk about the importance of road safety. They learnt that you have to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK before crossing the road. They also discussed how walking to school can help keep them healthy and that wearing high visible jackets can also help to keep them safe.


This week the children became familiar with creating drawings using their whole body, whilst experiencing a range of drawing materials. They explored working with pencils, felt tips, chalk and crayon. They also experimented drawing not only on large paper but also on the concrete outside, the children really enjoyed developing their skills in such a creative way.

Home Learning

Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record – to be completed by Wednesday.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home – to be completed by Wednesday.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day, please make sure reading books and blue folders are sent in with the children every day.

Please remember to send your child in with their reading book and record (in their blue folder) everyday.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes