Spring 2 Week 3

To kick start Science Week we had a Science Workshop on Thursday. The children learnt about air pressure and made slime. At the end of the day, the whole school watched a rocket launch. Next week, the children will take part in more exciting and engaging Science activities.

In maths this week the children have been learning to draw arrays to help them solve multiplication questions. While in English we have been writing and identifying different sentence types.

Home learning

Spelling – homophones

two, to, too, blue, blew, one, won, ate, eight, bare, bear.

Mathletics and spag.com activities have been set.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle


Monday 6th March, 2023


Arithmetic Focus is on Multiplying fractions by an integer

Main Activity:   Fraction questions



Arithmetic Adding three fractions

Main Activity:   https://ootatut.exampro.net/        here

Challenge: here

Year 5 – 02/03/23

Well done on all your World Book Day costumes yesterday! We had a wonderful day celebrating reading and our favourite books. In the morning, after kicking off the day with a whole-school assembly, we played Pass the Book, which hopefully enabled us to find a new book to read. After break, we took part in the BBC Live Lesson, which got us thinking about how we could shake up our favourite stories by redesigning the main characters and plot. In the afternoon, we continued a story called The Greatest Library in which the books come to life, and we ended the day illustrating in the style of Quentin Blake. Have a look at the photos!


Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Shading Equivalent Fractions

·         Equivalent Fractions Wall

SPaG Please complete the assignment set on spag.com:

·         Grammar – Y3 (A)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily updating of your reading record.
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words that are homophones or near homophones












Have a great weekend!

Miss D

Reception Week Beginning 27.2.23

It’s been another wonderful week of learning in Reception.

The children have continued to focus on their new theme- On the Farm, through learning about Fairtrade farming, as part of Fairtrade Fortnight.

Using the core FAIRTRADE Mark - Fairtrade Foundation

The following video really helped the children to understand why Fairtrade is so important.

After watching the video, the children had lots of fun taking part in a banana hunt outside!

The most exciting day of the week however was World Book Day on Thursday!

Thank you so much for supporting this special celebration. The children loved wearing their pyjamas and book character costumes to school!

Thank you also for sending in books for The Great Book Swap event and for attending Reception’s special drop-in reading session at the end of the day. All these things helped to make the day more magical for the children!

During Ten Ten RSE learning, the children have been thinking about what makes a good friend and not a good friend. They also learnt about role models in their lives and how they can learn from them. Together, the children came up with a recipe for a friend and mixed all the character traits together to produce an ideal good friend.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team


Spring 2 Week 2

This week we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as out favourite book characters, sharing stories and swapping books with others.

We also combined our computing skills with our RE knowledge this week, to make Popplets that explain the actions of Lent.

We have also been busy preparing some lovely mixed media pictures for Mothers Day.

Home learning


kindness, sadness, happiness, goodness, fitness, closeness, quietness.

Spag.com activities have been set.

Mathletic activities have been set.

Have  a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

3rd March, 2023

This week, the children celebrated the sacrament of reconciliation with Fr Shaun and Fr Robert who talked to the children individually about God’s love and help.  In class the children chatted about reconciliation and the importance of reflecting on the times when they did not live as Jesus asked them.

In RE the children have been designing their own lenten calendars and alongside our focus question of ‘How does the church celebrate Lent?’ the children recognised and explained the three practices of Lent: Praying, Fasting and Almsgiving. Next week, we will spend time learning why almsgiving is an important ritual in our Catholic Faith.

In Maths the children looked back over work on fractions and worked on multiplying and dividing fractions.

In Science, we looked at how animals adapt to their environment. We saw how they can camouflage and took part in a practical activity where Year 6 searched our field for pieces of different coloured wool. We ended up with many pieces of the brightly coloured wool, but few of the darker and more muted colours.



On Thursday, World Book Day, the children immersed themselves into the activities across the day.  Thank you to the children who shared their reading books with the rest of the class.  It was a pleasure to hear them talk about their chosen book that they have read or are currently reading. Well done to the children who participated in our whole school book swap. The house captains took turns to guide the younger year groups during their ‘book swap’ time and at lunchtime and home time, encouraged the children to take a book home and enjoy!

Today, the Fairtrade Leaders lead an assembly on Fairtrade to the rest of the school.  They spoke about the importance of supporting  Fairtrade products which in turn helps those farmers around the world get a fair share for their goods produced.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


This week’s home learning:

TTRs – please log on and increase your recap speed of your timestables.  There is always room to improve!!

Mathletics:  I have reassigned some children the activities that were set last week.  This week the focus is on fractions and completing a short assessment (in number, geometry and measurement).

Spelling Shed

Reading – read for 20 minutes daily

Spag.com- complete the activity set



Spring 2 Week 2

The highlight of the week was World Book Day. The children looked wonderful in their costumes and enjoyed sharing their favourite books.

In Maths, the children have been learning about perpendicular and parallel lines. They have been identifying different lines, drawing lines and labelling lines.

In English the children have been learning to not write notes to ensure they have the most important information.  We have been looking at persuasive writing and what words and phrases help to persuade people.

In Religion, we have been learning about Lent. The children made posters about what they know. Then the thought about how they might give alms, who they will pray for and what they might fast on during Lent.

This week was Fairtrade fortnight. The children learnt about the impact buying Fairtrade products has and thought of different ways to persuade others to buy Fairtrade products.

We started our new D&T topic of ‘Making Healthy Sandwiches.’ The children learnt about the different food types and voted on their favourite bread and sandwich filling. Then they planned their own healthy sandwich.

In Science, we started our topic on light. The children learnt that darkness is the absence of light. They investigated why we can see some objects in the dark and not others. Then they investigated the size of shadows.

Home Learning

Spellings – complete activities on spelling shed battle, article, struggle, possible, capable, settle, humble, terrible, example, adjustable
Handwriting Practise writing the spellings in your handwriting book
Science Make a sock puppet. Please bring in on Tuesday for a Science investigation.
Studyladder Please complete the activities
Timetables Practise timetable on timetable rockstars.


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Carey

Friday, 3rd March 2023

The children in Year 4 this week, focused on description and sentence structure when writing a wanted poster for our main character Starjik, from our book Ice Palace. In Maths, they finished their geometry unit by describing properties of common 2D shapes, commenting on parallel and perpendicular lines, as well as, angles.

In Science, they investigated gases this time answering 3 questions about them. Do they have weight? What happens to gases when we heat them? Can they be made by adding solids and liquids? Great discussion and accurate conclusions drawn.

In Computing, they looked at websites and gained understanding of their features and types of content shared on them. They then used Chrome Music Lab to create their own content.

As part of Fair Trade Fortnight, the class first watched a presentation about Fair Trade, the organisation, the need behind it and the ways in which the charity helps. After that, they watched a video about a farming community in Sierra Leoni, who took on the Forest Friendly Farming Initiative to raise the profile of their cocoa bean farm and to create safe and fair  conditions to work in.

On Tuesday, Fr Shaun and Fr Robert came to our school to lead us into receiving the  Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is an important step we take during Lent, our Pilgrimage towards God. The children displayed a very reverent and mature attitude during the service.

As part of World Book Day on Thursday, we joined hundreds of schools online to partake in the BBC’s Live Literacy lesson, where the class thought about clues to identify genre, whilst also using familiar stories to re-think with a twist.


As we are approaching National Science Week, please may I ask that if we have any parents who use Science in their work and would be willing to talk about that for a few minutes with the children, they let me or Mrs Carrey (our Science lead) know so we can timetable a talk in class. It would be very much appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning bellow:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 7th March 2023
Spelling https://www.edshed.com/en-gb

Words ending in -tion (set 20)

Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login
Multiplication https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check
Study Ladder https://www.studyladder.co.uk/

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod, all related to parallel and perpendicular lines.



Year 1 Spring Term Week 2 w.b. 27th Feb

Religious Education

This week we revised what we know about the season of Lent and focused on the act of Almsgiving.  The children came up with lots of ideas that they can show giving to others. Please ask them about it.


Year 1 have enjoyed lots of puzzles and problem solving this week based on their addition knowledge.


The children have moved onto their next narrative unit based on Jill Murphy’s text ‘The Last Noo-noo’. You can access a reading of it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXDK0be85es

The children produced some fantastic ideas on what the bullies tease Marlon about and his responses.

Phonic sounds taught this week:

Focused on the vowels making a long sound: a (acorn) e (equal) i (find) o (pony) u (unicorn)

Addition home learning sheets sent home this week:

Handwriting- some tricky words to practise with the correct letter formation and height of letters in preparation to begin pre-cursive handwriting after Easter.

Phonics- Long vowel sound consolidation sheet

Maths- The children completed two maths assessments over the last month. Please support your child in addressing any misconceptions with their answers. We do not need these booklets back.


Thank you for all your lovely kind words of congratulations this week, the children are very excited!

Happy Friday, see you on Monday,

Miss Lambie and bump 😀 🐝