Year 1 Spring Term Week 2 w.b. 27th Feb

Religious Education

This week we revised what we know about the season of Lent and focused on the act of Almsgiving.  The children came up with lots of ideas that they can show giving to others. Please ask them about it.


Year 1 have enjoyed lots of puzzles and problem solving this week based on their addition knowledge.


The children have moved onto their next narrative unit based on Jill Murphy’s text ‘The Last Noo-noo’. You can access a reading of it here.

The children produced some fantastic ideas on what the bullies tease Marlon about and his responses.

Phonic sounds taught this week:

Focused on the vowels making a long sound: a (acorn) e (equal) i (find) o (pony) u (unicorn)

Addition home learning sheets sent home this week:

Handwriting- some tricky words to practise with the correct letter formation and height of letters in preparation to begin pre-cursive handwriting after Easter.

Phonics- Long vowel sound consolidation sheet

Maths- The children completed two maths assessments over the last month. Please support your child in addressing any misconceptions with their answers. We do not need these booklets back.


Thank you for all your lovely kind words of congratulations this week, the children are very excited!

Happy Friday, see you on Monday,

Miss Lambie and bump 😀 🐝