Spring 2 Week 4

As part of Science  week each class were asked to send messages in different ways around the school. Year 2 sent messages using their own marble mazes. Next week the children will be planning and building Rube Goldberg models that will reveal messages. Please send in any cardboard rolls/tubes or boxes.

On Tuesday, Joe’s mum taught us how scientists can also be detectives! We had a mystery to solve…someone had taken Mrs Carey’s mug and had left a note asking for money for it’s return! We tested the pens of different teachers to find out who’s pen wrote the note, using chromatography paper. The children were very excited when they solved the mystery and discovered I had written the note!

We were also lucky enough to be visited by Anna’s mum and dad, who explained how they use Science in their jobs as vets, to care for sick or injured animals. We also identified and grouped animal skulls and looked at red and white blood cells of sick animals on the visualizer.

Today Jamie and Charlie’s mum visited with lots of different animals. We held some of them and learnt about different reptiles and invertebrates . Thank you to all the parents who shared their science knowledge with us.

Well done to Sive, Tara and all the Irish Dancers who entertained us  for St Patricks Day.

Have a great weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spag.com – a SATs SPAG test has been set. The only terminology they will be unfamiliar with is adverb (this is only for one question). An adverb is a word that describes a verb (doing word). For example He ate his breakfast quickly. The word ‘quickly’ is an adverb as it tells us how he ate (the verb) his breakfast.

Reading – please read and sign your reading records.

Mathletics – mulitplication and division activities have been set.


Spring 2 Week 4

This week was Science Week. Each class were asked to send messages in different ways around the school. Year 3 sent messages using light and Morse Code. The children started by learning how to reflect their name in Morse Code. Then they sent messages to each other using Morse Code. Next week we will be investigating the best colours and surfaces to reflect light on.

On Tuesday, Rose’s mum demonstrated how scientists can be detective. Someone took Mrs Carey’s mug and left a note. We tested pens from different teachers to find out who’s pen wrote the note.  The children were very excited when they solved the mystery. Thank you to Rose’s mum!

On Friday we had a visit from Jamie’s mum and lots of different animals. We loved observing and holding the different reptiles. Thank you to Jamie’s mum.

Next we had a visit from Luca’s mum in Reception who is a microbiologist. We have enjoyed hearing about how Science is used in many jobs.

In Maths, we have been solving multiplication problems. We have been developing our reasoning skills by explaining our methods and how we know. Please continue to practise 3, 4 and 8 timetables. The children enjoyed making array with biscuits and smarties!

In English, we wrote a speech to persuade others not to use plastic. We thought carefully about the words and phrases we used to persuade others and demonstrate how we can build a better world. Next week, the children will be presenting their speeches to the class.

In PE the children have been learning folk dancing. I have been impressed by how quickly they have grasped the steps and worked well with their partners.

Home Learning


Spellings Complete the spelling shed activities.


basically, frantically, dramatically, historically, nationally, emotionally, accidentally, automatically, traditionally, specifically

Timetables Complete some games to practise your timetables.

Well done to the children who are logging in each week and practising their timetables.


Mathletics Complete the activities set.


Happy St Patrick’s Day – Well done to Clodagh for her Irish dancing in assembly today.

Have a lovely weekend.

Have wonderful Mother’s Day!

Mrs Carey

Friday, 17th March 2023

The children in Year 4, completed lots of interesting activities, as part of their British Science Week learning.

First, they built and tested string telephones to send a message across distance. Later, they re-designed their initial string telephones using different materials to see what affect that would have on the quality of sound and the distance covered.

The class also participated in a brilliant workshop led by Mrs Connelly, testing pens to find the culprit in a horrendous kidnapping case 🙂

We thank Mrs Connelly for giving up some of her time to organise this activity for us; the children really enjoyed the experiment.

The children also looked at interesting Science questions, such as what would happen if water couldn’t freeze or if the seas would turn gloopy like ketchup. They also completed Explorify activities from topics such as Sound, Animals including humans and States of Matter.

Other than Science, the children wrote evoking setting descriptions in English and completed engaging Chocolate -fraction problem solving tasks in Maths. They learnt about Alms Giving in RE, whilst looked at fake-news in Computing. They also finished their PE-Dance unit.

I hope you have a lovely Mother’s Day weekend, surrounded by family,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 21st March 2023
Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login

Please log onto Read Theory and complete two activities

Multiplication https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check

Please spend 15-20 mins, practicing your mixed tables

Study Ladder https://www.studyladder.co.uk/

Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the activities in your assigned pod, all related to Fractions.

Stations of the Cross Please learn the lyrics to all hymns included in the KS2 Stations of the Cross service. A paper copy of the words were sent home last week, however the lyrics are also available on the blog.

week 4 spring 2 w.b. 13th March 2023

Please visit wonderseekers website for some ideas for Science at home.



Religious Education

This week we revised what we know about the season of Lent and focused on fasting. The children had great knowledge of what they can choose to fast and learnt that it doesn’t always have to be food related!



Year 1 has been exploring different ways to total the same values and how it is called equality and balance. They enjoyed using the scales to balance their numbers before recording them in number sentences. Mathletics has been set to support this learning.


Phonic sounds taught this week:

Please use spelling shed to support the learning of this sound.

Other games can be found here:




Addition home learning sheets sent home this week:

I have found some maths and spelling resources/games that I have sent as extra home learning for those who wish to complete them.
They do not need to be returned to me.


Happy Friday, see you on Monday,

Miss Lambie 😀 🐝


10th March 2023


The highlight of our week had to be our science workshop. Year 6 watched and took part in demonstrations and also made their own slime. This was a great way to get ready for science week next week. Take a look at some of the things we got up to:

Also this week, Year 6 completed some SATs practice papers in SPaG and reading. They are really improving their test taking technique and achieving brilliant results- well done, Year 6.


Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home learning:

Spag.com activity set

Reading comprehension paper sent home- bring into school on Tuesday.

Spellings set on  spelling shed


Learn the songs for our KS2 Stations of the Cross Service on Tuesday 28th March.


Year 5 – 10/03/23

In anticipation of Science Week next week, we enjoyed a Science workshop yesterday, which involved lots of hands-on demonstrations of science at work. It’s got us all excited for lots more Science learning next week!

       Home learning for this week is:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Improper fractions to mixed numbers

·         Mixed numbers to improper fractions

SPaG Please complete the assignment set on spag.com:

·         Terminology – Y3 (A)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily updating of your reading record.
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words that are homophones












I wish you all a lovely weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

Reception Week Beginning 6.3.23

This week, Reception have been learning about how plants grow and what they need to be healthy and strong. The children planted some bulbs with the help of Mrs Moccia and listened to lots of different stories about beanstalks- Jim and the Beanstalk by Raymond Briggs, Shhhh! by Sally Grindley, Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth and of course lots of different versions of Jack and the Beanstalk.

The children’s favourite by far was the story Shhhhh! This award winning story completely captured Reception’s imagination and they had lots of fun imagining what would happen if the giant climbed out of the book and entered Pope Paul!!

In RE, Reception have been learning about Palm Sunday. They listened to the story read from the class bible, looked at paintings and then watched film clips to enrich their understanding of the story. Reception also used their phonics to write about the story, acted it out as a class, using props they had made and retold the story through the use of small world and building bricks.

To mark the start of Science Week, Reception class participated in a fun, interactive workshop, where they got to make their own sweets!! They then joined the rest of the school for a thrilling rocket launch!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team


Friday, 10th March 2023

The children in Year 4 this week, revised their learning of fractions using Cuisenaire rods, whilst in English, they developed character through role play and a diary entry task.

On Tuesday, we celebrated Mass in church as part of our Lenten journey to God. Well  done to all of our readers for their expressive words and the beautiful singing that created a reverent, prayerful atmosphere.

As a preparation for National Science week, Year 4 participated in a brilliant workshop where the class were introduced to concepts such as forces,  states of matter and sound through fun and engaging practical experiments.

In RE, we focused on fasting, as one of the three Lenten practices, and linked that with the Four Cardinal Values, thinking about what behaviours to fast on during our preparation before Easter. We also welcomed three students from Loreto College, who lead a reflection on the Easter story.

I hope you have a dry and restful weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 14th March 2023
Spelling https://www.edshed.com/en-gb

Set 21: words ending in -ssion

Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login

Or alternatively, complete this task:

The Earthship

The Earthship-questions

Multiplication https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check
Study Ladder https://www.studyladder.co.uk/

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod all revising your fraction learning from previous years.

Year 1 Week 3 06.03.2023

Religious Education

This week we revised what we know about the season of Lent and focused on the act of Prayer. The children had great knowledge of when we pray, how we pray, why we pray and who we can pray too.


Year 1 have been learning subtraction methods in Maths this week. They have learnt to count back, use a number line, think ten, subtract ones first. These are the methods we used:


Mathletics subtraction games have been set to support this learning and further learning can be found at:

Robot subtraction

Mental maths train subtraction 

Subtraction grids


The children have enjoyed learning about Jill Murphy’s text ‘The Last Noo-noo’. They worked well in groups to sequence events of the story and liked going on their own ‘Noo-noo’ hunt around the classroom. When they found them they had to use their preposition words to describe where they were found. We tried to collect them all but are predicting we will be still be finding them next week!
You can access a reading of the text here:

Phonic sounds taught this week:

Focused on the alternative v (ve, love, dove)  and ch (tch, witch, hatch) sounds.
A learning sheet has been sent home to support this.

Addition home learning sheets sent home this week:

Handwriting- some tricky words to practise with the correct letter formation and height of letters in preparation to begin pre-cursive handwriting after Easter.

English story- Your child has their latest English story in their bag. It was completed independently at the end of our last unit. Please encourage them to read it to you and there are spellings attached to practise.

Home learning can be returned next Friday

Happy Friday, see you on Monday,

Miss Lambie 😀 🐝

Spring 2 Week 3

On Tuesday, Year 3 and 4 went to Our Lady and St Vincent Church for our Lent Mass. The children sang and responded beautifully.

On Wednesday, we had a double swimming lesson. The children had their normal swimming lesson followed by a water safety lesson and fun swim.

In Maths, the children have been solving comparison word problems, learning how to show multiplication as repeated addition and as arrays.

In Design and Technology, they have been planning a product and testing levers and linkages.

In Religion, we thought about the three practices of Lent. We sat quietly and prayed together. Then the children made posters and wrote speeches to encourage others to give to others around the world. We discussed the different ways we can fast by looking to ourselves.

It was the start of Science Week on Thursday, the children loved the Science Workshop. They learnt about electricity, slime making and air resistance. Next week, the children will take part in more fun, engaging Science activities. At the end of the day, the whole school watched a rocket launch.


Home Learning

Please learn the songs for the Stations of the Cross. The children have taken the words home.

Mathletics Complete the activities
Spellings Spelling shed

Gently, simply, humbly, nobly, durably, terribly, incredibly, responsibly, wrinkly, possibly

Timetables Please practise 4 times tables and division facts

Timetable rockstars – Do Garage and Arena games please.



Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey