Friday 31st March 2023

It has been a busy last week of term!

Well done to all of Year 6 for their acting, reading and singing at our Stations of the Cross service on Tuesday evening. You represented our school well and with such reverence.

On Monday, the children braved the muddy conditions and went on a walk to raise money for Turkey and Syria with their reading partners. Thank you for your donations.  Click here to see the photos.  Thank you to Lorcan who joined us on this walk also.  The sun shone down on us which made it a very special walk.

On Thursday, the children thoroughly enjoyed making Easter biscuits and today they decorated them. I don’t think many of them lasted more than 10 minutes after being iced!

In RE we have spent time examining the liturgies for Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday and the children created fantastic poems/raps/songs and prayers with the focus on Hosanna.  They presented them to the class and then to their reception buddies today.

Year 6 have worked incredibly hard this term and so we hope they enjoy their well-earned rest.

We look forward to seeing them back in on the 17th April.

Wishing you and your families a blessed Easter.

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


All children should be writing in blue Berol pen or friction pen. Please can they be brought into school daily?

Our PE days will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays until further notice.

Friday, 31st March 2023

Year 4 had a very busy last week filled with practical activities and Easter preparations.

On Monday, the children completed their charity walk and enjoyed the  beautiful sunshine (and squelching in the mud:) )

On Tuesday evening, they performed beautifully during the Way of the Cross service. Thank you for all families who came and supported our community during this very important celebration.

On Wednesday, the class participated in an Easter themed Maths morning, solving maths mystery problems and creating multiplication pictures.

The children also finished their term of swimming with an enjoyable fun swim session.

On Thursday, they baked cupcakes and decorated them with cheerful coloured icing.

On Friday, the class made Easter cards and did some spring cleaning  before heading home.

Thank you children for all your hard work this term; you all deserve a rest.

I wish you and your families a peaceful, healthy and blessed Easter!

Ms Varga

Ps: please keep up with your reading and practice your multiplications when you can.


Spring 2 Week 6

On Monday, we had fun walking through the muddy fields to raise money for Turkey and Syria. It was a beautiful day to go walking. The children enjoyed listening to the different sounds. Thank you to everyone who has donated.

In Religion, we read Matthew’s story of the Last Supper then the children made a table with Jesus and his disciples at the Last Supper. Then we listened to the story of Good Friday and made pictures to represent the story.



Home Learning

Spellings and Timetables  – address, arrive, certain, experience, history, mention, occasionally, probably, reign, sentence

Each child need to bring in: a photo of a special occasion, a treasured object, and a favourite book from home.  This is for our new writing unit. Please send in on Monday 17th April.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Happy Easter


Mrs Carey

Year 1 Last week of Spring term

Welcome to the last week in our spring term and what a busy week we had!

In Religion we explored the events of Holy week starting with Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and then Good Friday. We will explore the events of Easter Sunday in our first week back.



In Maths the children enjoyed lots of addition problem solving activities and applied their number bonds to solve them. e.g.

The children have been exploring what they word ‘difference’ means in maths and solving problems relating to the vocabulary. E.g.



Will now take place on Wednesday (swimming starting 26th April) and Fridays. 

We wish you a restful Easter break and look forward to seeing you all for the start of the summer term on Monday 17th April.

Miss Lambie and Miss Lawlor 🐤

Reception Week Beginning 27.3.23

Following on from last week’s learning derived from the story- The Little Red Hen, Reception have been learning about the life cycle of a hen and about other animals that lay eggs.

On Wednesday, Ms Pemberton happened to find a large, white egg in the soil next to the mud kitchen outside; she carefully brought it into the classroom and the children immediately set to work, using their investigative skills to find out which animal it belonged to.

The class had some very clever ideas based on what they had learnt already in class and it was decided that it most probably belonged to an ostrich, due to it’s size and colour! If you happen to spot a baby ostrich over the Easter holiday, please ring the rspb asap!

Thank you for your continued support this term.

Wishing you all a blessed and peaceful Easter,

The Reception Team

Spring 2 Week 6

On Monday, we enjoyed our charity walk, through the muddy fields to raise money for Turkey and Syria. It was a beautiful Spring day and we enjoyed spotting bees, daisies and dandelions. Thank you to everyone who has donated.

In RE, we read have retold Palm Sunday and thought about different ways that we can serve others. Then we listened to the story of Good Friday and made pictures to represent the story.

Have a wonderful Easter

Miss Pringle

Year 5 – 31/03/23 – Happy Easter 🐣

What a wonderful final week of term it has been in Year 5! The week got off to a cracking start with a beautiful (albeit extremely muddy!) walk through the fields, over the M25, to Bentley Heath and back. Everyone was particularly excited when we went into a horse field!  On Tuesday night, Year 5 played an extremely important part in the KS2 Way of the Cross service at the church by narrating the stations for the Y6s to act out. They read so clearly, and supported the singing beautifully too.

In PE, we completed our Dancing Through the Decades unit with 70s disco moves on Wednesday and and attempt at the zombie dance from Michael Jackson’s Thriller video to round off the 80s! If you want to continue to try and learn it over the holidays, then here’s the tutorial:

We also created beautiful art to depict the crucifixion:

Your spellings for the holidays (to be tested on the first Friday back) are more homophones or near homophones:


Please log on to Spelling Shed to practise these.

Well done on another brilliant term! Have a wonderful break and a very happy Easter 🐰

See you on Monday 17th April

Miss D


Monday 27th – Friday 31st March 2023













Money – Four Operations




Friday 24th March

This week has been filled with things to keep us busy including our practises for our Way of the Cross Service which is on Tuesday 28th March at 7pm at Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church.

In Maths, we have been looking at specific areas in number and practising our mental maths skills.  The children are doing well with this focus and next week, we will be looking at applying our knowledge and skills by examining reasoning questions.

On Wednesday we were visited by Mr Friedlander from Dame Alice Owens. He taught us how to extract DNA from a kiwi fruit. The children listened well and were sensible with the equipment provided.

Next Monday, we are planning to take the children on a walk and will require them to bring a change of footwear for this (they may get muddy!) and their coat.

For those of you who were not able to attend the PGL meeting on Monday, it can be found on our class page. Forms were sent home with your children this week. Please sign and return these as soon as possible.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.


Home Learning:

Learn by hear the words and songs for the Way of the Cross Service

Soloists – please practise your songs

I have uploaded some example reasoning papers which your child can try.  Answers are at the end of each paper. I have reset any tests from this year that children achieved below 50% on. Children have until after the Easter break to have completed all tasks on this platform.

Spring 2 Week 5

In Art this week we have experimented with print making techniques. Firstly we made flower stencils from foam sheets and used acrylic paint to create abstract pictures and then we used carbon paper to create mono prints of our sketches into our Art books.


On Wednesday Ruth’s mum taught us about how she uses Science in her job as a mental health nurse. She works in A&E to help people who are feeling very unhappy. Sometimes she has to test their blood to see if they have an injury, an infection, are dehydrated or to see if they are suffering from stress or lack of sleep. Thank you for visiting us.

In English we have been writing diaries in the past tense based on the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and in RE we have begun to sequence the events of Holy Week.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spelling – after, next, firstly, lastly, later, little, every, most, both.

Reading – please complete the reading comprehension sent home in handwriting pencil and return by next Wednesday as we will go though them in class. 

Maths – please complete the mathletic activities set.