Friday, 10th March 2023

The children in Year 4 this week, revised their learning of fractions using Cuisenaire rods, whilst in English, they developed character through role play and a diary entry task.

On Tuesday, we celebrated Mass in church as part of our Lenten journey to God. Well  done to all of our readers for their expressive words and the beautiful singing that created a reverent, prayerful atmosphere.

As a preparation for National Science week, Year 4 participated in a brilliant workshop where the class were introduced to concepts such as forces,  states of matter and sound through fun and engaging practical experiments.

In RE, we focused on fasting, as one of the three Lenten practices, and linked that with the Four Cardinal Values, thinking about what behaviours to fast on during our preparation before Easter. We also welcomed three students from Loreto College, who lead a reflection on the Easter story.

I hope you have a dry and restful weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 14th March 2023

Set 21: words ending in -ssion


Or alternatively, complete this task:

The Earthship

The Earthship-questions

Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod all revising your fraction learning from previous years.