Year 1 Week 3 06.03.2023
Religious Education
This week we revised what we know about the season of Lent and focused on the act of Prayer. The children had great knowledge of when we pray, how we pray, why we pray and who we can pray too.
Year 1 have been learning subtraction methods in Maths this week. They have learnt to count back, use a number line, think ten, subtract ones first. These are the methods we used:
Mathletics subtraction games have been set to support this learning and further learning can be found at:
Robot subtraction
Mental maths train subtraction
Subtraction grids
The children have enjoyed learning about Jill Murphy’s text ‘The Last Noo-noo’. They worked well in groups to sequence events of the story and liked going on their own ‘Noo-noo’ hunt around the classroom. When they found them they had to use their preposition words to describe where they were found. We tried to collect them all but are predicting we will be still be finding them next week!
You can access a reading of the text here:
Phonic sounds taught this week:
Focused on the alternative v (ve, love, dove) and ch (tch, witch, hatch) sounds.
A learning sheet has been sent home to support this.
Addition home learning sheets sent home this week:
Handwriting- some tricky words to practise with the correct letter formation and height of letters in preparation to begin pre-cursive handwriting after Easter.
English story- Your child has their latest English story in their bag. It was completed independently at the end of our last unit. Please encourage them to read it to you and there are spellings attached to practise.
Home learning can be returned next Friday
Happy Friday, see you on Monday,
Miss Lambie 😀 🐝