Friday, 17th March 2023

The children in Year 4, completed lots of interesting activities, as part of their British Science Week learning.

First, they built and tested string telephones to send a message across distance. Later, they re-designed their initial string telephones using different materials to see what affect that would have on the quality of sound and the distance covered.

The class also participated in a brilliant workshop led by Mrs Connelly, testing pens to find the culprit in a horrendous kidnapping case 🙂

We thank Mrs Connelly for giving up some of her time to organise this activity for us; the children really enjoyed the experiment.

The children also looked at interesting Science questions, such as what would happen if water couldn’t freeze or if the seas would turn gloopy like ketchup. They also completed Explorify activities from topics such as Sound, Animals including humans and States of Matter.

Other than Science, the children wrote evoking setting descriptions in English and completed engaging Chocolate -fraction problem solving tasks in Maths. They learnt about Alms Giving in RE, whilst looked at fake-news in Computing. They also finished their PE-Dance unit.

I hope you have a lovely Mother’s Day weekend, surrounded by family,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 21st March 2023

Please log onto Read Theory and complete two activities


Please spend 15-20 mins, practicing your mixed tables

Study Ladder

Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the activities in your assigned pod, all related to Fractions.

Stations of the Cross Please learn the lyrics to all hymns included in the KS2 Stations of the Cross service. A paper copy of the words were sent home last week, however the lyrics are also available on the blog.