Spring 2 Week 4

This week was Science Week. Each class were asked to send messages in different ways around the school. Year 3 sent messages using light and Morse Code. The children started by learning how to reflect their name in Morse Code. Then they sent messages to each other using Morse Code. Next week we will be investigating the best colours and surfaces to reflect light on.

On Tuesday, Rose’s mum demonstrated how scientists can be detective. Someone took Mrs Carey’s mug and left a note. We tested pens from different teachers to find out who’s pen wrote the note.  The children were very excited when they solved the mystery. Thank you to Rose’s mum!

On Friday we had a visit from Jamie’s mum and lots of different animals. We loved observing and holding the different reptiles. Thank you to Jamie’s mum.

Next we had a visit from Luca’s mum in Reception who is a microbiologist. We have enjoyed hearing about how Science is used in many jobs.

In Maths, we have been solving multiplication problems. We have been developing our reasoning skills by explaining our methods and how we know. Please continue to practise 3, 4 and 8 timetables. The children enjoyed making array with biscuits and smarties!

In English, we wrote a speech to persuade others not to use plastic. We thought carefully about the words and phrases we used to persuade others and demonstrate how we can build a better world. Next week, the children will be presenting their speeches to the class.

In PE the children have been learning folk dancing. I have been impressed by how quickly they have grasped the steps and worked well with their partners.

Home Learning


Spellings Complete the spelling shed activities.


basically, frantically, dramatically, historically, nationally, emotionally, accidentally, automatically, traditionally, specifically

Timetables Complete some games to practise your timetables.

Well done to the children who are logging in each week and practising their timetables.


Mathletics Complete the activities set.


Happy St Patrick’s Day – Well done to Clodagh for her Irish dancing in assembly today.

Have a lovely weekend.

Have wonderful Mother’s Day!

Mrs Carey

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