Reception Week Beginning 7.11.22

This week, Reception have been learning about Armistice Day and the significance of the poppy. They have been recalling and sharing their own memories with one another and have enjoyed creating their own poppies from a variety of materials.

Today the children joined the rest of the school in observing two minutes silence at 11am. This was followed by a pilgrimage around the school where the children quietly travelled from from class to class to visit each prayer table.

This week, we finished teaching the first set of phonics (phase 2). For the rest of the term, we will be embedding these sounds during our daily phonics sessions. No new sounds will be sent home until after Christmas. Please continue to practise these sounds at home by getting your child to have a go at writing very simple cvc words such as: cat, man, bell, loss, bed, fan, dip etc and please continue to read daily. It is really important that you correct your child’s pencil grip if they are holding it incorrectly and please insist that they form the letters in the way they have been taught; saying the phrase as they write it will help them.

Thank you for your continued support!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team

Autumn 2 Week 2

At the end of the month we will be celebrating Advent. In class we have been learning about the signs and symbols of Advent. Please encourage them to observe the changes in the Church, school and at home during this special season.

Today, we observed two minutes of silence for Armistice Day. Then we went on a special remembrance pilgrimage around the classrooms to see the beautiful displays of poppies and loved ones on the prayer tables.

Home learning

Spelling – suffix ‘ing’

Please learn this word list and copy them into your home handwriting book.








Reading – please read over the weekend and revise any sounds sent home.

Maths – please complete the Mathletic activities set.

Friday 4th November, 2022

This week the children have continued with their art work with some impressive results.  In RE the children have reviewed their understanding of Advent and spent time this week looking at the Saints  linking the examples of their lives to Jesus’ teaching in the Beatitudes. The class went to mass on the Feast of All Saints and Vihaan, Caroline, VJ,  Monica and Johanna read beautifully.  We started our new French topic on Neighbours and the children were introduced to using the correct form of ‘de’.  We have also started our Design and Technology topic on Textiles and the outcome will be creating a mobile phone holder.

NEXT Wednesday (9th November) is our class mass and the theme is Remembrance.  Please join us if you are able to.  Mass will start at 9:30am. 


Wishing you a fabulous weekend.

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home Learning:

Log into your TTRs and ensure you are testing your speed and recall of your tables.  Well done to those children who have improved on their personal best time scores…keep this up!!

Log onto and complete the Key Stage 2 SPAG assessment (this may take up to an hour as there are 50 questions).  Please do not worry if your child does not know the answer to some of the questions as there will be content that we have not yet covered in Year 6.

Spellings: prejudice, existence, muscle, suggest, identity, accommodate, determined, rhyme, available, competition.

Design and Technology:  As a starting activity for our Textile Unit, the children need to  record the measurements of a mobile phone as these will be the measurements they use for their holder. (Average phones: 5.8 to 6.2 inches (14.7 to 15.7cm)).   Alongside this, please do some research on natural and synthetic fibres.  Measurements and research should be brought into school on Tuesday. 




Year 5 – 04/11/22

Year 5 have been proudly publishing their Explorer Guide this week in English, and they will soon be complete!

This afternoon in Art, the children used their mark-making and typography-designing skills to create their own visual and personal maps. They are shaping up to be fantastic works of art.

As we are now in the month of Remembrance, we are dedicating our prayer tables to loved ones who have died. If you wish, you are invited to bring in a photograph of a loved one who has died to go in our prayer area. These will be returned to you at the end of the month.

Here is your home learning:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Rounding Decimals

·         Roman Numerals to 1000

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily updating of your reading record.
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-ant’












Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Donatantonio 🎇

Autumn 2 Week 1

Our new English unit is  information texts. The children have been learning about Sharks in class and will be writing their own non fiction books all about these wonderful creatures.  We have also been learning the difference between questions and statements.

In Science, the children have been learning about healthy eating and how exercise makes our heart beat faster. We also investigated whether tall children always have the biggest feet. We measured our foot size and height in cm, then ordered our shoes and made a human graph. We discovered that it isn’t always true as some people had larger feet than taller

In maths we have been subtracting using number lines.

In Art we have used our observational skills to sketch things found in our environment.

Home learning 

Spelling and handwriting – adding ed







Reading – please read daily. We are in the process of checking if children are ready to move book bands.

Maths – subtraction activities have been set on Mathletics. Please also practice the 5 and 3 timetables on the jamming section of timetable rock stars.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Week 1 w.b. 31.10.22

I hope you all enjoyed the half term holidays and it was lovely to see the children come back to school ready to learn.

The children were very excited to start their new unit in English and are learning about ‘Farmer Duck’. They worked well together to predict the story, discuss the characters and used their phonic knowledge to write the animal names and noises; it was a loud lesson! Then they had a lovely idea to change the provision to reflect our topic; look at their farm!

The children are enjoyed P.E. today and worked well in groups to listen, respond and retrieve. They played the ‘Mr Men’ game to warm up so ask them if they remember any of the actions for an at home workout!

In maths this week Year 1 worked hard on subtraction and used all the different language associated with it; minus, subtract, take away, less than and fewest. They represented their calculations in number sentences, tens frame, bead string, number bond diagrams and even challenged themselves to solve some word problems.

Well done Year 1 on a fantastic first week of learning!

Be safe at any firework events this weekend and I will see you on Monday,

Miss Lambie


Home learning – last home learning as none will be set for half term so this one can go over the two weeks.
• Phonics/ Spelling- Phase 4 – we have finished! The children will be assessed next week before we begin Phase 5 the week after. Please use Spelling shed to consolidate any sounds your child may still be unsure on and remember these are listed on your Parent Consultation sheet.
• I have included some handwriting paper for you to work on securing formation as many of us mentioned this at Parent Consultations.
• Tricky words we focused on this week: were, little, there, one, they (phase 4)
• Mathletics has been set but you also have free access to all games and challenges within it.

Autumn 2

In November, we remember people who have died. The children wrote prayers for people who have died. On Tuesday, the children celebrated Mass for All Saint’s Day. The children sang and responded beautifully.

In Maths, we have been revisiting ‘Think 10’ to help when adding 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers.  They practised these concepts practically and in written form. Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning many strategies to add and subtract numbers.

In English, our new unit is recounts. They children have been reading, summarising and analysing newspaper reports. The children have learnt the features of newspaper reports and have been identifying the different features in different reports they have read.

In Science, the children began a new topic about forces and they planned an investigation to test how objects move on different surfaces. They thought about how they could make their investigation a fair test. In History, we started our new topic on Stone Age. We looked at the different periods in the Stone Age.

In PE, we learnt how to play Tag Rugby. The children worked well in teams to score a try, remembering the rules of the game.

Home Learning

Art Make a poppy to add to our display. How creative can you be?
Spellings- Complete Spelling shed activities.


disappoint, disagree, disobey, disable, dislike, dislocate, disappear, disadvantage, disapprove, dislodge
Timetables Rockstars Practise timetables
Mathletics Complete the activities
Read Theory Complete 2 activities


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Friday, 4th November 2022

Year 4 has had yet another busy week, following the holidays.

On Tuesday, the class walked down to the Church to participate in the All Saints Mass. They sang beautifully and answered Father Shaun’s questions with enthusiasm. The children also started their new Science unit, Sound, making links with onomatopoeia.

On Wednesday,  they created poppies to accompany our Remembrance Assembly next week. They used different mediums, such as pencil, poster paint, crayon and felt tip.

In the afternoon, they revised key concepts in gymnastics, learnt last year, such as travelling, level, points and balance.

On Thursday, they used an interactive Liturgical Calendar in RE to place the period of Advent in time, making links with personal events such as birthdays or family anniversaries.

Whilst in Art, they carried on their unit of pattern making and thought about repeating patterns and creating effect by applying shapes and colours.

We also spent time practicing for our Class Assembly, which is open for parents to watch, next week Thursday, 10th November, at 9.15am.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

See your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 8th November 2022
Spelling Please log onto EdShed and complete the assigned activities on:

The suffix -ous


Reading Please log onto Read Theory or alternatively complete the attached comprehension tasks.

The Lost Queen-text

The Lost Queen-questions

Multiplication Please log onto TTRockstars and spend 15-20 minutes practicing.

Very well done to Aanay and Finn McBrearty who are still at the top of our Leaderboard!

Study Ladder Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the assigned activities based on addition.



Reception Class Week Beginning 31.10.22

This week, Reception have been very busy learning about the Hindu festival of light-Diwali.

The class learnt about how Hindu families from all over the world celebrate this very special festival by: coming together to dance, sing and eat, attending a special service at their temple, decorating their homes with Rangoli patterns, lighting diva lamps and drawing Mehndi patterns on their hands. The class then had a go and creating some of these things themselves.

Diva lamps

Mehndi patterns

Rangoli patterns

Mehndi patterns

Here are the firework displays happening in and around Milton Keynes this  November - MKFM 106.3FM - Radio Made in Milton Keynes

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.

Reception Class have also been learning about why we celebrate Bonfire Night and how to keep safe around fireworks and bonfires.

Inspired by this, the children decided to write some Bonfire Night safety posters to educate the older children. These posters have been displayed outside the classroom in the main corridor, where they can be seen and read by the whole school.

Fireworks Safety Poster | Rooftop Post Printables

Reception also had fun creating their own fireworks art pieces, through painting, printing, drawing, collaging and making 3D models.

Some members of the class even decided to work together to construct  a model of the Houses of Parliament- what a great team effort!

If you are going to a fireworks display at the weekend, have a fantastic time!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team