Autumn 2 Week 1
Our new English unit is information texts. The children have been learning about Sharks in class and will be writing their own non fiction books all about these wonderful creatures. We have also been learning the difference between questions and statements.
In Science, the children have been learning about healthy eating and how exercise makes our heart beat faster. We also investigated whether tall children always have the biggest feet. We measured our foot size and height in cm, then ordered our shoes and made a human graph. We discovered that it isn’t always true as some people had larger feet than taller
In maths we have been subtracting using number lines.
In Art we have used our observational skills to sketch things found in our environment.
Home learning
Spelling and handwriting – adding ed
Reading – please read daily. We are in the process of checking if children are ready to move book bands.
Maths – subtraction activities have been set on Mathletics. Please also practice the 5 and 3 timetables on the jamming section of timetable rock stars.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle