Week 1 w.b. 31.10.22
I hope you all enjoyed the half term holidays and it was lovely to see the children come back to school ready to learn.
The children were very excited to start their new unit in English and are learning about ‘Farmer Duck’. They worked well together to predict the story, discuss the characters and used their phonic knowledge to write the animal names and noises; it was a loud lesson! Then they had a lovely idea to change the provision to reflect our topic; look at their farm!
The children are enjoyed P.E. today and worked well in groups to listen, respond and retrieve. They played the ‘Mr Men’ game to warm up so ask them if they remember any of the actions for an at home workout!
In maths this week Year 1 worked hard on subtraction and used all the different language associated with it; minus, subtract, take away, less than and fewest. They represented their calculations in number sentences, tens frame, bead string, number bond diagrams and even challenged themselves to solve some word problems.
Well done Year 1 on a fantastic first week of learning!
Be safe at any firework events this weekend and I will see you on Monday,
Miss Lambie
Home learning – last home learning as none will be set for half term so this one can go over the two weeks.
• Phonics/ Spelling- Phase 4 – we have finished! The children will be assessed next week before we begin Phase 5 the week after. Please use Spelling shed to consolidate any sounds your child may still be unsure on and remember these are listed on your Parent Consultation sheet.
• I have included some handwriting paper for you to work on securing formation as many of us mentioned this at Parent Consultations.
• Tricky words we focused on this week: were, little, there, one, they (phase 4)
• Mathletics has been set but you also have free access to all games and challenges within it.