Autumn 2

In November, we remember people who have died. The children wrote prayers for people who have died. On Tuesday, the children celebrated Mass for All Saint’s Day. The children sang and responded beautifully.

In Maths, we have been revisiting ‘Think 10’ to help when adding 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers.  They practised these concepts practically and in written form. Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning many strategies to add and subtract numbers.

In English, our new unit is recounts. They children have been reading, summarising and analysing newspaper reports. The children have learnt the features of newspaper reports and have been identifying the different features in different reports they have read.

In Science, the children began a new topic about forces and they planned an investigation to test how objects move on different surfaces. They thought about how they could make their investigation a fair test. In History, we started our new topic on Stone Age. We looked at the different periods in the Stone Age.

In PE, we learnt how to play Tag Rugby. The children worked well in teams to score a try, remembering the rules of the game.

Home Learning

Art Make a poppy to add to our display. How creative can you be?
Spellings- Complete Spelling shed activities.


disappoint, disagree, disobey, disable, dislike, dislocate, disappear, disadvantage, disapprove, dislodge
Timetables Rockstars Practise timetables
Mathletics Complete the activities
Read Theory Complete 2 activities


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey