Week Beginning 18.5.20 Reception Home Learning Overview

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week is Spirituality Week.

Please check the blog daily for the set activities.

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week and half term holiday!

Mrs Theo


As it is Spirituality Week, it is important that you complete the daily activity on the class blog. In addition to this, I have also planned a few activities around the theme of ‘Space’- an idea suggested by Eloise!

Please watch the following:

Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy


How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers


Man on the Moon John Lewis Advert


*Remember, you do not need to do everything on this overview- just choose one or two things from each area to do over the week.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

  • Discuss the things that your child would miss, if they suddenly had to live on the moon or in a space station.
  • Talk about the range of emotions that the man on the moon and the little girl was feeling throughout the advert.

 Communication and Language

Please continue to focus on asking and answering: who? where? why? what? when? questions. 

  • Make up an alien language and teach it to your family.
  • Think about how you would communicate with your friends and family from the moon.
  • Talk about how you would get a package to the man on the moon.   

Physical Development

Watch the Apollo 11 takeoff and moon landing on YouTube and try the following:

  • Move around like an astronaut who is walking on the moon.
  • Take off like the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
  • Move around as if you were weightless.

Understanding the World

  • Find out what you can about Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon and the Apollo 11 takeoff and landing.
  • Baby bear met an Owl in the story ‘Whatever Next!’ What other nocturnal animals do you know?
  • Learn about the planets in our solar system.
  • If you are lucky enough to have a telescope, have a go at some stargazing, if it’s not too late.
  • Explore the Space topic on the CBeebies website. It has stories, games, podcasts and much more!         https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/topics/space
  • Listen to this interview with an astronaut: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/stargazing-bluepeter-astronaut 

Expressive Arts and Design

  • 3D models-Use a range of different materials to make some of the following: space helmet, sparkly moon dust, space boots, power packs, telescopes, rockets, spacecrafts, aliens, planets, stars.
  • Paint a picture of what you think an alien might look like!
  • Paint pictures of the Apollo 11 takeoff and moon landing.
  • Design your own planet- what would it look like? What would humans need to live there?


Moon rock investigation

 Collect lots of different sized stones, while you are out and about. Cover them all in tin foil to become ‘moon rocks’.

  • Count how many moon rocks there are in total.
  • Add and take away using the moon rocks.
  • Order according to size.
  • Pick 5 moon rocks of different sizes. Weigh each rock, record and order by weight.
  • Practise saying one more/one less and check using the stones.
  • Explore doubling and halving practically using the rocks.


Parents, as tempting as it is, please try to limit the number of worksheets you give to your child as eventually, it will take the joy out of learning. The children are used to doing maths activities in a very practical way, both in the inside and outside learning environment. Rather than adding up pictures on a piece of paper, they could be adding up two piles of cars, two groups of daisies, goals scored altogether by two people etc. Thank you! 


  • Write a list of things that you would take into space.
  • Plan a picnic on the moon. What things would you need to bring in your basket?
  • Write a letter to the man on the moon in the John Lewis advert.
  • Write about how you would catch a star, just like the boy in the story.

Phonics- It is highly important that your child practises their letter sounds and tricky words and applies them through a reading and writing activity daily. Reading will help improve their vocabulary and a child’s academic success depends upon the ability to read and write and so this should be a priority.

Please do the daily Department for Education (DFE) ‘Letters and Sounds’ live phonics lesson.


To show that RE is a special learning time, we always light a candle to mark the beginning of lesson and ask ‘Who is with us when we light the candle?’ and ‘Who do we learn about in our RE lesson?’

We then say the school’s Mission Prayer together. 

Please see the daily Spirituality Week blog.

On Thursday, we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Please read the Ascension story from the children’s Bible with your child and talk about what it must have been like for the Apostles to witness this.

Mass will be live-streamed at 10am at http://olasv.org.uk/