Good Morning Y3,
I hope you are all well and had a restful weekend. It is Spirituality Week so alongside this blog there will also be a spirituality blog on our class page each day, with activities on.
Here is writing from Monica, Kian, Elle, Angela and Ela-Maria. Alfie shared his virtual hug with his grandparents.
Here is today’s learning.
Take care,
Miss Pringle
For PE today I would like you to play Lava Zone with your family. This video will help you warm up, learn how to play and help you develop control and balance. Remember to stay safe and have fun.
Spelling/ handwriting
Copy the 10 spelling into your handwriting books four times.
Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.
Word families based on root words ‘scop’ and ‘spect’
‘Scop’ means to watch and ‘spect’ means to see.
scope telescope microscope horoscope periscope inspect spectator respect perspective spectacles
WALT use and identify prepositions
A preposition is a word or phrase that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else. Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside.
Open this document and sort the prepositions I will post the answers tomorrow so that you can self mark your learning. |
Preposition detective. |
Read for 15 minutes and record any prepositions you spot in your reading record. |
I have set a Mathletics activities or tests for you to complete each day this week.
Spirituality Week The God who speaks through creation.
Good Morning Y3
Please open today’s spirituality week blog. Theses will appear daily on our blog and contain activities, links and audios.