Summer 1 Week 1 w.b 15.4.24
Welcome back year 1!
The children began their week with a visit from the Mental health and well being team. The children found out the yellow zone of regulation and ways in which to help themselves when they are feeling frustrated, silly worried or excited, Thank you to all the parents who attended the coffee morning on Wednesday and met the Mental health team, We hope you enjoyed it and found the morning beneficial.
In PE, year one began their first session of Tennis with coach Karl Mills. The weather was a bit temperamental but the children thoroughly enjoyed using their tennis rackets for balancing and hitting their tennis balls.They finished their lesson with a fun game of ‘Where is the crocodile!’ Please remember that year one will begin their weekly swimming lessons commencing on Wednesday 24th April in the afternoons.
In Ten Ten the children were learning to
- Recognise when they have been unkind and say sorry.
- To recognise when people are being unkind to them and others and how to respond.
- That when we are unkind to others, we hurt God also and should say sorry to him as well.
- That we should forgive like Jesus forgives.
In Maths the children have been learning about money. They were introduced to the different coins and ordering coins to their values from the least amount to the largest amount.We will be continuing learning about money next week, This weekend, if you are popping to the shops could you talk to your child about prices of items in the shop, and if you pay for any items with cash maybe your child could help count the money and pay for the items!
In English this week the children have been independently writing their own version of a familiar story. The children spent the first part of the week planning their story with a beginning, a setting and deciding what characters they were going to include. They also had to include some or all of the days of the week and end the story using their plan. There were some very creative writers in Year 1 with amazing imaginations!
Home Learning – Due Friday.
Mathletics – please complete the activities set.
Handwriting sheet – practice letters sent home. You do not need to send this back as they are also practised daily in school.
Phonics – In preparation for the Phonics Screening, could you please practice the words that have been sent home. Please encourage your child to add the sound buttons as they read, they will know how to do this and I have also done the top one as an example for them. This does not need to be sent back to school as the children practise these daily. The words with monsters next to them are nonsense words, which they will also need to read in the screening. Thank you for your support.
Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.
Ten Ten – please click here for this terms letter.
Swimming starts next Wednesday. Please indicate permission on Schoolcomms if your child can wear goggles and send them to school in their PE kit.
PE days are now on Tuesday and Wednesday, please ensure your child is wearing their kit on these days.
Wishing you all a Lovely weekend.
Mrs Poyiadzis and Mrs Barnes