Spring 2 Week 5
In Art this week we have experimented with print making techniques. Firstly we made flower stencils from foam sheets and used acrylic paint to create abstract pictures and then we used carbon paper to create mono prints of our sketches into our Art books.
On Wednesday Ruth’s mum taught us about how she uses Science in her job as a mental health nurse. She works in A&E to help people who are feeling very unhappy. Sometimes she has to test their blood to see if they have an injury, an infection, are dehydrated or to see if they are suffering from stress or lack of sleep. Thank you for visiting us.
In English we have been writing diaries in the past tense based on the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and in RE we have begun to sequence the events of Holy Week.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle
Home learning
Spelling – after, next, firstly, lastly, later, little, every, most, both.
Reading – please complete the reading comprehension sent home in handwriting pencil and return by next Wednesday as we will go though them in class.
Maths – please complete the mathletic activities set.