Friday 24th March
This week has been filled with things to keep us busy including our practises for our Way of the Cross Service which is on Tuesday 28th March at 7pm at Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church.
In Maths, we have been looking at specific areas in number and practising our mental maths skills. The children are doing well with this focus and next week, we will be looking at applying our knowledge and skills by examining reasoning questions.
On Wednesday we were visited by Mr Friedlander from Dame Alice Owens. He taught us how to extract DNA from a kiwi fruit. The children listened well and were sensible with the equipment provided.
Next Monday, we are planning to take the children on a walk and will require them to bring a change of footwear for this (they may get muddy!) and their coat.
For those of you who were not able to attend the PGL meeting on Monday, it can be found on our class page. Forms were sent home with your children this week. Please sign and return these as soon as possible.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.
Home Learning:
Learn by hear the words and songs for the Way of the Cross Service
Soloists – please practise your songs
I have uploaded some example reasoning papers which your child can try. Answers are at the end of each paper. I have reset any tests from this year that children achieved below 50% on. Children have until after the Easter break to have completed all tasks on this platform.