Autumn 2 Week 7

This week we enjoyed watching the KS1 nativities. I was proud of all of the children who took part in the Advent service on Wednesday night. They read, sang and danced beautifully.

In Maths, we have continued to work on mental calculations using think 10 and think 100.

In Religion, the children have been comparing Matthew and Luke’s accounts of the birth of Jesus. They have also been linking the Luke’s story to their beliefs.

On Friday, there was lots of excitement in assembly when we saw Father Christmas on the big screen. He was on Mrs Heymoz’s computer in the staff room. The children had a great time at our Christmas party. We had fun dancing, singing, visiting Father Christmas and eating party food.

Isabelle, Sophie, Emily, Sienna and Julia sang at church this afternoon to the over 50s.

Home Learning

Complete two read theory activities.

Practise 2, 3 and 5 timetables on

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Friday, 10th December 2021

The children in Year 4 this week, lit the second candle on their Advent Wreath and carried on reflecting on their Advent Promises and their journey, bettering themselves, until Christmas arrives.

After several practices and walks to the church, they performed beautifully during Wednesday’s Advent Service. I am very proud of them; I though every reading, action and song was clear and well expressed. They all took their roles seriously and put a lot of effort into delivering those. The Service was therefore heart warming, a true ‘preparation’ for the coming of Jesus.

In Maths this week, the children began to work on their column subtraction both with and without decomposition. In RE, they looked at ways St Luke uses specific words to show his belief in the incarnation. In History, they thought about continuation and change with regards to housing in the Roman occupied Britain.

The children also made decorations to further enhance the classroom’s already cheerful atmosphere and then of course enjoyed a fantastic party day today, with a visit from Father Christmas, party food and games in the classroom.

Have a lovely and safe weekend,

Ms Varga

Your Home Learning this week:

Spelling Please spend some time practicing this week’s spelling words, before testing yourself on them.

Spelling Rule 11 – The suffix –ous (1 of 2)

Reading Please log onto ReadTheory and complete 2 activities. Please also update your reading record logs and be prepared to present them on Wednesday.

Multiplication Please log onto Maths Chase and spend some time practicing your mixed multiplication.

Maths This week, the children looked at column subtraction. Please see the attached sheet, which shows how we would approach this method using manipulatives such as place value counters or dienes equipment to show the movement of values within the process. It also shows you how we would put the method into different contexts such as worded problems or reasoning.

Use the sheet as a form of consolidation of 4 digit subtraction that does not involve exchange. This is for your own use, I am not expecting them back into class, however if completed, I am happy to record their efforts in their Maths Books.

4 digit column subtraction without exchange

Science Thank you for those of you who sent in your musical instrument already. Just a reminder that the deadline is Monday, 13th December 2021.

Week 13- w.b. 6th December ❄️

Week 13 wb 06.12.21 ❄️

🕯️In the second week of Advent Year 1’s Advent promises were to say please and thank you, tell someone they loved them and to let someone go in front of them. 🕯️

In Science the children were learning to identify and name common birds. The home learning for this week will continue with our learning on birds and the children can bird watch at home or in their local area. They can record their findings and share it with the class next week. They can record in poster form or a tally chart. Please use the links below to identify birds, hear bird songs and look at the wildlife guide. I am looking forward to seeing how many birds we can identify.

In Maths the children were learning all about positional language so I have attached the PowerPoint which contains our song we learnt.

1_Put Your Beanbag Song

Year 1 were full of Joy all week as we moved towards the third Sunday of Advent. They were particularly joyful on Friday so I do hope they tell you all about it.

We had paper chain creations, snowflake making, Christmas bangles and key rings and let us not forget a visit from jolly St. Nicholas and a disco party!

⭐We are looking forward to seeing you in the audience on:⭐

Monday 13th December at 2pm


Tuesday 14th December at 9:30am


Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Lambie


Home learning

  • Santa was using the reading book area for his Grotto today so we were unable to change any books. We will do this on Monday instead.
  • Mathletics has been set to support the positional language we have learnt this week.

Year 6 – 03/12/21

On Monday, we placed the first flame on our Advent wreath, as the time for preparation for Christmas began! We have also spent the week in full swing practising for next Wednesday’s Advent Service. Please continue to practise the songs here, so that you know them off by heart.

In RE, we have looked at the different titles used by Luke in the Nativity story, and wrote acrostic poems to demonstrate the meaning of each title.

In Art, the children developed their tonal shading skills in the context of leaves:

Today, we had our first child-led Liturgy in class by Lily, Ellie, Fabian and Aidan, which they planned last week. They got us to think about what John the Baptist means when he tells us to ‘prepare the way for the Lord’. We will have another two groups leading their liturgies next week.

Reception Week Beginning 29.12.21

It’s been another very busy week in Reception.

The children have spent lots of time rehearsing for their Nativity performance next Thursday. Thank you to all the families who have already sent in undergarments; if you haven’t yet done this, please send them in by Tuesday at the very latest.  Thank you for your continued support.

Reception have been learning all about Advent in class this week. They discovered  that the first candle on the Advent wreath represents ‘hope’. This theme has been central to the learning this week. The children discussed what it means to have hope and shared their own hopes and wishes with one another. Following this, they wrote down their thoughts and put them in the class jar of hopes, now on the prayer table.

The class listened to the story, ‘The World Made a Rainbow’ by Michelle Robinson. This beautiful book is set during one of the Covid Lockdowns and is the perfect reminder to have hope, fun and to pull together, even on the darkest of days. The children then drew pictures and wrote letters to people that they miss; they also painted beautiful rainbows which decorated the classroom beautifully!

The children also heard the story ‘My Friend Bear’ by Jez Alborough. This story is about a bear and a boy who both hope to find a friend and end up finding one another. Following this, the children made their own bears, bear masks and enjoyed writing about bears.

Directional language is an area for development for many of our children in Reception. To support this, the children have been exploring and programming the Beebots- a small robot. The children absolutely loved using these this week and have had lots of fun setting up obstacles, drawing maps, and then programming the Beebots to negotiate their way around them.

To celebrate the start of Advent, Reception have begun playing ‘spot the Nativity figure’ hidden around the classroom. Today Aurora found the Angel Gabriel hiding on top of the projector!  Great spot Aurora!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team


Friday 3rd December, 2021

It has been a week of preparation for our Advent Service and the children have been working hard to learn their parts and learn the songs for this special service.  The class have been to the church to practice and did this with great reverence.  Well done!

In RE this week, the children have developed their Liturgy of the Word and wrote prayers of intercession.  A group of children from Year 6 visited the class today and led a Liturgy of the Word for the children to see how they are to lead theirs in the coming weeks of Advent. Thank you to Aidan, Ellie, Lily and Fabian for leading us in prayer.

In English the children have begun to develop their setting based on the story ‘The Viewer’.  They have been learning the importance of developing their understanding of a good opening describing their setting so that the reader can picture it, describing their character(s) so that the reader can picture them and setting the atmosphere for their story.  I am so encouraged by the writing they have done so far and look forward to seeing them edit their narratives to develop their writing further.

In Maths, the class consolidated their understanding of using known facts to solve problems.  We have also started learning the times tables the children find tricky to remember.  There was lots of singing today in the classroom!  I have attached the link below for the six times tables below for you if you would like to have a go with your child this weekend!

On Wednesday, the children had their final swimming session which was a fun swim.  The swimming pool was full of floats, balls and excited children!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara

Home Learning this week:

Home Learning this weekend is for the children is to continue to practice the words for the songs they will be singing at the Advent Service and the words and links to these can be found on the special blog that Miss Donatantonio has uploaded.

I have also given the children details to their spelling frame account.  Please check that they have stuck it into their reading diary alongside their read theory and Mathletics log in details. For those who had their reading diaries in school, I have attached these details to the others.

Log onto spelling frame and try out the activity on hyphenated words and practise the Year 5/6 Statutory Word list.

Six Timetables link click here



Autumn Term Week 6

Year 3 have been busy learning the songs, readings and dances for the Advent Service.  The children drew beautiful pictures to show God’s creation.

In Maths we have been adding by using our number bonds to ten to help. We been using the Think 10 strategy to add 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers.

In English, the children finished their newspaper report, edited it and wrote their final piece.  The children remembered to include direct speech, conjunctions and prepositions to engage the reader.

In Religion we read Matthew and Luke’s accounts of the birth of Jesus and identified the similarities and differences. The children wrote their litany on an angel to display in the class.

Home Learning – Please practise singing the Advent songs.

Read Theory – Complete two read theory activities.

Spellings – fatigue, catalogue, league, tongue, antique, unique, mosque, plaque, cheque, grotesque, picturesque, boutique

Friday, 3rd December 2021

The children in year 4 were busy practicing for their Advent Service this week. We walked down to the church to practice our readings and acting, whilst in class, we sang our songs ready for next week Wednesday.

In RE, we looked at St Luke’s Nativity and came up with definitions for the different titles he used to tell us about Jesus, such as Messiah, Saviour, Lord, etc. The children then wrote beautiful acrostic poems using some of our collective ideas.

The children also finished their ‘Place Between’ narrative applying all the learning from before, such as fronted adverbials, subordinating conjunctions, inverted commas for speech and noun phrases for description. I was very impressed with their stories. Well done!

In Maths, the class further consolidated their understanding of the column addition by looking at missing number sentences and working on reasoning.

In karate, they have learnt evasive moves for blocking whilst in rugby we played simple attacking games in smaller teams.

We also started decorating our classroom for Christmas, creating chains and other hanging paper decorations. It is looking festive already!

Have a lovely and safe weekend,

Ms Varga

Your Home Learning this week:

Spelling Please log onto spelling frame and practice this week’s spelling words before testing yourself on them.

Spelling Rule 10 – Endings which sound like /ʒən/ (e.g. erosion, pension… etc.)


Spend some time practicing your mixed multiplications.

Reading Please update your reading logs as you continue to read at home and be ready to present them on Wednesday.
Songs Please carry on practicing our songs for next week’s Advent Service.
Science Thank you for all of you, who have brought in your musical instruments. They look fabulous. You still have some time left to complete this assignment.


Week 12 wb 29.11.21

Week 12 wb 29.11.21
This week was the first week of Advent and Year 1 were able to open the Advent calendar each day to see what their mission was. Their promises this week were to pray more, smile, say hello, pick up litter and to be kind.

In art the children continued their clay modelling based on the work of Wassily Kandinsky and also sketched their own interpretation of Kandinsky.

In English Year 1 were identifying nouns around the classroom. There was a lot of post-its!

The children enjoyed their first week on Winter and made our seasonal area into a winter wonderland. We collected adjectives to describe Winter and hung them on our tree.

All children in Year 1 are narrators in our Nativity.
Please may all children bring a smart/ party outfit into school in a named bag from Monday 6th December so we can use them for the dress rehearsal before the play. It’s important that the children are confident in changing in and out of their outfit independently.

Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Lambie

Home learning
• An English Noun hunt sheet has been sent home today. Please continue to encourage your child to spot adjectives and nouns in any reading this weekend.
• Mathletics has been set to support the addition, more/less, and patterns that we are learning.