Friday, 10th December 2021
The children in Year 4 this week, lit the second candle on their Advent Wreath and carried on reflecting on their Advent Promises and their journey, bettering themselves, until Christmas arrives.
After several practices and walks to the church, they performed beautifully during Wednesday’s Advent Service. I am very proud of them; I though every reading, action and song was clear and well expressed. They all took their roles seriously and put a lot of effort into delivering those. The Service was therefore heart warming, a true ‘preparation’ for the coming of Jesus.
In Maths this week, the children began to work on their column subtraction both with and without decomposition. In RE, they looked at ways St Luke uses specific words to show his belief in the incarnation. In History, they thought about continuation and change with regards to housing in the Roman occupied Britain.
The children also made decorations to further enhance the classroom’s already cheerful atmosphere and then of course enjoyed a fantastic party day today, with a visit from Father Christmas, party food and games in the classroom.
Have a lovely and safe weekend,
Ms Varga
Your Home Learning this week:
Spelling | Please spend some time practicing this week’s spelling words, before testing yourself on them.
Spelling Rule 11 – The suffix –ous (1 of 2) |
Reading | Please log onto ReadTheory and complete 2 activities. Please also update your reading record logs and be prepared to present them on Wednesday. |
Multiplication | Please log onto Maths Chase and spend some time practicing your mixed multiplication. |
Maths | This week, the children looked at column subtraction. Please see the attached sheet, which shows how we would approach this method using manipulatives such as place value counters or dienes equipment to show the movement of values within the process. It also shows you how we would put the method into different contexts such as worded problems or reasoning.
Use the sheet as a form of consolidation of 4 digit subtraction that does not involve exchange. This is for your own use, I am not expecting them back into class, however if completed, I am happy to record their efforts in their Maths Books. |
Science | Thank you for those of you who sent in your musical instrument already. Just a reminder that the deadline is Monday, 13th December 2021. |