Friday 3rd December, 2021
It has been a week of preparation for our Advent Service and the children have been working hard to learn their parts and learn the songs for this special service. The class have been to the church to practice and did this with great reverence. Well done!
In RE this week, the children have developed their Liturgy of the Word and wrote prayers of intercession. A group of children from Year 6 visited the class today and led a Liturgy of the Word for the children to see how they are to lead theirs in the coming weeks of Advent. Thank you to Aidan, Ellie, Lily and Fabian for leading us in prayer.
In English the children have begun to develop their setting based on the story ‘The Viewer’. They have been learning the importance of developing their understanding of a good opening describing their setting so that the reader can picture it, describing their character(s) so that the reader can picture them and setting the atmosphere for their story. I am so encouraged by the writing they have done so far and look forward to seeing them edit their narratives to develop their writing further.
In Maths, the class consolidated their understanding of using known facts to solve problems. We have also started learning the times tables the children find tricky to remember. There was lots of singing today in the classroom! I have attached the link below for the six times tables below for you if you would like to have a go with your child this weekend!
On Wednesday, the children had their final swimming session which was a fun swim. The swimming pool was full of floats, balls and excited children!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara
Home Learning this week:
Home Learning this weekend is for the children is to continue to practice the words for the songs they will be singing at the Advent Service and the words and links to these can be found on the special blog that Miss Donatantonio has uploaded.
I have also given the children details to their spelling frame account. Please check that they have stuck it into their reading diary alongside their read theory and Mathletics log in details. For those who had their reading diaries in school, I have attached these details to the others.
Log onto spelling frame and try out the activity on hyphenated words and practise the Year 5/6 Statutory Word list.
Six Timetables link click here