Autumn Term Week 6

Year 3 have been busy learning the songs, readings and dances for the Advent Service.  The children drew beautiful pictures to show God’s creation.

In Maths we have been adding by using our number bonds to ten to help. We been using the Think 10 strategy to add 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers.

In English, the children finished their newspaper report, edited it and wrote their final piece.  The children remembered to include direct speech, conjunctions and prepositions to engage the reader.

In Religion we read Matthew and Luke’s accounts of the birth of Jesus and identified the similarities and differences. The children wrote their litany on an angel to display in the class.

Home Learning – Please practise singing the Advent songs.

Read Theory – Complete two read theory activities.

Spellings – fatigue, catalogue, league, tongue, antique, unique, mosque, plaque, cheque, grotesque, picturesque, boutique