Year 6 – 03/12/21

On Monday, we placed the first flame on our Advent wreath, as the time for preparation for Christmas began! We have also spent the week in full swing practising for next Wednesday’s Advent Service. Please continue to practise the songs here, so that you know them off by heart.

In RE, we have looked at the different titles used by Luke in the Nativity story, and wrote acrostic poems to demonstrate the meaning of each title.

In Art, the children developed their tonal shading skills in the context of leaves:

Today, we had our first child-led Liturgy in class by Lily, Ellie, Fabian and Aidan, which they planned last week. They got us to think about what John the Baptist means when he tells us to ‘prepare the way for the Lord’. We will have another two groups leading their liturgies next week.