Week 12 wb 29.11.21
Week 12 wb 29.11.21
This week was the first week of Advent and Year 1 were able to open the Advent calendar each day to see what their mission was. Their promises this week were to pray more, smile, say hello, pick up litter and to be kind.
In art the children continued their clay modelling based on the work of Wassily Kandinsky and also sketched their own interpretation of Kandinsky.
In English Year 1 were identifying nouns around the classroom. There was a lot of post-its!
The children enjoyed their first week on Winter and made our seasonal area into a winter wonderland. We collected adjectives to describe Winter and hung them on our tree.
All children in Year 1 are narrators in our Nativity.
Please may all children bring a smart/ party outfit into school in a named bag from Monday 6th December so we can use them for the dress rehearsal before the play. It’s important that the children are confident in changing in and out of their outfit independently.
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Lambie
Home learning
• An English Noun hunt sheet has been sent home today. Please continue to encourage your child to spot adjectives and nouns in any reading this weekend.
• Mathletics has been set to support the addition, more/less, and patterns that we are learning.