Friday, 3rd December 2021

The children in year 4 were busy practicing for their Advent Service this week. We walked down to the church to practice our readings and acting, whilst in class, we sang our songs ready for next week Wednesday.

In RE, we looked at St Luke’s Nativity and came up with definitions for the different titles he used to tell us about Jesus, such as Messiah, Saviour, Lord, etc. The children then wrote beautiful acrostic poems using some of our collective ideas.

The children also finished their ‘Place Between’ narrative applying all the learning from before, such as fronted adverbials, subordinating conjunctions, inverted commas for speech and noun phrases for description. I was very impressed with their stories. Well done!

In Maths, the class further consolidated their understanding of the column addition by looking at missing number sentences and working on reasoning.

In karate, they have learnt evasive moves for blocking whilst in rugby we played simple attacking games in smaller teams.

We also started decorating our classroom for Christmas, creating chains and other hanging paper decorations. It is looking festive already!

Have a lovely and safe weekend,

Ms Varga

Your Home Learning this week:

Spelling Please log onto spelling frame and practice this week’s spelling words before testing yourself on them.

Spelling Rule 10 – Endings which sound like /ʒən/ (e.g. erosion, pension… etc.)


Spend some time practicing your mixed multiplications.

Reading Please update your reading logs as you continue to read at home and be ready to present them on Wednesday.
Songs Please carry on practicing our songs for next week’s Advent Service.
Science Thank you for all of you, who have brought in your musical instruments. They look fabulous. You still have some time left to complete this assignment.


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