Friday 17th December 2021
This week in year 5 has been eventful. The children greatly enjoyed their Christmas lunch in the main hall on Wednesday.
The year 5 classroom has been a hive of activity this week, with multi-coloured paper chains, Christmas Angels and other decorations adorning the room. The children have all worked really hard and been very creative to bring the Christmas spirit into their learning environment.
This week the children have learnt how King Alfred defeated the Vikings and kept Wessex, and what a Viking settlement was. In RE the focus has been on Christmas customs and how they reflect the incarnation. In Science we have developed our knowledge of the process of pollination in plants. In RSE we looked at how we are created and loved by God, and the gifts and talents he has given us.
On behalf of myself, Ms. Hilton and Mrs. McNamara thank you for your generous gifts and best wishes. We’d like to extend to you our very best wishes for Christmas and the forthcoming New Year.
I look forward to seeing the children in the New Year, on Thursday 6th January.
Mr. Holmes