Tuesday 24th March 2020 Home Learning

Good morning year 5. I hope you got on well with your home learning yesterday. I know the division can be tough, so we will do more today to practise. If you need me, be sure to send me an email at year5@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.


Maths WALT- calculate using long division.


Parents note: This lesson is to consolidate the concept from yesterday. Children can re-watch the tutorials if required.


Online tutorials:





This should be completed in the maths book given. Children can use a calculator to check their answers. I will post the answer in a blog post at the end of the day, about 3:30.



Story starter!

They had been waiting outside the clocktower all day. Soon, it would be time.

The cloud spat bullets of rain down upon the expectant crowd, before the droplets bounced off the taut canopies of the hundreds of umbrellas that flooded the cobbled square.

Eager eyes became glued to the long, black hands of the clock face. They seemed to be moving in slow motion, as if reluctant to reach the fateful hour; the fateful hour which would determine all their fates…


Sentence challenge!

Can you find the personification in this paragraph?

Can you use similes to describe the scene?

The rain poured down like…

The closely packed umbrellas looked like…

The red umbrella stood out like…


Write another paragraph of this story using similes and personification.

WALT- use figurative language.

Parents note:

To extend your child, you could take a look at other types of figurative language using the link below and try and include one.


It is not essential that your child copies out the beginning of the story. However, if they could benefit from handwriting practice, this is a great opportunity!

Reading Read using oxford owl. www.oxfordowl.co.uk.

When you get to the page, click the My class login section.

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020

Choose a text to read.

Read your own book for 20 minutes

Spelling Spellingframe.co.uk

Continue with spelling list 53

RE Start by taking part in a 3 minute prayer retreat.



Read the story of the saint of the day:


Write about this saint and how you could follow their example.

WALT- make links between faith and actions.

Week beginning 23.3.20 Home Learning Weekly Overview

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know EYFS have a completely different curriculum to the rest of the school and the way we plan is also very different. As a result of this, I will be uploading a weekly overview of ideas for potential learning opportunities, based on a theme or a book and covering all 7 areas of the EYFS curriculum. Please note, this will be more detailed this week, as I have covered on-going learning, such as phonics, maths and reading.

You do not need to do everything on this overview- even if you just pick one or two things to do from each area over the week, you will be doing a great job! It is highly important however, that your child practises their letter sounds and tricky words and applies them through a reading and writing activity daily. Reading will help improve their vocabulary and a child’s academic success depends upon the ability to read and write and so this should be a priority.

Important- Please take a photo or where appropriate, a video of your child’s learning and upload it to your child’s Tapestry account. I will be looking at this throughout each day and will be able to give encouragement, by liking posts and making comments. It will be very helpful to me if you write a brief comment about the learning, describing what your child has been doing. Remember, it is only Mrs Gymer and myself who have access to your child’s learning journal.

Finally, if you need to get in touch with me about your child’s learning, I will be picking up emails between the hours of 8.50am and 3.30pm Monday- Friday.

The email address is:


Remember, there is no such thing as a silly question; we are all trying to do our best in a very difficult situation.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Theo


This week’s focus is the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’

The children are familiar with this story and so it’s a good book to start with. If you do not have the story at home, there are hundreds of different versions of the story online.

This version from the BBC Schools website is quite nice as it breaks the story up into lots of small film clips. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks1-jack-and-the-beanstalk-index/zn9hxyc

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

  • Discuss the character of the giant. Why did he behave the way he did? How would you feel if Jack took your belongings? Encourage your child to think about the story from a different perspective.
  • Talk about Stranger Danger- Discuss the importance of not talking to people that we do not know. Make a ‘Stranger Danger’ poster and display it in your home to remind your family of the danger.
  • Make some leaf shapes from plain paper. Think about your different friends and family. Write about/ draw and label why they are a good friend/family member on a leaf and decorate it. Stick the leaves on the wall to form a beanstalk. As each leaf is added, Jack gets to climb higher up the beanstalk!

Communication and Language


  • Retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk in your own words- record and upload to *Tapestry. (*optional)
  • Say as many real and  nonsense words as you can that rhyme with ‘Jack’ or ‘bean’. Why not set a timer and see if you can think of ten words by the time it finishes. Can you beat your own score?
  • Hotseating characters from the story. We do this a lot in class. The children sit in a chair and pretend that they are one of the characters of the story. The adult asks the child a question, for example, ‘Jack, how did you feel when the giant was chasing you?’ or, ‘Jack, why did you steal from the giant?’ They particularly like it when the adult is in the ‘hotseat’ and the children ask questions. This will show you how much they understand the story!


Physical Development

  •  Build a large scale castle from cardboard boxes or pieces of furniture.
  • Build giant furniture and objects.
  • Build castles from small construction.
  • Play a game with some tweezers, jelly beans/different dried beans or pulses and a 30-second timer. Challenge the children to see how many beans they can sort into colour categories in the 30 seconds.
  • Fine motor skills – Paint some broad beans in different colours to make them look like magic beans.
  • Use things around the home, (tins, cereal boxes, toilet rolls, pillows) and stack them on top of each other. Can you stack them higher than a beanstalk?




Understanding the World

  • Research the internet and find out about the things a plant needs in order for it to grow properly.
  • Spend lots of time in your garden or any outdoor space and really look at all the wonderful things that grow there.
  • Learn about the life cycle of a bean using a lapsed video. See an example here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg92cspLy0I
  • Plant some cress seeds or runner beans and keep a bean/ cress diary. See the above video on an idea of how you can closely watch a bean germinate in a glass jar and then begin to grow.
  • Take a long roll of paper outside and lay it out.(wall paper, wrapping paper) Gather lots of leaves, twigs and other natural materials to create a beanstalk on the paper.
  • Research on the internet- what is a harp?

Expressive Arts and Design




  • Reinforce the language of size, using the beanstalk from the story as a starting point- Tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest, small, smaller, smallest, big, bigger, biggest, high, higher, highest, low, lower, lowest. Use things around the home to make direct comparisons.
  • Draw and cut out a giant’s footprint on card- can you find something bigger and smaller than it?
  • Use beans and seeds to create repeating patterns.
  • Count beans and seeds after sorting.


Maths Activities – try at least one a day

  • Watch a Numberblocks episode each day at: BBC ​iplayer or ​CBeebies​.
  • Practise counting up to 20. This can be done through playing hide and seek, singing number songs, chanting, board games etc.
  • Write out the digits 0 – 9.
  • Sing Number songs to practice counting, reciting numbers in order, one more, one less using number songs: Five Little Ducks, Five Little Men, Ten Green Bottles
  • Practise counting backwards from 20.
  • Look for the numbers on the doors of houses. Do the numbers get bigger or smaller as you go up and down the street?
  • Listen to a number song from the CBeebies​ website. After listening to them, watch again and sing along if you can. Talk about the maths you can see in the video clip.
  • Look out of the window and count how many houses or buildings can be seen
  • Explore weighing and measuring food on the kitchen scales. Ask, what happens as you place more on the scales?
  • Look for numerals on packaging you find around the house. Can your child recognise the numerals and count out a matching amount?

Maths Websites








  • Imagine that you have found some magic beans. What do they do? Write about them.
  • Write instructions about how to plant seeds.
  • Begin a bean and cress diary.
  • Write directions to get to the giant’s castle.
  • Write a simple letter to the giant from Jack saying sorry for stealing his belongings.
  • Write about what could be at the top of your beanstalk

Please encourage the children to write as often as you can, using their phonics and tricky word knowledge. For example if they make a wonderful model, tell them to write a sign asking family members to not touch it.

You can support them by getting them to independently sound out each letter sound in the word. PLEASE do not do it for them. They will not make any progress in their writing if you sound it out for them, get them to copy your writing or tell them what to write. They are all independent writers in class. They just need to be making a plausible attempt- I would not expect it to be perfect. If necessary, when they have finished writing, write the words above, if you think they are hard to read.

Please take a close up picture of any writing they do and upload it to Tapestry- I am sure I will be able to read it! If they are forming their letters incorrectly, the wrong way around or hold their pencil the wrong way, please correct your child immediately. Please refer to the inside cover of their original home phonics book for the handwriting phrases, if you find yourself in this position.


Thankfully, we have now finished introducing all of the required sounds for Reception. Please continue to practise all of Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds and tricky words on a daily basis.

The following websites are fantastic for practising phonics, word recognition and sentence reading.








Twinkl also have some great phonics and cross curricular resources and are also currently free if you follow these instructions:

Go to https://www.twinkl.co.uk/offer  and enter the code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Phonics Play in particular is a fantastic resource for the actual teaching of the Letters and Sounds program. It is currently free to parents due to the Coronavirus situation. Last week, I assessed every child that was in school and put the assessment sheets in their book bag. This will give you a good idea of the sounds that your child needs to work on. For those children who were not in, or were absent towards the end of the week, the assessment sheet that I used is on the Phonics Play website under ‘Assessment’.

Please also look on websites such as Pinterest for fun, practical and creative ways to reinforce phonics, reading and writing.


Frustratingly, we cannot change reading books anymore, but we think we may have come up with a temporary solution. Please login to Oxford Owl using the school’s login.




You must put the detail into Class Login not the general login otherwise it will not work. Once logged in, you can go into the bookshelf. Select 2 books from your child’s book band colour and practise reading them every day. There are two activities to go with each book and parent tips at the end of the book. If you click on the parents section too, you should find even more books and resources.


Our RE topic this term is ‘From Lent to Easter’. So far, we have learnt about Lent, fasting, almsgiving, Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday. Last week, we learnt about Holy Thursday and the story of the Last Supper. Please re-read and discuss this story with your child. If your child was in school last Monday, please get them to watch the video of them acting the story out with their friends on Tapestry.

Finally, please do not feel overwhelmed by all of the above. Just do whatever you can. I am fully aware that many of you are trying to work from home, while looking after your children. Some of you have older children to support or little ones in your house demanding all of your attention. For some of you, there is illness in your family or other more worrying priorities taking over.

Keep safe and God bless you,

Mrs Theo

Monday 23rd March 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you were all able to safely enjoy some of the glorious sunshine.

In the table below you will find today’s learning activities. Please record your learning in the workbooks that you were provided with. I look forward to hearing from you all and finding out how you are getting on. You can keep in contact by posting comments to the Year 2 Blog or by sending me an email at year2@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.

Have a great day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity




Lenten Prayer for Monday 23rd March 2020

Lord, may the tears of those who suffer be wiped from their eyes by the compassion and love of their neighbours and friends.

May I, through my Lenten prayer and actions, support work towards a better world for all.


Our Lady and Saint Vincent Church

10am Mass

You can access the live streaming via the parish website www.olasv.org.uk .


















Copy this week’s spellings into your handwriting book:











Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.

You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Oxford Owl website: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/



Use the Class Login area.




Morning Challenge
Fluency 5 x 2

30 + 20 + 50 =

74 – 9 =

18 – 8 =

3 + 30 + 3 =

_ + 8 = 20

Half of 100 =

Make 30p 5 different ways

99 + 10 =

54 – 20 =

70, 75, ___, 85, ____, ____, ____,

WALT: Find half of an amount.

Fair Feast

Here is a picnic that Ruth and Martha are going to share equally.

Work out what each of them will have.

Record your answers using a table or with pictures.

one apple, pizza split into four pieces, eight tomatoes, four muffins,two cartons of orange juice
Extension Challenge:

What if you had to share the picnic between 4 people?

English Monday 23rd March 2020

WALT: Write descriptive sentences

resource image

Delicious. That was simply delicious. She very rarely came across a strawberry, but whenever she did she always made the most of it. Chewing through the sweet, juicy flesh, she savoured every mouthful.

Now, though, she was full, and slowly eased herself (shell and all) out of the hole she had made in the side of the strawberry. It was time to explore another part of the garden…

Continue the story of the snail. Try to describe everything she might come across during her sloooooow journey! Use plenty of adjectives in your sentences.








Create a title page for our new topic… Plants.
Include drawings and the following key vocabulary: seeds, bulbs, water, light, temperature, growth, germination, soil, nutrients. Native plants: grass, clover, daisy, buttercup, dandelion, holly, daffodil, tulip. Plants we grow: lettuce, tomato, radish, bean and pumpkin.

You all received an envelope containing a plastic bag and 3 Runner Beans. Place the beans inside the plastic bag and add some water. Attach this bag to a sunny window and observe how the beans sprout and grow over the coming days. This process is called germination.

Start a bean diary in your sketch books. Sketch the changes you observe everyday. Take pictures and email them to me and let me know how it grows….


Monday 23rd March 2020 learning

Good Morning Y3,

Here is today’s learning;



Copy these 10 words four times into your handwriting books. Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.


misspell      misprint


mislead       misuse


mistreat    misheard


mistrust      misheard


misread      misbehave



Please go to http://www.pobble365.com/ and complete three activities of your choice based on the picture prompt today.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


In your writing book please write the full date and this WALT investigate key vocabulary.



Copy this into your book and write a definition for the vocabulary in bold, illustrate if you wish to.

Key vocabulary

Push, pull, speed up, slow down, change shape, change direction, movement, friction, magnets, surface, repel, attract, force and gravity.




Please get out in the garden and play for 20 minutes when possible or log in for free to

https://app.gonoodle.com/login  or complete this Joe Wicks children’s workout  https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html



Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 








Once you have completed these tasks please go to one of the following sites and practice your timetables.



Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe

This activity exactly mirrors the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.









Monday 23rd March

Dear Parents and Carers,

What follows from today (Monday 23rd March) is a daily blog that Mrs Dunning and I would like the children to complete at home over the coming weeks. We are committed to making sure that your child is still learning as much as possible and endeavour to do our best to keep this happening. We also appreciate that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at home is not going to be easy and so we have prepared content for your child that we feel can be completed both independently or with adult support.


Good Morning Year 4!

Welcome to our daily class blog.   You can keep in contact with Miss Dunning and myself by posting comments to the Year 4 Blog or by sending us an email at year4@popepaul.herts.sch.uk. Try your best in doing class work each day.

Click on the link to pick up today’s learning  Website Day 1

Click on the link for your Geography Learning:   Geography Lesson 1

Our Lady and Saint Vincent Church are having 10am Mass. Fr Shaun has invited us to join him.

You can access the live streaming via the parish website www.olasv.org.uk .



Useful Links

Year 4 Music at home ideas


Maths Frame – Multiplication Checklist

Maths – Topmarks

You can also access plenty of wonderful books via the Oxford Owl website: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020

Log in via the Class Login area.

The Body Coach will be running a 30 minute PE lesson from his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ.

Use this to keep active.



Year 6 – Monday 23rd March learning

Good morning Year 6. Here are today’s lessons:

Subject Activity
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at  https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
Prayer Visit https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Lent-Calendar and reflect on today’s Bible verse and message.
Handwriting Copy this week’s spellings into your handwriting book:











Reading 15 minutes of https://readtheory.org/
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables http://timestables.me.uk/
Maths Daily Maths Challenge (updated daily)

WALT consider division and indices (powers) in order of operations.


Arithmetic starter:

1.       13,456 + 6,890 =

2.       _______ = 56.71 – 8.96

3.       32 x 17 =

4.       5,605 ÷ 5 =

5.       ______ = 0.792 x 100


Click here to open today’s maths lesson.

RE WALT understand the events of Palm Sunday.

Read through Matthew’s account of Jesus’ Entry Into Jerusalem Mt 21:1-11 

Read the act of worship here to help you discuss the Gospel.


Write either a song, poem, prayer, etc using the format of:


Jesus help me not to be selfish but to be more generous


Jesus help me not to be mean but to be kind and thoughtful



Decorate with drawings of palm leaves, etc.

Perhaps you could record your song/poem and send it to me via email?

Science WALT classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.

To revise our science learning from Autumn 1 (Living Things and their Habitats), watch these videos https://youtu.be/ITrRMiQB8g4https://youtu.be/-LVunuIOT4w then complete this sheet.

Monday 23rd March Learning

Good morning Year 1. Here is your learning today. Each day write the date in your book.

Mass is at 10am –  http://olasv.org.uk/



Copy the following into your Maths books


6 + ____ = 10

4 + ____= 11

Double 3 =

10- 4 =

Half of 10 =


Play number bonds to 10 and 20 game and then write 5 number bonds to 10 in your maths books.

e.g – 6 + 4 = 10

Remember 1 digit in each square.

Extension – Write 5 number bonds to 20.

English Phonics – www.phonicsplay.co.uk

username – march20   password – home

Click on phase 5 – Picnic on Pluto game – phase 5 – practise ay, ou and ie

Practise your spellings for this week

short, born, morning, more, score, before, saw, crawl, yawn, August, author, dinosaur

Write each spelling four times in your handwriting book. Remember to stay in lines like the examples in your book.

Write a sentence for five of the spellings words in your writing book. Remember to write on the line, begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Extension – can you add a conjunction to your sentence? and, but, because

Can you add adjectives to describe the noun?

morning  – One bright morning I ran to the fabulous park because it was sunny.




WALT- Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their physical properties.

Materials – Humpty Dumpty would like to make a crash mat for when he sits on the wall to stop him from crashing. Test out different materials with a hardboiled egg to see what material would work. Can you drop the egg from different heights? Will that make a difference?

Make a list of the materials you tested with a tick or a cross next to it.

Write – I recommend that Humpty Dumpty uses _________to make his crash mat.

If you do not have an egg the children could feel different materials and predict what material they think would be best.

It would lovely if you took some photos and emailed them to me so I can add them to the blog. Stick photos in your book too!


Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.
PE https://www.gonoodle.com/

Register a free account. Choose a dance routine to copy. Get your parents to join in!

Go outside and practise throwing and catching a ball.

If you need to get in touch with me about your child’s learning, I will be picking up emails between the hours of 8.50am and 3.30pm Monday- Friday.


Thank you for your support

Mrs Carey

Monday 23rd March Learning

Year 5 Learning


Dear Parents,

Each morning, I will post a blog detailing the learning activities for the day. Notes for parents will be written in red to give guidance on the learning. Please do not worry if you cannot achieve all tasks in a day. Each family will face different challenges at this time and so it may not always be possible. This learning is provided and for you to use how you chose.

In addition to the information given each day, I would also like to highlight some other resources to you. Each day, The Body Coach will be running a 30 minute PE lesson from his YouTube channel. I highly recommend your child takes part in this. Now they are not at school, their amount of daily exercise may drop significantly and so it is important to keep active. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ. This will now act as their PE lessons for the week.

For maths, I often use resources by Gareth Metcalf to extend learning and build problem solving in class. He will now be posting lessons on his page to encourage deeper thinking skills and could be done if your child has completed the daily maths activity. http://www.iseemaths.com/home-lessons/ They become available at 9am but can be accessed after this time. Please also remember that OLSV will be live for mass at 10am.

Here is our overview for today:


Maths WALT- calculate using long division.


Parents note: In Year 4, your children will have used this method to divide a 3 digit number by a one digit. It is generally something children find quite tricky, so please do not worry if your child does not understand it straight away. Don’t be afraid to use smaller numbers to practice with if this is the case. I have included a link to a tutorial on basic division to revise key concepts before moving on.


Watch these online tutorials:




Then complete the online mathletics activity set.



This should be completed in the maths book given. Children can use a calculator to check their answers.



Story starter!

At first it had been an eye; an enormous, lidless, green eye, hovering there above the road. A few hours later, another eye had joined it.

It was then that people had started to take notice. Passers-by stopped and stared, wide-mouthed, at the mysterious vision that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

By the middle of the night, the full green face could be seen. The world was now taking notice. Broadcast on TV screens across the planet, the vision was causing quite a stir. People watched expectantly, glued to their televisions and radios and laptops around the world, waiting for the next part of the puzzle to unravel…

Sentence challenge!

Which sentences contains two verbs?

Can you use interesting verbs in your writing today? How about some of these:

Sneaking, leap, stalk, observe, tip-toe, avoid, peer and ooze

Complete the story in your book.

WALT- use a range of verbs in my writing.

Parents note:

To extend your child, they could use different forms of past tense verbs. We have already covered this so it is not a new concept. Try and use at least one of each in this writing. These are:

Simple past: I baked a cake.

Past perfect: I had baked a cake.

Past progressive: I was baking a cake.

Past perfect progressive: I had been baking a cake.

Underline each one in a different colour.

It is not essential that your child copies out the beginning of the story. However, if they could benefit from handwriting practice, this is a great opportunity!

Sick sentences!

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help?

It was a dark night. A big face appeared in the sky.



Reading Readtheroy.org x 10

Read your own book for 20 minutes

Spelling Spellingframe.co.uk- spelling rule 53

Parents note: This is a free site with no login details. Our current spelling list will be suspended for now. It would be a great benefit for the children to learn the Year 5 and 6 spelling words. This week, every day, they should access this site to practice spelling rule 53.

Science Odd one out

Which picture is the odd one out? Explain your reasons.

WALT- reason scientifically

Geography Use google earth, atlases and online maps to research south America. Name the countries, mountain ranges, capitals and  rivers of the continent.

WALT- identify the countries, mountain ranges, capital cities and rivers of south America.

Week 4: 20th March 2020

Thank you for your support in what has been an unusual week in our lives!

This week we continued to write up our final versions of our Tin Forest Story. We are proud of our creative writing.  Also year 2 visited our class and shared their final pieces with us.

In Science we had a lot of fun making electrical circuits that connected and made bulbs light up.



Please read the newsletter from Mrs Heymoz for the latest guidance.

Let us all pray for each other during this difficult time.

St Paul VI pray for us.

Miss Dunning and Mrs McNamara



Spring 2, Week 4

We have been busy in Y3 this week preparing the vegetable and flower beds. In English, we completed and published our Tin Forest stories. In Maths, we started interpreting data from pictographs and bar charts.

Please see the School newsletter for details about arrangements for daily learning. Packs of books and resources have been sent home.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend and lovely Mothering Sunday.

Make sure to keep in contact via the Year 3 class blog and email.

Take care,

Miss Pringle