Tuesday 24th March 2020 Home Learning

Good morning year 5. I hope you got on well with your home learning yesterday. I know the division can be tough, so we will do more today to practise. If you need me, be sure to send me an email at year5@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.


Maths WALT- calculate using long division.


Parents note: This lesson is to consolidate the concept from yesterday. Children can re-watch the tutorials if required.


Online tutorials:





This should be completed in the maths book given. Children can use a calculator to check their answers. I will post the answer in a blog post at the end of the day, about 3:30.



Story starter!

They had been waiting outside the clocktower all day. Soon, it would be time.

The cloud spat bullets of rain down upon the expectant crowd, before the droplets bounced off the taut canopies of the hundreds of umbrellas that flooded the cobbled square.

Eager eyes became glued to the long, black hands of the clock face. They seemed to be moving in slow motion, as if reluctant to reach the fateful hour; the fateful hour which would determine all their fates…


Sentence challenge!

Can you find the personification in this paragraph?

Can you use similes to describe the scene?

The rain poured down like…

The closely packed umbrellas looked like…

The red umbrella stood out like…


Write another paragraph of this story using similes and personification.

WALT- use figurative language.

Parents note:

To extend your child, you could take a look at other types of figurative language using the link below and try and include one.


It is not essential that your child copies out the beginning of the story. However, if they could benefit from handwriting practice, this is a great opportunity!

Reading Read using oxford owl. www.oxfordowl.co.uk.

When you get to the page, click the My class login section.

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020

Choose a text to read.

Read your own book for 20 minutes

Spelling Spellingframe.co.uk

Continue with spelling list 53

RE Start by taking part in a 3 minute prayer retreat.



Read the story of the saint of the day:


Write about this saint and how you could follow their example.

WALT- make links between faith and actions.