Friday 30th September, 2022

Today the children led the Friday assembly well – they spoke with confidence, played their guitars like professionals and showed their understanding of the rosary for the rest of the school to learn about. A special well done to the singers Gabriela, Elle, Violet, Ela-Maria and Caroline who created their own verses for our Rosary song which they sang today.  Well done!




Also in assembly the children received their badges for their leadership roles.  They were really proud to receive these.  Just encourage your child to make sure that they are removed from their uniform at laundry time!!

This week in English the children have explored the animation ‘The Piano’. They considered the symbolism in the short clip and wrote descriptions of the old man.

In Maths, our work on multiplying numbers  up to 3 decimal places by 10/100/1000 has continued and the children have been given plenty of problem solving tasks to apply their understanding to contextual questions.  In RE we have been studying the Bible further and learning about St Vincent de Paul as it was his feast day on Tuesday, making links to the bible to describe how the values of St Vincent of compassion, humility and generosity are encouraged and shown in the Bible.

Congratulations to Finn and Charlie, St Vincent’s House Captains, who led the whole school assembly on Tuesday using a very informative power point and finishing with a quiz which the children enjoyed. In the afternoon, the members of St Vincent’s House had an extra playtime alongside a treat that had been provided for by Finn and Charlie.

On Wednesday morning a large group of Year 6 boys took part in a football tournament at Wroxham Primary School and are now through to the quarter finals!  The boys returned to school happy with their result!

Kian and Vihaan shared the teams result at assembly today.  Albion was given Man of the Match.



The Class met their reading buddies this afternoon and as promised here are some photos from last week.  Do also look at the reception blog to see the photos taken also.


Have a good weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning for this week:

On Thursday, we are hoping to take the class on a local area trip as part of our History Topic: Potters Bar at War.  This is weather permitting so may be cancelled at short notice.  Your child will need a packed lunch on this day.

  • Mathletics
  • TTRs (Timestable Rockstars)
  • Spelling: cial/tial focus this week
  • financial, financially, commercial, provincial, initial, initially, controversial, controversially,  spacial, palatial.

Friday 23rd September

This week, although a shorter one, has been a busy one!

In Maths the children have continued with their work on place value and we have been looking at negative numbers and rounding.  The children have been working hard to explain how they round to the nearest 10/100/1000/10,000/100,000  etc.

In RE we have been looking at the bible and finding out lots of interesting facts about it.  As it is our class assembly next week, the children have been preparing for their parts.  The assembly is about The Rosary and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible next Friday when they present it to the rest of the school.

In English, the focus has been on completing their letters of application for their leadership roles.  Mrs Heymoz read through their pieces and also listened to their audios.  Yesterday she visited the class and informed them of the roles that they are leading this year.  These leadership roles are taken very seriously and it is an expectation that Year 6 students present excellent role models to all children in the school community.  Year 6  children thrive on being responsible, trustworthy and dedicated individuals.  They love to take on responsibilities and lead by example.   Many of these roles involve children giving up a little of their own time, usually during playtimes, and this is something which they love to do as they relish supporting and enthusing others socially and academically. We thank them for embracing such a wonderful role and look forward to seeing them grow in their confidence by leading by example.

This morning, we celebrated our school mass for the start of this academic year.  Thank you to Tymon (powerpoint), Eric (altar server), Johanna (Reading) and Alfie (Bidding Prayers) for helping with the mass and to the liturgy group who assisted me with the altar and tidying away afterwards.

This afternoon, the children met their reading partners!  The Reception classroom and outside area was a buzz of excitement.  The children presented them with a special card and spent time with them.  Photographs  of the afternoon will be posted once we receive photographic consent from all reception parents.


Home Learning has been set:

  1.  Spellings for this week: atrocious, conscious, delicious, ferocious, gracious, luscious, malicious, precious, spacious, suspicious. Games for this are on spelling shed.
  2. Logins for this remain the same as last year.
  3. Timestables Rockstars (please log on to see the tables that have been set)
  4. Mathsletics (based on rounding)

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.


Friday 16th September

Another week has flown by in Year 6. On Monday, we welcomed back Sensei Michael and took part in a karate lesson. On Tuesday we joined with many parishioners for the 10am mass on the feast day of St. John Chrysostom.  Fr Shaun spoke to the children in his homily about their role as Year 6 children and developing their leadership skills in the year ahead.

In English this week, we continued our theme of leadership and the children began writing speeches to apply for their chosen role. We will finish them off and record them next week. A lot of thought has been given by the children towards this work in class and many children produced speeches (as part of their home learning) to say in their house team meetings today.  On Wednesday the class attended their first swimming session which they enjoyed. On Thursday, the class took part in an online road safety lesson. The children greatly impressed the leader of the session with their knowledge. They also learnt some new facts about stopping distance and booster seat laws.

This afternoon, we spent time talking about the queen and the events that are taking place at the moment and over this coming bank holiday weekend.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful long weekend.


Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home learning:

This week, spelling shed logins have been handed out.

The children should practise their weekly spellings on here. They will be tested on these words next Friday.

ambitious, amphibious, curious, devious, fictitious, infectious, notorious, nutritious, repetitious, obvious


Year 6 Leadership Day

Good morning children.

The focus this morning for you as a house team is to examine your house saint and find out these things about him/her:

Key Questions:

              Who was s/he and what did s/he do?

How can we learn from her/him in our leadership?

What qualities of Jesus does she/he display?

With this information, you will present your findings to the rest of the class ensuring that each team member plays a part in the presentation.  There are some web links below each house saint to aid you in your research.

St Bernadette

St Francis of Assisi

 St Louise de Marillac     

St Vincent de Paul


Links: Click on the picture of your house saint and you will be taken to a website for you to look at.

Also, click on the letters below to reveal another website to aid your search.

      B      C

Qualities of Jesus



Revision Aids SATs Wednesday

Below are some revision aids to assist you in Using calculations/Metric units/Line symmetry/Translation/Time


Using Calculations Revision

Using Calculations


Metric Units  Revision 

Metric Units

Metric Unit Answers


Translations                  Translations-answers



line symmetry answers


Time         Time-answers


Click on the CGP link for three 10 minute tests.   All the answers are explained at the end of each test, so it’s easy to    spot any areas that need a little extra work.

10 minute tests 



Virtual Sports Week Olympics.


Welcome to the Pope Paul Olympics! Like many things this year, the Olympics has unfortunately been postponed due to the coronavirus. This, however is not going to stop us having our very own Olympic games celebration!

Have a look at the timetable to see what we have planned and then follow the information on each slide. Each day will be made up one of a PE activity and also another subject task to complete!

Virtual Sports Week Olympics June

PE ideas from Miss Pringle

Attached is a letter outlining some useful website and resources you might like to use to help you stay fit and active at home. PE Resources For Parents May 2020 (1)

Have fun,

Miss Pringle – PE Leader


PLUS: here are some more links that you could explore with your family.

Stay fit!





i-MOVES      Fun activities to keep children happy, healthy and focused. Free to sign up.


Pope Paul Home Olympics

Please find attached the two week Pope Paul Home Olympics Challenge!

Home-Olympics 2020

I look forward to hearing how you get on.

Miss Pringle – P.E. Leader

PE snakes and ladder fun

Good Morning,

I hope you are all well. I thought you might like to try this PE version of snakes and ladders with your family instead of (or in addition to – if you’re feeling super fit!) joining Joe Wicks this morning. There are many different challenges included. All you need is a dice, appropriate clothing, water and a safe space. Enjoy and send me some pictures of you having fun if possible.

Love Miss Pringle

pe snakes and ladders

Year 6 – 12/10/18

Without doubt, one of my favourite aspects of teaching Year 6 is watching them spend time with their Reception learning partners. The kindness and patience they show towards them is incredibly admirable, and the Reception class are lucky to have such strong role models to help them learn. This afternoon, they helped their partners to draw portraits of our school saint, Pope Paul VI, who is being canonised on Sunday.

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This past fortnight, the Year 6s have been really proactive with their new posts of responsibility. The liturgy group have been extremely active in this Month of the Rosary. They have planned and led the last two Monday assemblies, and have led a decade of the Rosary every lunchtime. As it has recently been St Vincent’s and St Francis’ Feast Days, the house captains for the houses have also led assemblies on their respective saints. I have been so impressed with the time and commitment they have put into preparing for these events. The Fairtrade Group went to the church recently to assist in the cake sale, whilst the Eco Club have been busy promoting waste reduction, collecting energy-related data and creating informative posters.

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This week’s home learning is on the previous post.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Donatantonio