Year 6 – 28/09/18 (Trip to British Schools Museum)

After the outbreak of World War Two, as recently declared by our Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, the children were evacuated up to Hitchin on Tuesday. With their gas masks and name labels at the ready, they waved goodbye to their life in Potters Bar to be transported to a safer environment at the British Schools Museum. Here is a recount of our trip, written by Annabel and Anthony.

At the British Schools Museum in Hitchin, we learnt and had an experience as an evacuee. To start the day, we walked into a cold hall where a woman named Rosalyn greeted us and told us what we would be experiencing. First, we had to line up in different categories: one girls, one for boys. We had a new host and she was going to be our teacher for the bit of time we had with her. She stated, “Ladies first”, so of course my line went into the classroom. We each sat down at a desk. On the desk was a place to rest your pencil/ink pen and there was also an ink well where you would dip your ink pen. When talking to the teacher, you had to call her ‘Miss’.

Firstly in the lesson, we had scratchy ink pens which we had to use to write a postcard to let our mums know we had arrived safely. Well, we were basically copying, for the Miss told us what we should write. After writing, we had to blot it dry. Next, we did maths. Because of a shortage of paper in the war, we did it on a brown paper bag. Maths was again different because there were pounds (£), shillings (s) and pence (d). 12 pence would make a shilling and 20 shillings would make a pound. After maths, we looked at planes. We looked at the British planes – Spitfires – and the German planes – Focke-Wulf – and how if there was a red and blue circle on its wing it was a British plane, but if it had a cross it was  German plane. Later, we tried on the gas masks and it smelt like rubber. Finally, we were transported back to 2018 and left the classroom to do another activity.

Once we had left the classroom, we came to look at WW2 items like the gas rattle or bullet cartridges. In the hall, two old people sat (their names were Douglas and Angela) who were children during the war. They told us that as kids they had to collect conkers and rose hips to help the war effort, because in those time, everyone had to help win the war. The conkers were made into gunpowder and the rose hips for vitamin C because there was a shortage of fruit (because these had to be shipped to England, and the Germans torpedoed the ships).

Finally, we were taken down into the air raid shelter – which was freezing cold – and were taught about how children entertained themselves if they had to be down there for hours.

Thank you for the hard work that went into the children’s costumes – they looked sensational! Thanks also to Mrs Hathaway and Mrs McDonald for accompanying us.

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Year 6 – 21/09/18

(Please find Home Learning instructions at the end of this post).

There was great excitement this afternoon as Y6 met their Reception Learning Partners for the first time! They spent their time getting to know each other by reading and playing together in the Reception outdoor learning area. It was wonderful to see the Y6s acting so kindly and maturely with their partners; it is clear that they are going to be excellent role models to them for the year. Here they all are!

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I am looking forward to seeing your evacuee costumes on Tuesday for our WW2 trip! Have a great weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 25th September) is as follows:

English Schofield & Sims English Skills : Section 1 Test 1 – to be completed in pink Home Learning book
Spellings Words from the Y3/Y4 and Y5/Y6 Statutory Spelling word lists – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book. See below for this week’s spellings. The children also have 2 envelopes – one containing this week’s words and one empty one. Once they feel they are secure with a word from Envelope 1 (short-term memory), they put it into Envelope 2 (long-term memory). I could test them on their long-term memory words at any time, and they will be revisiting them in class. If they misspell a word that they’ve put into Envelope 2, it goes back into Envelope 1.

Times tables

Mathletics tasks:

·         Nearest Whole Number

·         Nearest 100

·         Nearest 1000

·         Rounding Numbers

·         Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000

·         Dividing by 10, 100, 1000

Reading Spend at least half an hour on

Daily reading. Reading Records are on order.


Spelling list (to be tested Friday 28th September)

Words from the Y3/Y4 and Y5/Y6 Spelling Lists

especially frequently
immediately sincerely
accidentally actually
occasionally probably
therefore though
thought thorough
through rhyme
rhythm temperature

Year 6 14/09/18

It’s been a jam-packed first full week back at school for Year 6. On Monday, Alex, the priest-in-training, came to be interviewed by the children. It was very interesting to hear about his vocation, the difficulties he has in his training, and how his training in Rome is structured. Our main focus  for the week was our class assembly on the topic of Oscar Romero. The children completed learning on Romero meant when he said ‘Aspire not to have more but to be more’, they made their own Romero crosses, and then rounded it off with a beautiful assembly on Friday morning. Well done for leading the school so reverently and for spreading an important message.

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Thursday was Roald Dahl Day, which was celebrated in Year 6 by continuing an unfinished Roald Dahl story in the style of Dahl. They followed this on in the afternoon by looking at what makes Quentin Blake’s illustrations so distinctive, and subsequently illustrating their story in this style.

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This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 18th September) is as follows:


·         Grammar – Y5 (A)

Spellings Revision of words from the Y3/Y4 Statutory Spelling word list – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book. See below for this week’s spellings. The children also have 2 envelopes – one containing this week’s words and one empty one. Once they feel they are secure with a word from Envelope 1 (short-term memory), they put it into Envelope 2 (long-term memory). I could test them on their long-term memory words at any time, and they will be revisiting them in class. If they misspell a word that they’ve put into Envelope 2, it goes back into Envelope 1.

Times tables

Questions on place value, to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·         CGP Year 6 book pp. 6, 7 & 8

·         CGP Year 5 book pp. 6, 8 & 10

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Daily reading. Reading Records are on order.


Spelling list (to be tested Friday 21st September)

Words from the Y3/Y4 Spelling List

although believe
caught century
certain different
difficult disappear
enough favourite
important knowledge
occasion peculiar
remember separate

Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

Year 6 – Memories powerpoint

A beautiful Leavers’ Mass, pizza party and end-of-year assembly concluded our year and indeed your time at Pope Paul. It has been a fantastic year with countless achievements and memories, for which I commend and thank you all. I wish you the best of luck as you move onto the next chapter of your lives and hope you’ll come back to visit!

Thank you, parents, for your support throughout the whole year and for your generous gifts over the past few days; it is very much appreciated.

I leave you with the slideshow of photos show at the Leavers’ Mass on Monday, full of Pope Paul memories.

Memories powerpoint 2018

Enjoy your summer.

Miss Donatantonio

Year 6 – 13/07/18

On Monday, Year 6 had CPR training with paramedic Mrs Edwards – Conrad’s mum – and learnt some very important life skills. The children were taught what to do if they find someone who has stopped breathing, then explored various equipment used by paramedics, before an engaging and inspiring Q&A session. Thank you Mrs Edwards for giving your time and for teaching us all so much.

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As part of transition week, Year 6 joined forces with Year 5 on Tuesday morning to produce a collaborative art display. Come and have a look at it in the school hall and see if you can identify the animal hidden within!

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Year 6’s musicians treated us to an exceptional music concert on Tuesday afternoon. There is such talent in this class and it was a joy to watch so many of you displaying the progress you have all made this year.

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We had a very close rounders game on Wednesday afternoon and it was brilliant to see how much their fielding improved as the game went on.

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Today, the class worked in groups to create their own Acts of Worship, and had our first one this afternoon – thank you Cassia, Enzo and Krystian for leading us in prayer.


You will hopefully now have read your reports and looked at your SATs results; I will reiterate my congratulations on how well you have all done. You are fantastic!

Please rehearse your lines for Monday’s mass and see my previous blog post to practise the hymns.

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday for your final week in Year 6.

Miss Donatantonio

Year 6 – 06/07/18

On Wednesday, Year 6 were luck enough you be given a Space Workshop by the Science Ambassadors from Dame Alice Owen’s School. The afternoon consisted of lots of hands-on activities that taught us about getting into space and how to survive in space. Thank you to Ms Chandler for arranging this.

Along with the rest of the school, Year 6 took part in Sports Day on Friday. Well done for leading the rest of the school so well with the warm-up dance and for showing such strong sportsmanship all afternoon. Thanks to the parents and grandparents that joined their children for the family picnic at lunchtime, and to those that ran in the parents’ race! It was a wonderful day all round.

Year 6 also created some fantastic animal art this week in the style of the Harry Potter Patronus Charm.


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Kingswood Day 5

Breakfast, stripping beds, orienteering, team games and lunch were what went down today, before we boarded the coach and made our way back to Potters Bar.

It has been a fantastic week: the sun has shone, children have challenged their fears, friendships have been strengthened, and everlasting memories have been made. Well done for the wonderful behaviour that you have shown and for making us proud teachers! Have a good rest this weekend and we’ll see you next week.

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Kingswood Day 4

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After devouring another Full English, it was onto go-karting, problem solving and environmental art. Some of the children could have given Lewis Hamilton a run for his money in the go-karts!

In the afternoon, things got very wet and sandy down at the beach. Some enjoyed a spot of crabbing, some made sandcastles whilst others were buried alive! It certainly was a highlight!

To end a lovely day, our evening activities consisted of archery, caving and watching the football – a shame we didn’t get the result we wanted though!

The children have loved receiving all your messages and are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow afternoon fresh off the coach! Before that though, they have orienteering and team games to look forward to before we set off after lunch. Will try and get a blog post in before departure!

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Kingswood Day 3

Day 3 is upon us and after fuelling up on another cooked breakfast, it was time to get started on this morning’s activities: fire lighting, problem solving and low ropes.20180627_11010120180627_110253

In the afternoon, we encountered our first track experience. Formula 1 here we come! Caving tested the nerves of many – all emerged unscathed and with wild tales to tell! Cooperation, communication and resilience skills were all put to the test next in Jacob’s Ladder.

After a roast dinner, the children put their glad rags on and busted some serious moves on the dancefloor.

The sun has continued to shine, the sun cream has been regularly applied and the children have been praised for their good behaviour and teamwork.

The children have been posting letters and are eager to hear your news from home – thanks to all who have been commenting on the blog and sending updates via email!


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Kingswood Day 2

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Next the children put their blindfolds on and put their trust in their peers as they followed a trail through tunnels and tyres on their hands and knees.

Lunch was a choice of BBQ chicken wrap, sausage roll or jacket potato, after which it was onto fencing, bouldering, fire lighting and tackling an obstacle course.

More good food was consumed in the form of butter chicken or pasta bake followed by strawberry cheesecake, which set Y6 up well for Low Ropes and Trail of Mystery.

After another jam-packed sunny day, it was time to recharge their batteries once again and hit the sack.

The children loved receiving your emails – thanks for sending those through!


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