Year 6 – 12/10/18

Without doubt, one of my favourite aspects of teaching Year 6 is watching them spend time with their Reception learning partners. The kindness and patience they show towards them is incredibly admirable, and the Reception class are lucky to have such strong role models to help them learn. This afternoon, they helped their partners to draw portraits of our school saint, Pope Paul VI, who is being canonised on Sunday.

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This past fortnight, the Year 6s have been really proactive with their new posts of responsibility. The liturgy group have been extremely active in this Month of the Rosary. They have planned and led the last two Monday assemblies, and have led a decade of the Rosary every lunchtime. As it has recently been St Vincent’s and St Francis’ Feast Days, the house captains for the houses have also led assemblies on their respective saints. I have been so impressed with the time and commitment they have put into preparing for these events. The Fairtrade Group went to the church recently to assist in the cake sale, whilst the Eco Club have been busy promoting waste reduction, collecting energy-related data and creating informative posters.

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This week’s home learning is on the previous post.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Donatantonio