Year 6 Week Beginning 13.11.23

This week has been Anti-Bullying week! The week launched with both children and staff wearing odd socks to school; this  fun opportunity encouraged everyone to express themselves and celebrate their individuality!

As we are celebrating the Year of Diversity at Pope Paul, our Anti-Bullying Week focussed on the message of anti-racism. In class, the children learnt about what racism is and how they can be actively anti-racist. They also learned about unconscious bias. During lesson time, the class explored different scenarios where an anti-racist would speak out against racism through actions and words. They also made connections between anti-racism and our own school mission prayer, where we strive to respect and care for each other and to build a better world.

In Maths, Year 6 have been focussing on prime numbers, factors, common multiples, square and cube numbers and they have begun to write and edit the first drafts of their diary entries, in English.

In Science, Year 6 had lots of fun creating models using themselves, to show how light helps us to see.

Home learning has been set on the following websites:



Spelling Shed

Please remember to practise your multiplication skills regularly using TT Rockstars.

Regular daily reading

Please familiarise yourself with our class song for the Advent service. Parts and lines will be given out next week.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton

Friday 17th November 2023

This week as part of Anti-Bullying week, we have focussed on race, racism and what it means to be anti-racist.  We discussed how we can stop racism in our actions  and how we can be a good friend by promoting kindness and ending racism. The children created their own ‘say NO to racism posters’ understanding that racism hurts feelings – it makes people feel sad, lonely and confused; racism is unfair and they should feel proud of what makes them feel different and special.

Our English learning using the Spider and the Fly has continued. We have looked at ‘alien sentences’ to help build up our sentence structure knowledge and identify what aspects of a sentence are missing in in order to make them complete.

In Maths, we completed our work on using compensation to add and have been working hard on subtracting 2-digit numbers mentally.  In Science, we have begun our new topic on forces and magnets. On Thursday, we took part in an investigation to test what surface created the most friction.

We have also begun our RHE curriculum and the children learnt to unpack the Sacraments of Baptism and
Reconciliation, understanding that through prayer, the Sacraments and their friendships and relationships with others, will bring them even closer to Jesus.


Have a wonderful weekend.

Remember, Class Trip to the Science Museum is on Tuesday 21st November. Please check your school comms account to give permission etc. Children should wear their full school uniform.

Home Learning:



Spellings on spellingshed


Autumn 2 Week 3 w.b. 13.11.2023

Year One were very excited to visit the The Wyllyotts Museum on Wednesday afternoon as part of their Topics on ‘ Toys’ and ‘The local area’.  The children walked to and from The Museum very sensibly and talked about all they could see on their way! Members of The Historical Society greeted us and took the children around the Museum to see the various items on display. The museum has a wonderful range of Novelty telephones that the children could interact with as well as a collection of board games, soft toys and dolls.  A special thanks to Mabel who brought in her 100 year old doll that belonged to her Nan. The Museum kindly donated each child with a goody bag and a Quiz to take home. Thank you to our Parent helpers for coming with us. If you are ever passing the Museum we recommend you pop in and see all that is has to offer!


As part of Anti Bullying week we have been looking at and discussing our differences. Year One took part in a Circle time  learning how to be respectful listeners. We played the game Fruit Salad to practise our listening skills and to support children in seeing their similarities and differences. On Thursday the children worked in groups to discuss different scenarios where people were treated differently, they had to decide what they would do in that situation to make it right and presented their views to the class.


Home learning

Mathletics – due Friday.

Handwriting and letter formation worksheets. These do not need to come back to school.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day.

Nativity – In your child’s book folder you will find a letter regarding their role and costumes they will need for our Nativity this year. Their lines will be sent home for them to practice next week.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Autumn 2 Week 3

This week was Anti Bullying Week. We read the story The Ugly Duckling and spoke about how the ducks behaved. We thought about how the Ugly duckling was just different to the other ducks, he was not ugly. The children took turns to hot seat the Ugly Duckling and answer questions about how he was feeling when he was left out and then how he felt when he turned into a swan. The children did some wonderful pictures with speech bubbles to show how the duckling was feeling.

Then we thought about bullying and what it meant. The children learnt that bullying is when something happens over and over, not just a friend being unkind once. The children made posters to persuade people to be kind and not to bully. Then we thought about what we would do if we we were being bullied. The children drew around their hands and wrote the names of people they would talk to. The children thought about how they were different to their friends and made love hearts with a message about their differences. We talked about how we should not be unkind to someone because of the colour of their skin, hair or what they were wearing.

On our Art table the children made wonderful collages of ducks and swans. Then we learnt about the life cycle of a chicken. The children cut and sequenced pictures and made their own nests using natural materials. As we were learning about things that fly, the children made different things that fly using different materials.

In our outdoor shed, the children have been playing in the shop. They have been writing shopping lists and receipts.

In Maths, we continued comparing weighs of objects and explaining when something was heavier, lighter or the same. In Ten Ten, we listened to the last part of the Creation story and drew pictures and made a dance to show what God has created.

In Phonics the children have been revising the letter formation of the Phase 2 sounds, reading and writing words. It is wonderful to see how children’s letter formation is improving. Thank you for supporting your children with this.

This week we have been busy learning songs for our nativity and practising reading and acting. If your child has lines to learn, please support them with learning them and saying them loudly.  I have sent home a letter to explain what your child will need to wear. Please send these in by Friday 24th November.

On Monday 27th November, we will be learning about Advent. The children should wear something purple. The rest of their clothes can be school uniform.

Have a great week!


Mrs Carey

Friday, 17th November 2023

This week, as part of Anti-Bullying week, we have focussed on race, racism and what it means to be anti-racist.  We discussed key terms and cleared misconceptions before discussing scenario cards to gain understanding of acts of racism whereby a person treats another unfairly due to their race. Later on, we have participated in a group activity to find strategies when faced with an act of racism and to understand the difference between being non-racist and anti-racist.

In Maths, we consolidated column subtraction and extended our understanding of the formal methods by solving a complex Maths Mystery.

In English, we focused on one particular character from our book, Ice Palace and wrote first person accounts to explain who this character is and what it tries to achieve. We also read the remaining part of the book and mapped out any additional details using our story maps from an earlier lesson.

In RE, we prayed the Lectio Divina twice using Isaiah’s and Mark’s Gospels and their powerful messages. The children showed great reverence during these special prayer sessions and their reflections showed a deep understanding of their faith.

We also allocated parts to the Key Stage Two Advent Service and started learning our beautiful class song about St. Lucia in Swedish!

In Art, we moved on to creating our final pieces for this term’s Drawing unit, incorporating all techniques learnt.

In PE, we practiced ways of travelling and pair- balances using apparatus.

Next week Monday, the choir is out on their trip to the Royal Albert Hall. Children in Year 4, who are NOT part of the choir should come into school in their normal school uniforms as we are NOT going to have PE.

However, on Tuesday, 21st November, Year 4 is participating in a Multi-Skills Sport Festival at the Furzefield Sport Centre. CHildren should come in their full PE kit on that day, making sure that it’s appropriate for the weather (we might be outside) and they MUST have a coat as we are walking back from the Centre together.

Thank you so much for all parents who sent in junk modelling items. I can confirm that we have a rich selection of materials now which will enable the children to investigate sound using their hand made instruments thoroughly.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 21st November 2023
Spelling Words ending in ‘-lly’

Please log onto EdShed and practice this week’s spelling words.


Please log onto ReadTheory and complete 2 activities or alternatively download the attached Comprehension papers.

Cobweb Morning- text

Cobweb Morning-question

Cobweb Morning-answers


Log onto TT Rockstars and practice your mixed facts.

Advent Service Please learn the words to our Swedish song, St. Lucia. Children should have the words with them, as we sent them home on Thursday.

Children should only learn the first verse and the chorus repeated.


Year 5 – 16/11/23 | Anti-Racism Week

This week has been national Anti-Bullying Week, which for Pope Paul School has been Anti-Racism Week more particularly. In Year 5, we have had some really interesting, thought-provoking and challenging discussions in class that began on Monday with defining exactly what race and racism mean, moving onto what it means to be anti-racist (as opposed to simply being non-racist), and then how we can be anti-racist in our actions. The photos below show the children acting out scenarios, which led to discussions about what should have been done to challenge the racism in each situation. The children have been mature, curious and brave in the questions they have asked and in the ideas that they have shared. I am really proud of how they have participated and am confident that they are going to be wonderful advocators of anti-racism in our world.

In Science, we concluded our Animals Including Humans unit this week by carrying out investigations involving measuring children from different classes. After turning our data into line graphs, we could see a clear positive correlation between age and height.

Fraser, Nathan and Aram led us in a thoughtful collective worship on the theme of forgiveness – thank you boys.

Home learning for this week:

Maths Mathletics assignments – revision of this half term’s place value concepts:

·        Inverse operations (addition & subtraction) (Quest)

·        Multi-step addition & subtraction problems (Quest)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
SPaG Assignment on

·        Relative clauses

Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-ant’

·        distant

·        elegant

·        abundant

·        fragrant

·        brilliant

·        ignorant

·        constant

·        tolerant

·        dominant

·        vacant

Please also become familiar with our Advent Service song that we started learning today:

Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.

Miss Donatantonio

Autumn 2 Week 2

This week’s RE focus has been remembrance.  Some children brought in photos of loved ones and as a class we wrote down the names of family members and friends, who have died, so that we could pray for them.  The children showed reverence during the whole school pilgrimage today, where we travelled from class to class and looked at the remembrance displays.

In Maths this week we have been building, comparing and explaining the place value of numbers using mathematical language.

On Thursday we visited the Science Museum to conclude our History learning about the moon landing. The children were very excited about the journey and seeing all of the rockets, spacesuits and learning about life onboard the International Space Station. They behaved brilliantly and it was a pleasure to take them on the trip. Thank you to our parent helpers too.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spelling – ed suffix – please complete the handwriting sheet in your home learning pack and learn these words for our dictation on Friday.








Maths – Please complete the sheet/s (in pencil) in your home learning pack and return on Friday.


Year 6 Week Beginning 6.11.23

This week, the children in Year 6 have been thinking about Remembrance and began the week by making special prayer poppies which were displayed in our prayer area in the classroom; it ended today with a whole school pilgrimage around the school. This was a wonderful opportunity to visit each class and see their remembrance displays with their reading partners.

In English this week, the children began planning their Windrush diary entries, ready for the write-up sessions next week. The children are REALLY enjoying this text and complain every time I stop reading, so I am expecting some fantastic writing next week!

In Science, Year 6 began their new topic on ‘Light’. This week, the children had to find out how light travels and enjoyed setting up their own investigations; as a result, they learnt that light travels in a straight line!

In PE, the class continued their new dance unit based on the themes from WW2. They had lots of fun putting together simple dance steps to create routines in pairs. This was set to music from WW2.

Home learning has been set on:


Spelling Shed

Please continue to read daily and please bring your reading logs in on a daily basis. Thank you Year 6.


Have a good weekend,


Ms Pemberton

Friday 10th November, 2023

The focus this week has been remembrance.  The children brought in photos and pictures of loved ones and wrote the names of family members and friends who have died and as a class we had an act of worship to pray for them in class and outside.  The children showed such reverence during this time and we thank Grace, Noemi, Iustin and Hugo who lead us in prayer. We also took part in a school pilgrimage today, where we went from class to class and looked at their remembrance displays.


In Maths we have continued with our work on addition and subtraction using the Think 10 and Think 100 method.  The children particularly enjoyed the dice game of Zero the Hero!

In PE we have begun our topic of gymnastics looking at travelling and balancing.  The children worked hard in their groups using the PE apparatus in the Main Hall.

In English we have been looking at providing evidence for our answers when reading. We thought about what opinions we have of the spider and the fly and why we have them.

In Recorders we have begun learning for our recorder concert.  There are a number of things occurring in Year 3 this half term.  Please put these dates in your diaries:

Tuesday 21st November: Class Trip to the Science Museum for a Music Workshop

Wednesday 29th November: Class Trip to Westminster Cathedral to participate in the Advent Service.

Monday 11th December: Egyptian Day in school (The children will be transported to Ancient Egypt and are asked to dress up in their best Egyptian outfits in preparation for their day of learning all about the Ancient Egyptians!)

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning:

Spellings on spellingshed


TTRs…log on and practise your timestables!

Year 5 – 10/11/23

Today, we had a Remembrance Pilgrimage, whereby the whole school journeyed from the Reception classroom all the way up to Year 6 to remember loved ones who have died, whose names were written on our prayer tables or whose photos were displayed on our RE boards. It was a beautifully moving event which allowed all the children to pray for their eternal rest.

Also today, we welcomed Mya’s mum and sister into the classroom to conclude our One World Week learning on Zimbabwe from before half term. They told us about games that children play in Zimbabwe, their favourite songs and their favourite food. They also taught us about Danai Gurira – a Zimbabwean actress who they find particularly inspirational for the work that she has done in highlighting the issues and challenges that affect women throughout the world. The class were very excited when Mya’s mum and sister served us some traditional Zimbabwean food: Sadza (a cornmeal food that is a staple in all Zimbabwean meals) served with a delicious spinach stew. We thank the two of them for taking the time to enrich our learning about their country.

In PE, we continued with our netball unit, building up our throwing repertoire by practising the shoulder pass, bounce pass and overhead pass, along with the chest pass from last week.

Frankie, Aanay and Andreas led us in prayer yesterday morning by delivering a collective worship that they had planned on the theme of the Good Samaritan – thank you boys.

In Maths this week, we have been looking at formal methods for addition and subtracting, as well as using rounding to estimate and check answers. In RE this week, we started learning about a prayer form called Lectio Divina, which allows us to hear a Bible passage 4 times in order to firstly listen to it, then meditate on what it means to you personally, then speak to God about it, and finally contemplate on what action you should be taking from the passage into your daily life. The children shared at the end of our session today about how it enabled them to really get meaning from the passage and interpret it in a way that’s personal to them.

In Art, we experimented with using ink on watercolour wash for landscape painting. Once again, the class produced some really fantastic pieces.

Home learning for this week:

Maths Mathletics assignments – revision of this half term’s place value concepts:

·        Add 3-Digit Numbers: Regroup

·        Add Multi-Digit Numbers

·        3-Digit Differences: 1 Regrouping (Subtraction)

·        3-Digit Differences with Zeros (Subtraction)

·        Rounding to check answers (Quest)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
SPaG Assignment on

·        Direct speech punctuation (B)

Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words from the Year 5 & 6 Statutory Spelling List

·        appreciate

·        immediately

·        cemetery

·        language

·        conscious

·        sufficient

·        convenience

·        thorough

·        environment

·        vegetable

See you on Monday.

Miss D