Summer 2 Week 3

We have been busy honing our estimation and measuring skills in Maths this week – measuring activities have been set on Mathletics to support this learning.

After finding a bee and observing them in the school gardens, we have decided to plan non chronological reports about Honey Bees in our English lessons. We are enjoying finding out about these amazing insects – please see the home learning task.

We have drawn these beautiful insects in Art.

We have also been keen gardeners this week, tending to the vegetable patches, watering our plants and sowing spring onions.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Science/English – Please find 5 -10 fascinating facts about honeybees and bring them to school to share. You might like to use some of these websites to help you

Maths – Please complete the mathletic activities set.

Spelling – honey, nectar, queen, worker, busy, hive, pollen, flower.



Friday 16th June 2023

Healthy Eating Week


The big message for this week is Healthy eating for Everyone!!

Our sports leaders: Alfie, Kian, Sophie and Vihaan, have been very busy this week assisting all classes with their hydration points in their classes.  They have been preparing each morning water that has contained many different ingredients: strawberry, lemon, lime and mint.  Today, they carried out a whole school survey on the most popular flavoured water and the result was ‘strawberry’.  Alfie announced this good news to the whole school this morning in assembly. From this survey, the sports captains will be preparing strawberry flavoured water for Sports Day on Wednesday 28th June.  On top of that, they have visited each class and assisted with cutting up their fruit for the class to sample and also assisted the class teachers during their PE lessons where the focus has been on Sports Day. [This insert has been written by Sophie]

Well done to each of them for their time, enthusiasm and hard work!

In English the children completed their healthy eating explanation text on the areas of: fibre, stay hydrated and five-a day.

We have continued with the production and have made more props!  The children have painted beautiful jungle flowers which will be added to our scenery. The children are learning their parts (spoken and vocal parts). A gentle reminder: can all costumes be in school by Monday 19th June as we would like the children to practise the scenes in them from Monday.

In Maths the children have looked at expressions and equations and were fantastic in solving these and in RE we have continued our work on parables.

Home Learning:

  1.  As part of the Healthy Eating Week focus, we are inviting the children to take part in the Aldi Competition answering the question:

How can we inspire people to enjoy healthy, sustainable food?

The children have been asked to design a lorry to inspire people to enjoy healthy, sustainable food. They have been given a template to use.  Please can this sheet be handed back into school by: Tuesday 20th June.  Thank you.

2. Please encourage your child to learn their lines for the play.

  1. Click here to listen to some of the songs we are singing.    Songs


Summer 2 Week 2

This week was Healthy Eating Week. Each day, we tasted different flavoured water to encourage us to drink more and stay hydrated. The children made posters to tell others about the importance of drinking. The most popular flavour water in Year 3 was mint and the overall school favourite was strawberry. On Monday, for Design and Technology, the children made their healthy sandwiches. It was great to see children adapting their plans to use wholemeal or brown bread and adding extra salads to make their sandwiches healthy. They then evaluated their sandwiches, thinking about what went well and what they would change next time. Thank you to all the children who sent in different fruits and to the Year 6 children who  helped to cut all of the fruit. The children enjoyed trying new fruits! The next food group we learnt about was protein and how we can vary the protein we eat. We also learnt about fibre and why it is important and identified food that contain fibre. Then we learnt about foods waste, the children have taken home a survey about food waste, please complete this and send it back.

In Maths, the children have been learning about tenths and how we record tenths as a decimal. The children were given the challenge of making a stick man, a tenth of me. The discussion between partners were great and they worked well to make a stickman of the correct height. Then the children lined up 10 stickmen to see if it was the same height as me and they were!

In English, the children have been using the skills they have learnt over the past few weeks to write adventure stories. I have enjoyed reading each one! They have captured the element of excitement in their stories and all of the stories make you want you to read on. They have included fronted adverbials, conjunctions, prepositions, similes and metaphors.

On Wednesday, Year 3 lead the class mass to celebrate their FIrst Holy Communion. The children sang and responded beautiful and their behaviour was excellent. Well done to the readers and the children who did the offertory procession. It was lovely to see some many of you there.

Home Learning

Spelling Edshed – difficult, important, length, perhaps, position, pressure, question, strange, special, purpose


Maths Practise 8 times tables.


Science Read the letter attached and complete the template by Monday 19th June Home Learning

Complete the food waste worksheet and the healthy eating booklet.



Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Carey

Year 6 Learning Week beginning Monday 12th June 2023


The focus in Maths is ‘Transition’

here for the Maths 1              Click here for Maths 2







Friday 9th June 2023

In English lessons, Year 6 have been writing narratives about The King of Winter from a picture stimulus. We were impressed with the quality of the descriptions and dialogue. These have been added to their writing portfolios.

On Thursday Year 6 took part in the Blessed Sacrament Procession alongside the rest of the school. They walked with their Reception partners, showing them how to be peaceful and reverent. They were excellent role models.


On Tuesday, the children had their first tennis lesson of the term.  They took part in some very challenging activities passing the ball to their partner and developed their catching skills.

Our class production of The Jungle Book has been a focus for this week.  The class have each practised their parts in the script and have learnt some of the songs. Well done! Every child has been given a letter home about their costumes. Can we ask that all costumes be in school by Friday 16th June.  Thank you.  Next week, we will be focussing on acting out the production on stage. On Wednesday the class was busy producing props to decorate the stage. The many leaves made will be added to over the coming weeks as we look to transform the hall into a jungle!!

Have a lovely weekend.

See you at the Potters Bar Carnival on Sunday!

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.


Home Learning:

  1.  Learn their lines for the play.
  2. Click here to listen to some of the songs we are singing.    Songs pdf
  3. It is Healthy Eating Week next week.  The Sports Leaders will be assisting over the week with lunchtime activity games and preparing the food trays for each class alongside the class teachers.   Can your child bring in a fruit or vegetable by Wednesday 14th June that they have not eaten before or have just tried and enjoyed and would like to share this with the rest of the class.  Thank you!
  4. Research the five focus areas:         1. Focus on fibre  2.  Eat at least 5 portions a day.  3.  Vary your protein.  4.  Stay Hydrated.  5.  Reduce Food Waste.

Our writing focus for next week is on explanation texts so this research will aid them in their writing.

Summer 2 Week 1


Welcome back, I hope you all had a wonderful half term. We have been busy in Year 2 planting vegetables,  learning about the different parts of flowers and what seeds do. We have also learnt about germination and are observing the germination of mustard seeds, cress and runner beans in class. We are really looking forward to our class trip next week, where we will be visiting the Knebworth House walled garden and taking part in a plant workshop.

In P.E. we have been busy preparing for sports day and are learning how to field and bowl in cricket – aiming at the wicket (swat the fly).

In Religion we have learnt about parables. We have listened to the Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son and The Mustard Seed and thought about what the stories were telling us.

On Thursday we took part in the Blessed Sacrament Procession and were prayerful at all times.

Remember our class trip is on Tuesday and the children will need to wear the P.E. kit and have a hat and packed lunch. Football and Tennis club will also start next week.

Home Learning

Science – Next week is Healthy Eating Week, please find an exotic fruit or a vegetable or one that you have never eaten before and bring it into class on Monday and or Wednesday.

Spelling – tch – please copy these into your handwriting book.

witch, switch, pitch, catch, fetch, itch, snatch.

Maths – Fractions on Mathletics

English – Verbs on

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle





Friday 26th May 2023

In English this week, we have created newspaper reports based on our PGL trip. We imagined that we found a mysterious item on the beach and explained how it was found.

In RE we talked about our Christian beliefs and looked closely at three of them to decide what actions in our daily lives shows how we live these beliefs.  The children designed handprints of the three beliefs and the actions.

The highlight of this week for us as a class was the May Procession, Our Feast Day Mass and the Oakmere Mini Marathon.  In the procession this morning Kate and Ben led the whole school beautifully to the peace garden and crowned Our Lady Queen of the May. The readers for the May Procession were Arthur, Ti, Leon, Oskar, Monica and Kian.  Thank you to Eric who served, Johanna and  Caroline who read at the Mass this afternoon and Violet who did the powerpoint.

Congratulations to those children also who participated in Oakmere’s Mini Marathon.  Well done to Max, VJ, Tymon, Sophie, Violet and Monica.

We hope you all enjoy a wonderful half term break and look forward to seeing all the children for our final half term of the academic year.


Choir – POTSMA Concert words to learn



I am sailing, I am sailing, home again ‘cross the sea, I am sailing stormy waters to be near you, to be free

I am flying, I am flying like a bird, ‘cross the sky, I am flying, passing high clouds to be near you, to be free.

Can you hear me, can you hear me, thro’ the dark night far away? I am dying, for ever trying to be with you, who can say?

We are sailing, we are sailing home again ‘cross the sea, We are sailing stormy waters to be near you, to be free. To be near you, to be free.



There once was a ship that put to sea, The name of that ship was the Billy o’ Tea

The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down

Blow, me bully boys, blow (huh)


Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done we’ll take our leave and go


She had not been two weeks from shore

When down on her, a right whale bore

The captain called all hands and swore

He’d take that whale in tow (huh) Chorus


No line was cut, no whale was freed

The captain’s mind was not on greed

But he belonged to the Wellerman’s creed

She took that ship in tow (huh) Chorus


As far as I’ve heard, the fight’s still on

The line’s not cut, and the whale’s not gone

The Wellerman makes his regular call

Blow, me bully boys, blow (huh) Chorus



I come from a very old family. (Family) For millions of years we’ve been at sea. (Been at sea.)

We’ve been accused, maligned and abused.

But they’ll never get the better of me. (Of me.)


‘Cos I’m the big bad lad of the ocean, I’m the mean machine of the sea.

You never know which way I’ll go, so don’t get too close to me.

I never show my emotions, I’m the coldest fish in the sea.

You never know which way I’ll go, so don’t get too close to me.


The whole of my life I can never sleep. (Never sleep.)

Patrolling the ocean all alone. (All alone.)

The day that I stop is the day that I drop

To the bottom of the sea like a stone. (Like a stone.) Chorus.


Big bad lad of the sea. (That’s me.)



Seagull, seagull, sit on the shore, sit on the shore, sit on the shore.

Seagull, seagull, sit on the shore and sail on my Santy Anna.


Penguin –swim in the sea

Puffin –fly in the sky

Skua –follow the ship



The pirate ship is coming, We know it’s on its way,

The pirate ship is coming, We’ve seen it in the bay.


A skull and crossbones on the mast, A wild and noisy crew:

The pirate ship is coming And it’s after me and you!

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum, pirates like to have their fun!

Yo-ho-ho on the‘Salty Breeze’as they sail the seven seas.


The captain wears an eye-patch, A cutlass in his hand,

And on the bridge beside him, His faithful pirates stand. Chorus


They’re seeking gold and silver And jewels of ev’ry kind,

They’ll board each sailing vessel And take what they can find. Chorus



Somewhere beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me

My lover stands on golden sands, and watches the ships that go sailing

Somewhere beyond the sea, she’s there watching for me

If I could fly like birds on high, then straight to her arms, I’d go sailing


It’s far beyond a star, It’s near beyond the moon

I know beyond a doubt, my heart will lead me there soon

We’ll meet beyond the shore, we’ll kiss just as before

Happy we’ll be beyond the sea, and never again, I’ll go sailing


I know beyond a doubt, my heart will lead me there soon

We’ll meet beyond the shore, we’ll kiss just as before

Happy we’ll be beyond the sea, and never again, I’ll go sailing




The seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake.

You dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake.

Just look at the world around you

Right here on the ocean floor,

Such wonderful things surround you

What more is you lookin’ for?


Under the sea, under the sea

Darling it’s better down where it’s wetter, take it from me.

Up on the shore they work all day,

Out in the sun they slave away.

While we devotin’ full time to floatin’ under the sea.


Down here all the fish is happy as off through the waves they roll.

The fish on the land ain’t happy, they sad ’cause they in their bowl.

But fish in the bowl is lucky, they in for a worser fate.

One day when the boss get hungry, guess who’s gon’ be on the plate?


Under the sea, under the sea. Nobody beat us, fry us and eat us in fricassee.

We what the land folks loves to cook, under the sea we off the hook.

We got no troubles, life is the bubbles under the sea.


Each little clam here know how to jam here under the sea.

Each little snail here know how to wail here.

That’s why it’s hotter under the water.

Ya, we in luck here, down in the muck here under the sea.


Year 6 Flags of the World Activity

Flags of the World

Click above to see the Flags of the World.  Choose one or two to create for us to use for our Pentecost Celebration!


Bawdsey Manor Day 4 and 5

Due to wifi connection, the posts did not load. Apologies.

We hope you enjoyed seeing the many photos that were taken during the activities the children got up to.  On Thursday the children experienced the Giant Swing, Fencing, Abseiling and Archery.

The Giant Swing was the ultimate test of nerve and joint decision-making. Two children at a time were harnessed into the swing, while other members of the group hauled them up to 10 metres into the air!  The children I would say now are ready for the Tug of War competition!  The abseiling tower was a backward descent from the top of a 12 metre tower, suspended by a rope certainly gave some of our children an adrenalin rush! This activity encourages individual courage and determination but it’s also a great way to bring young people together as they support and encourage each other.

Archery took place on an outdoor ranges and each group were encouraged safety awareness from the outset as they were taught the basics. The activity required accuracy, control, concentration and a steady hand and all of the class ensured that they gave that on their go.

Fencing  involved good eye-to-hand coordination, fast footwork, lightning reflexes and even quicker decision-making.  Dressed in all the safety gear, the children learnt the basics of challenging many opponents in the session and they enjoyed chanting touche which acknowledged a hit!

On Thursday evening, the children took part in an interactive Cluedo session around the site visiting all the suspects before finding out who was the culprit.  Once a unanimous decision was made, the culprit was revealed and received a bucket of water!

On Friday, after either archery or a problem solving activity, we took our packed lunches and went on a coastal walk.  We had lunch by the sea and the children had some free time to explore the beach before we all headed back to our coach driver who was ready to take us home.