Friday 16th June 2023

Healthy Eating Week


The big message for this week is Healthy eating for Everyone!!

Our sports leaders: Alfie, Kian, Sophie and Vihaan, have been very busy this week assisting all classes with their hydration points in their classes.  They have been preparing each morning water that has contained many different ingredients: strawberry, lemon, lime and mint.  Today, they carried out a whole school survey on the most popular flavoured water and the result was ‘strawberry’.  Alfie announced this good news to the whole school this morning in assembly. From this survey, the sports captains will be preparing strawberry flavoured water for Sports Day on Wednesday 28th June.  On top of that, they have visited each class and assisted with cutting up their fruit for the class to sample and also assisted the class teachers during their PE lessons where the focus has been on Sports Day. [This insert has been written by Sophie]

Well done to each of them for their time, enthusiasm and hard work!

In English the children completed their healthy eating explanation text on the areas of: fibre, stay hydrated and five-a day.

We have continued with the production and have made more props!  The children have painted beautiful jungle flowers which will be added to our scenery. The children are learning their parts (spoken and vocal parts). A gentle reminder: can all costumes be in school by Monday 19th June as we would like the children to practise the scenes in them from Monday.

In Maths the children have looked at expressions and equations and were fantastic in solving these and in RE we have continued our work on parables.

Home Learning:

  1.  As part of the Healthy Eating Week focus, we are inviting the children to take part in the Aldi Competition answering the question:

How can we inspire people to enjoy healthy, sustainable food?

The children have been asked to design a lorry to inspire people to enjoy healthy, sustainable food. They have been given a template to use.  Please can this sheet be handed back into school by: Tuesday 20th June.  Thank you.

2. Please encourage your child to learn their lines for the play.

  1. Click here to listen to some of the songs we are singing.    Songs