Friday 7th February, 2025

This week was another busy week.

On Thursday Beth Cullen our Education NHS Wellbeing practitioner delivered  an assembly to all KS2 classes and  I was really impressed with how calmly Year 6 engaged with the relaxation script and how involved they all were in the workshop we had back in class. 

We have continued with our work in Design and Technology in creating our mobile phone covers.  The children have been hard at work threading their needles and using their knowledge of various stitching to ensure that their cover fits their design.


In Maths we have completed our work on Ratio and next week will be embracing algebra!  The children have also worked hard on their daily arithmetic skills.  There is a competition today organised by TTRs and I would like to encourage the children to participate in this.

In English, Year 6 have begun writing their own field guide entries for beasts they have created. They will complete these next week.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


PE days for next week are Tuesday and Thursday. School uniform to be worn on Wednesday for our trip. This is for this week only.

Home Learning:

Spelling Shed


TTRS (please logon and practise your timetables!)


Choir – POTSMA Concert words to learn



I am sailing, I am sailing, home again ‘cross the sea, I am sailing stormy waters to be near you, to be free

I am flying, I am flying like a bird, ‘cross the sky, I am flying, passing high clouds to be near you, to be free.

Can you hear me, can you hear me, thro’ the dark night far away? I am dying, for ever trying to be with you, who can say?

We are sailing, we are sailing home again ‘cross the sea, We are sailing stormy waters to be near you, to be free. To be near you, to be free.



There once was a ship that put to sea, The name of that ship was the Billy o’ Tea

The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down

Blow, me bully boys, blow (huh)


Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done we’ll take our leave and go


She had not been two weeks from shore

When down on her, a right whale bore

The captain called all hands and swore

He’d take that whale in tow (huh) Chorus


No line was cut, no whale was freed

The captain’s mind was not on greed

But he belonged to the Wellerman’s creed

She took that ship in tow (huh) Chorus


As far as I’ve heard, the fight’s still on

The line’s not cut, and the whale’s not gone

The Wellerman makes his regular call

Blow, me bully boys, blow (huh) Chorus



I come from a very old family. (Family) For millions of years we’ve been at sea. (Been at sea.)

We’ve been accused, maligned and abused.

But they’ll never get the better of me. (Of me.)


‘Cos I’m the big bad lad of the ocean, I’m the mean machine of the sea.

You never know which way I’ll go, so don’t get too close to me.

I never show my emotions, I’m the coldest fish in the sea.

You never know which way I’ll go, so don’t get too close to me.


The whole of my life I can never sleep. (Never sleep.)

Patrolling the ocean all alone. (All alone.)

The day that I stop is the day that I drop

To the bottom of the sea like a stone. (Like a stone.) Chorus.


Big bad lad of the sea. (That’s me.)



Seagull, seagull, sit on the shore, sit on the shore, sit on the shore.

Seagull, seagull, sit on the shore and sail on my Santy Anna.


Penguin –swim in the sea

Puffin –fly in the sky

Skua –follow the ship



The pirate ship is coming, We know it’s on its way,

The pirate ship is coming, We’ve seen it in the bay.


A skull and crossbones on the mast, A wild and noisy crew:

The pirate ship is coming And it’s after me and you!

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum, pirates like to have their fun!

Yo-ho-ho on the‘Salty Breeze’as they sail the seven seas.


The captain wears an eye-patch, A cutlass in his hand,

And on the bridge beside him, His faithful pirates stand. Chorus


They’re seeking gold and silver And jewels of ev’ry kind,

They’ll board each sailing vessel And take what they can find. Chorus



Somewhere beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me

My lover stands on golden sands, and watches the ships that go sailing

Somewhere beyond the sea, she’s there watching for me

If I could fly like birds on high, then straight to her arms, I’d go sailing


It’s far beyond a star, It’s near beyond the moon

I know beyond a doubt, my heart will lead me there soon

We’ll meet beyond the shore, we’ll kiss just as before

Happy we’ll be beyond the sea, and never again, I’ll go sailing


I know beyond a doubt, my heart will lead me there soon

We’ll meet beyond the shore, we’ll kiss just as before

Happy we’ll be beyond the sea, and never again, I’ll go sailing




The seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake.

You dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake.

Just look at the world around you

Right here on the ocean floor,

Such wonderful things surround you

What more is you lookin’ for?


Under the sea, under the sea

Darling it’s better down where it’s wetter, take it from me.

Up on the shore they work all day,

Out in the sun they slave away.

While we devotin’ full time to floatin’ under the sea.


Down here all the fish is happy as off through the waves they roll.

The fish on the land ain’t happy, they sad ’cause they in their bowl.

But fish in the bowl is lucky, they in for a worser fate.

One day when the boss get hungry, guess who’s gon’ be on the plate?


Under the sea, under the sea. Nobody beat us, fry us and eat us in fricassee.

We what the land folks loves to cook, under the sea we off the hook.

We got no troubles, life is the bubbles under the sea.


Each little clam here know how to jam here under the sea.

Each little snail here know how to wail here.

That’s why it’s hotter under the water.

Ya, we in luck here, down in the muck here under the sea.


Choir music – Wyllyotts concert

The link below will take you to the folder containing the music and lyrics for our concert in a couple of weeks time. Please practise all the song: the words need to be learnt off my heart for the rehearsal on Saturday 30th March.

Space Music 2019

Choir Songs

We use our talents in the service of others!


Well done to the choir who entertained the Potters Bar Community Club with their singing this afternoon. They sang a range of Christmas carols and songs of worship. It was wonderful for the children to be able to share their talents with others and to have a chance to bring a small piece of Christmas spirit to the elderly of our town community.



Choir supporting our local comunity

Congratulations to the choir who sang at the Act4 URC Christmas Fayre today. You all did brilliantly and were a credit to your parents and to our school. I received an email from the Director of music, Stephen Jones….

It was lovely to hear the choir today. I thought their singing was excellent. As I said after your performance, I was impressed by their clear words, good choir discipline, excellent intonation, beautiful tuning in the two part singing (not only in, but especially in the chromatic lines of ‘White Christmas’), performance demeanour – there were some smiling faces, lots of great mouth shapes and dropped jaws, good ensemble stemming from their evident good training – things like watching the conductor, and responding to the beat. There was lots of energy too, especially in your finale ‘Rocking around the Christmas tree’ which the choir sang with great panache and evident enjoyment. All in all, a very pleasing performance of which everyone can feel proud.

Thank you to all the parents who made it possible for the choir to perform today and to Miss Donatantonio for all her hard work with the junior choir.

Well done everyone!

Liz Heymoz


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