Monday, 18th May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope that you have had a wonderful weekend. As always, we love to see what you have been doing.

This week is a very special week. It is our Spirituality week! We have lots of lovely activities for you to do each day, which will make our week a little different and enjoyable. The Year 6 House Captains and Liturgy Leaders have worked hard to assist with this, so we send them a special thank you too.

Our Science experiment progressed very well since Friday. Make sure you see the pictures of our eggs and what happened to them, by looking at the PowerPoint. You can complete your science table in your books when you are ready. Don’t forget to let us know how your experiment went, if you did it yourselves!

It is also Week 5, which means that on Friday it will be half term! So, one more week of hard work, and you can have a whole week of well-deserved rest!

We want you to share your learning with us and tell us what special things you have been doing at home on your own or with your family.  Keep posting!

A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to:

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Let’s see what some of you got up to on Friday:

Space Beeping (1)  William G explored the music app – listen to his space composition

Many of you enjoyed listening to Peter and the Wolf.  Here is a link to a you tube clip of Peter and the Wolf where you will recognise many of the people on it. Have a LOOK!

Here’s some of Fabian’s observations:

Click here for today’s learning

You need this information today to help you:

Spelling Sheet Aid Week 5

Poetry Links – Click below and choose a poem to read/listen to/learn by heart!

Poetry Links

Science PowerPoint

Spirituality Week  Click on the link on our blog to take you to Monday’s Spirituality


Wednesday Word – 6th Sunday of Easter (A)

Each week, a Year 6 Liturgy Leader will be guiding you through the Wednesday Word. Take the time to follow it as a family and reflect on each Sunday’s Gospel reading.

This week, Elysia has prepared a beautiful powerpoint to take you through yesterday’s Gospel. Click here to open it.

Week Beginning 18.5.20 Reception Home Learning Overview

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week is Spirituality Week.

Please check the blog daily for the set activities.

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week and half term holiday!

Mrs Theo


As it is Spirituality Week, it is important that you complete the daily activity on the class blog. In addition to this, I have also planned a few activities around the theme of ‘Space’- an idea suggested by Eloise!

Please watch the following:

Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy

How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers

Man on the Moon John Lewis Advert

*Remember, you do not need to do everything on this overview- just choose one or two things from each area to do over the week.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

  • Discuss the things that your child would miss, if they suddenly had to live on the moon or in a space station.
  • Talk about the range of emotions that the man on the moon and the little girl was feeling throughout the advert.

 Communication and Language

Please continue to focus on asking and answering: who? where? why? what? when? questions. 

  • Make up an alien language and teach it to your family.
  • Think about how you would communicate with your friends and family from the moon.
  • Talk about how you would get a package to the man on the moon.   

Physical Development

Watch the Apollo 11 takeoff and moon landing on YouTube and try the following:

  • Move around like an astronaut who is walking on the moon.
  • Take off like the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
  • Move around as if you were weightless.

Understanding the World

  • Find out what you can about Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon and the Apollo 11 takeoff and landing.
  • Baby bear met an Owl in the story ‘Whatever Next!’ What other nocturnal animals do you know?
  • Learn about the planets in our solar system.
  • If you are lucky enough to have a telescope, have a go at some stargazing, if it’s not too late.
  • Explore the Space topic on the CBeebies website. It has stories, games, podcasts and much more!
  • Listen to this interview with an astronaut: 

Expressive Arts and Design

  • 3D models-Use a range of different materials to make some of the following: space helmet, sparkly moon dust, space boots, power packs, telescopes, rockets, spacecrafts, aliens, planets, stars.
  • Paint a picture of what you think an alien might look like!
  • Paint pictures of the Apollo 11 takeoff and moon landing.
  • Design your own planet- what would it look like? What would humans need to live there?


Moon rock investigation

 Collect lots of different sized stones, while you are out and about. Cover them all in tin foil to become ‘moon rocks’.

  • Count how many moon rocks there are in total.
  • Add and take away using the moon rocks.
  • Order according to size.
  • Pick 5 moon rocks of different sizes. Weigh each rock, record and order by weight.
  • Practise saying one more/one less and check using the stones.
  • Explore doubling and halving practically using the rocks.


Parents, as tempting as it is, please try to limit the number of worksheets you give to your child as eventually, it will take the joy out of learning. The children are used to doing maths activities in a very practical way, both in the inside and outside learning environment. Rather than adding up pictures on a piece of paper, they could be adding up two piles of cars, two groups of daisies, goals scored altogether by two people etc. Thank you! 


  • Write a list of things that you would take into space.
  • Plan a picnic on the moon. What things would you need to bring in your basket?
  • Write a letter to the man on the moon in the John Lewis advert.
  • Write about how you would catch a star, just like the boy in the story.

Phonics- It is highly important that your child practises their letter sounds and tricky words and applies them through a reading and writing activity daily. Reading will help improve their vocabulary and a child’s academic success depends upon the ability to read and write and so this should be a priority.

Please do the daily Department for Education (DFE) ‘Letters and Sounds’ live phonics lesson.


To show that RE is a special learning time, we always light a candle to mark the beginning of lesson and ask ‘Who is with us when we light the candle?’ and ‘Who do we learn about in our RE lesson?’

We then say the school’s Mission Prayer together. 

Please see the daily Spirituality Week blog.

On Thursday, we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Please read the Ascension story from the children’s Bible with your child and talk about what it must have been like for the Apostles to witness this.

Mass will be live-streamed at 10am at


Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning, Year 5.


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. Today is the beginning of Spirituality Week. Everyday, there will be a task so please click onto the link on the Year 5 blog each day to see what it is.


Here is your learning for today:18th May


Have a wonderful day,

Mrs Lines

Friday, 15th May, 2020

Good morning Year 4!

Well, we have seen such a wonderful array of birthday cakes this week – I hope that Fabian, Alice and Darcie-Louise still have some birthday cake left to nibble on today!  Your parents have clearly ensured that they have found creative ways so that you have had a fabulous day during this time.  Judging by your early morning photos, it seems as if you have had special breakfasts that include seeing your cake!  Lucky you!

It has been wonderful to hear that you had fun with your science experiment this week – make sure that you keep daily observations on what is happening!  Lots of you are working hard on developing your understanding of decimals, improving your handwriting and lots more.  Joseph has also shared his lovely altar.

Keep posting – it is lovely to see all that is going on at home and how hard you are all working.  Experimenting, competing, celebrating, practising your handwriting, mastering work on decimals…well done!


Have a great day of learning today!

Click here for yesterday’s answers.

Click here for today’s learning.

Resources that you need for today’s learning:

computing and music

Science Observations UPDATED   Click here

Olympic ChallengeOlympic Challenge       English Writing Challenge


Maths: Activity 1 here and Video 1    Click here for the answers

Activity 2 Click here   Video 2      Click here for the answers





Friday 15th May 2020

Good morning Year 2,

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. In the table below you will find today’s learning activities. You can keep in contact with me by posting comments to the Year 2 Blog or by sending me an email at

Well done for all your hard work this week. I wish you all a peaceful weekend.

Take very good care.

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Friday 15th May 2020

Creator God,
Because of your abundant love
you chose to bring light and order into the formless void,
to create a world of unsurpassed beauty
and you saw that it was good.
We ask that you continue to recreate the world
with that same attentive love,
to bring light into today’s ever increasing chaos and darkness
where we have failed to be stewards and carers of your creation.
Replenish our hearts
so that we too can renew the face of the earth.


Complete the spelling test for this week’s spellings on the SpellingFrame website.
Copy the following common exception words into your handwriting books.
Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 15-05-2020
Morning Challenge
WALT: Find lines of symmetry

A 2D shape is symmetrical if you draw a line through it and it looks exactly the same on either side of the line.

A line of symmetry has been drawn through the shapes below. Complete the shapes.

English Friday 15th May 2020
WALT: Use adjectives to describeDescribe how the character Smudge felt in Voices in the Park. Compose 6 sentences with the adjectives you have chosen.


Listening and appreciationListen to the following piece of music and record your answers in your lined writing books.

Is this music happy or sad?

Is it fast or slow?

What instruments can you hear?

What does this piece of music make you think of?

Did you enjoy the piece? Explain our answer.

What wonderful work! I am very proud of you all!

Friday 15th May Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. I have loved looking at the photos of your learning.

Here is your learning today.

PE Olympics Challenge



Watch the video on Add equal Groups then do the activity sheet. Write your answers in your

Maths book or on the sheet.

Friday Maths

English Copy these sentences into your writing book in your best handwriting.

Choose a conjunction for each sentence.        and      or      but     so


1. I went to bed very late ___________________ I am tired today.

2. I listened to the weather forecast ___________________ put an umbrella in my bag.

3. I enjoy playing hockey ___________________ it’s not my favourite sport.

4. We could go to the park ___________________ to the cinema.

Now write a sentence with the conjunction because and a sentence with the conjunction then.



Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sound is ou


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

 Reading Read for 10 minutes. Write two sentences in your reading record about the book.
Handwriting Write your spellings four times each in your handwriting book. Choose one word and write a sentence.
RE Read the story of Pentecost again and complete a storyboard of pictures and sentences for

each part of the story.



Thursday 14th May Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. Thank you for the photos of your learning.

Here is your learning today.

PE Olympics Challenge





Count in twos, fives and tens.

Watch the video on Add equal groups then do the activity sheet. Write your answers in your maths book or on the sheet.

Thursday Maths



username: trial_popepaulcatholicprimaryschool

Password: 0p6n137z


Click on easy letters and watch how to write the letters.

Click on phonics – Click on Phase 5 – choose a phoneme and watch how it is written. Try with the pencil and you can print and try on paper.


English Complete the reading comprehension on the link below. Choose which one you do.

English Thursday



Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sound is ir


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

 Reading Read for 10 minutes. Write two sentences in your reading record about the book.

Watch the film and the play the game.




Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope that you are enjoying the Pope Paul Home Olympics. I really love seeing how you are getting on with the different challenges. Keep up the great work.

In the table below you will find today’s learning activities. Please keep in contact and continue to share your fantastic learning with me. If you have any questions or if you need any help please email me at:

Have a brilliant day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Thursday 14th May 2020

Risen Christ, when darkness overwhelms us
may your dawn beckon.

When fear paralyses us
may your touch release us.

When grief torments us
may your peace enfold us.

When memories haunt us
may your presence heal us.

When justice fails us
may your anger ignite us.

When apathy stagnates us
may your challenge renew us.

When courage leaves us
may your spirit inspire us.

When despair grips us
may your hope restore us.

And when death threatens us
may your resurrection light lead us.


Compose a sentence for five of the spellings words and write your sentences in your handwriting book.
Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 14-05-2020
Morning Challenge
WALT: Know the properties of 2D Shapes.

Extension Challenge
Find examples of everyday objects for the shapes in the table.
English Thursday 14th May 2020
WALT: Recount events – Voices in the Park

Recount language: first, next, then, after that, later, eventually, finally…

Create an individual story map about the day in the park from the point of view of one other character. Add sequencing words and any key words to your story map.

Write a short recount of the character’s day using the story map to help scaffold your sentences.

Remember to use plenty of adjectives and conjunctions in your sentences.

Thursday 14th May 2020
WALT: Know about our Lady of Fatima

Thank you for sharing your wonderful photographs!

Panayiotis’s delightful D&T cups for the characters from Voices in the Park.

Siena’s super story board!


Year 6 – Thursday 14th May learning

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
Miss Pringle’s Home Olympic Challenge Here is Miss Pringle’s challenge for today.
Spelling Play with family members: Word Wager


1.                Put this week’s words into an envelope/wallet.

2.                Share the tokens (could be anything – beads, buttons, stones) equally between the group.

3.                One person in the group will be the caller, and will read a word for you to spell.

4.                If you think you are able to spell it, bet as many tokens as you like.

5.                If you’re not sure, you can sit out of that round but you still have to pay the pot one token.

6.                Betting players write the word down.

7.                Those who spell it correctly divide the pot equally.


Reminder of this week’s spellings:











Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.

It would be lovely to see that poems that you have written!

Times Tables
Maths WALT calculate missing angles in a triangle.

Here is today’s maths lesson:

Questions for today are here, and the answers are here.

RE WALT recognise the importance of the Feast of the Ascension.

 Click here for today’s learning.

Computing WALT use coding to make moving sprites.

 Click on the link below to watch a video then follow a tutorial that will teach you how to program your own dance party. Have fun!