Summer 1 week 6 w.b 20.5.24

As part of Spirituality week, Year one were partnered with a child in Year five to write a prayer for, thinking of what  they would like to say to each other. They met and exchanged their prayers with each other. It was very special hearing the children read their prayers for each and every child.

On Tuesday, the weather wasn’t playing ball which meant the children took part in their tennis lesson under the cover outside the classroom. The rain didn’t stop play and the children took part in the fun games Mr Mills organised for them!

On Thursday afternoon the children took part in spirituality stations that were set up in the hall. This was led beautifully by year 6 and the children engaged and responded in all of the activates showing great respect and enthusiasm.


In History this week the children were looking at some important British Monarchs dating back to King John all the way to King Charles III. They used a timeline to plot who ruled first in chronological order.

In Preparation for the Phonics screening test that takes place from the week of June 10th, we would like to ask you to spend some time practising all the Phase 5 sounds and practise by playing some phonics games or completing past papers from the gov website.


Wishing you all a lovely week with your families. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 3rd June.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Feast Day Mass

St Paul VI Feast Day

Summer 1 Week 6

This week we have been focusing on London. We read a book called Miles in London who visited many places. The children learnt about the different landmarks in London and wrote about where they would like to visit. They made postcards about a trip to London, letters to King Charles and drew maps of the different places to visit in London. The children made Big Ben, the London Aquarium, the Natural History Museum  from boxes.

Outside, the children have been acting as teachers. They have been teaching phonics, taking the register and writing comments about good behaviour. The children have been very good teachers! Then they had fun in the puddles, making bubbles.

In Religion, the children learnt about Pentecost. They acted out the story in groups, they made fire using blow painting to represent the fire and made kites to represent the wind. The children made birthday cards and birthday cakes to celebrate the birthday of the church. Some children retold the story in a story map.

On Tuesday afternoon, the children took part in different prayer stations led by the Year 6 children. The children were wonderful throughout.

In Maths, the children have continued learning about 2D shapes. They made pictures out of different 2D shapes. Then we learnt about 3D shapes and the children learn the names of cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid and sphere. They identified everyday objects that are 3D shapes.

It was lovely to see some of you at The International Evening. Thank you for donating lovely food.

In Ten Ten, we learnt about what to do in an emergency and the people who can help us. We talked about when we need to call 999. Please practise the children’s address with them (door number and road) so they know if they have to make a call to 999.

On Friday, the children celebrated their first Mass with the school. I was proud of how well they sat and joined in with the prayers and singing.

I have attached a copy of the children’s house colours. They will need the t-shirt for Sports Day and for Year 1 PE.  Reception House Groups

Have a wonderful half term!

Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Friday 24th May, 2024

This week was Spirituality Week, a special week in which the class, along with the rest of the school, participated in various activities aimed at fostering stillness and connection with themselves, nature, and God. We thank Miss Donatantonio for her hard work in preparing these wonderful activities for the children which they have thoroughly enjoyed and thank the Year 6 children who lead the prayer station activities.

Click here to see some of the photos from the week.

This week we have had a past student, Ruby, on work experience in our class.  The children have enjoyed having her  support during their class work and during their morning and lunchtime breaks.

On Wednesday it was lovely to see so many children attend the international Pentecost celebration.  Thank you so much to the parents in Year 3 who prepared a dish to celebrate their culture for the rest of us to enjoy!

In Maths the children have continued their work on time in reading time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute.  They have also been working on telling and writing the time from an analogue clock.  This has included being able to use Roman numerals from I to XII. If you have any opportunities during the half-term to revisit this work with your child that would be wonderful!

In PE the children have continued to practise their running, throwing and jumping skills for our forth coming Sports Day and today we celebrated our Feast Day with a lovely mass followed by a refreshing ice lolly. Thank you to Matilda and Ayrabella who brought up the offertory during mass.

Well done also goes out to those children in our class who took part in the Oakmere Mini Marathon!  The children returned to school delighted with their efforts. We are so proud of them.


Wishing you and your families a wonderful half term break.


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Friday, 24th May 2024

A busy last few days for the children in Year 4 for sure!

We spent this week focusing on Spirituality along with the rest of the school. We took time to share prayer cards with our prayer partners in Year 2, go out to the Peace Garden and notice diversity in God’s Creation, count our blessings at the end of the day and participate in Spirituality stations lead by Year 6 Liturgy leaders.

We also spent time to practice for our upcoming MTC test by using the now active DfE ‘try it out’ platform so the children can get a feeling for the actual tasks involved in June.

In Science, we built simple series circuits before using them to test and classify conductors and insulators.

After an extensive planning session, we also started building our torches by reinforcing the main ‘cases’ ; applying layers of paper mache.

It has also been wonderful to see so many of you on Wednesday for our International Afternoon. Thank you for the amazing contributions you have made to this celebration!

Finally, a huge thank you to all the children. They worked really hard this half term (all year really) and continuously make me proud with their dedication and maturity. Well done my super Year 4 team!

Enjoy your well deserved breaks and see you in a week!

Ms Varga

Year 6 Week Beginning 20.5.24

After a long week of SATs last week, Spirituality Week was exactly what Year 6 needed this week!

The children shared this special week with the rest of the school, participating in activities focussing on mindfulness, reflectiveness and making connections with both God and nature. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, The liturgy, Fairtrade and Laudato Si leaders led each class through the different prayer stations and were wonderful role models to the younger children!

It was so lovely to see so many of you at the Pentecost celebration after school on Wednesday. Thank you so much to the families who donated food and time, in order to make this celebration a huge success!

The children were very excited to find out the name of their end of year production this week and have taken home some lines today, ready for auditions on the Monday after half term.

Wishing you all a wonderful, restful half term break,

Ms Pemberton



Year 5 – 24/05/24 | Spirituality Week

This week was Spirituality Week, and Year 5, along with the whole school, participated in various activities aimed at fostering stillness and connection with themselves, nature, and God.

On Monday, Year 5 crafted prayer cards for the Year 1 children and exchanged them in the International Garden. Tuesday featured a session of Praying in Colour, a technique employing doodling and colouring to facilitate stillness and communication with God. Wednesday saw the class embark on a slow, guided walk through the outdoor area, observing nature’s diversity while fully engaging the senses to notice colours, textures, scents, and sounds.

Thursday involved Prayer Stations led by Year 6 leaders, offering quiet and reflective activities focused on diversity, unity, and peace.

Today, we concluded the week with a Mass celebrating the Feast Day of our patron, St. Paul VI.

With the conclusion of yet another half term, I wish everyone a restful week off, and I’ll see you in June!

from Miss Donatantonio 🌞

PS. We have our school trip to Bayfordbury Observatory on the first Thursday back, for which we need 1 more adult helper. If you are available to help, please let me know. Thank you.


Summer 1 Week 6

We have been learning how to serve in tennis this week, and have also been preparing for Sports Day by practising throwing the shot put, speed bounce and standing long jump.

This week in RE, we thought about people in our school community who are Sacramental. We asked Mrs Lopez about her faith and how shows love and care for others. Thank you for helping us with our learning and inspiring us to following Jesus’ teachings Mrs Lopez.

We have also enjoyed Spirituality week, where we ‘prayed in colour’, wrote prayers for the children in Year 4 and went on a biodiversity walk. Thank you to Miss Donatantonio and the Year 6 children, who planned and led the Prayer Stations in the hall on Thursday.

This week Ava, Abigail, Ayden and Prisha, lead collective worship about friendship and Noah, Yuvan, Kuzey and Rocco lead one about kindness. Well done.

Thank you for your generous donations to the International Pentecost Celebration, on Wednesday. It was wonderful to celebrate our rich and diverse community together.

We’ve been exploring the properties of different 2D and 3D shapes in Maths.

We have been looking closely at Vincent van Gogh’s style of painting, and have created our own Sunflower paintings.

Well done to those who ran in the Mini Marathon today.

Have a restful half term

Miss Pringle

Friday 17th May 2024

This week in Year 3, the children have finished off their speeches and have begun a short narrative based on the animation Marshmallows. They have been working on creating setting descriptions using prepositional phrases. Next week, we will be describing the monster so perhaps you could watch together with your child and talk about some interesting words or phrases.


In Geography, Year 3 have explored why rainforests are so hot and wet. They also created their own climate graph for a town in the Amazon basin.

In PE, we have continued to build skills in cricket with a focus on batting this week and for our second PE lesson, started to practise for Sports Day.  The children were to practise their jumping, throwing and sprinting techniques.

Click here for photos.

In Science the children looked at recognising that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes. They did their own research about the sun and created their own informative poster to teach others the importance of protecting themselves.

Pentecost has continued to be our RE focus, thinking about how St Paul himself was a Pentecost person. We have also considered how spreading the word of God started with Jesus, then the disciples, followed by the Gospel writers and is now down to us today.

Please remember that we will be celebrating our school’s Feast Day Mass in school on Friday, 24th May at 2pm; everyone is welcome!


Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

More photos are being uploaded this weekend of the children’s art work from this week and last week and PE from this week but we are experiencing a technical difficulty!  Please log back in to see them.  Thank you!

Home Learning

Spellings on spellingshed

SPaG activity on spellingshed



Year 6 Week Beginning 17.5.24

What a week Year 6 have had!!

The class worked so incredibly hard with their SATs this week; we were so proud of them all! To celebrate, the children enjoyed a post SATs party with lots of fun and games yesterday afternoon!

Today, Year 6 had a fantastic time on their trip to the Houses of Parliament. Please see photos and ask your child to tell you all about it!

Have a well deserved rest this weekend, ready for Spirituality Week, next week!

Ms Pemberton