Year 6 Week Beginning 20.5.24
After a long week of SATs last week, Spirituality Week was exactly what Year 6 needed this week!
The children shared this special week with the rest of the school, participating in activities focussing on mindfulness, reflectiveness and making connections with both God and nature. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, The liturgy, Fairtrade and Laudato Si leaders led each class through the different prayer stations and were wonderful role models to the younger children!
It was so lovely to see so many of you at the Pentecost celebration after school on Wednesday. Thank you so much to the families who donated food and time, in order to make this celebration a huge success!
The children were very excited to find out the name of their end of year production this week and have taken home some lines today, ready for auditions on the Monday after half term.
Wishing you all a wonderful, restful half term break,
Ms Pemberton