Friday, 17th January 2025

Year 2 enjoyed a very active week. On Monday the children moved on in their Gymnastics PE unit and learnt about different ways to travel, thinking about speed and levels. On Wednesday, they further consolidated that learning by revising their individual and later pair balances, distinguishing between them as patch and point.

In Science this week, the class looked at personal hygiene as one of the needs for human survival. They completed a practical enquiry when they used black pepper flakes and soap to model and investigate what happens to germs when washed away by soap.

On Tuesday, the class participated in a Whole School Trampoline workshop and enjoyed 40 minutes of jumping, dancing and games using individual trampettes.  The children had an absolutely fabulous time! We thank Miss Pringle for organising this treat for us!

In other areas of the curriculum, we practiced long and short written methods for adding 2 digit numbers in Maths, whilst in English we learnt about organisational tools within sub headings and used factual adjectives for description. We also practiced using commas in lists and wrote formal sentences about various animals applying them.

In RE, we looked at the third Catholic Social teaching principle Peace and Solidarity and wrote acrostic poems reflecting on our Mission to show peace to others. In Geography, the class used satellite images and web cameras to compare the North Pole and the South Pole whilst in Computing the children looked at IT around the world. In Art, they used graphite rods to create prints of small objects.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning

Spelling:  Please complete the assigned activities. Also, if you would like a paper style worksheet to further consolidate this week’s words please download :

Stage 2 Lesson 8 Words ending in le – Homework Answers

Stage 2 Lesson 8 Words ending in le – Homework Sheet

Reading: Please continue to read and sign reading records.

Maths:    Well done Mia and Ianis, our Class Leaders!