Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas. The children have enjoyed telling us about their holidays.

This week we learnt about the Epiphany. On Monday, we wore crowns to assembly to celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. We listened to the story from the Bible and the children acted out the story. The children made kings and made presents for Jesus. They made labels for their presents and painted pictures of the story. Many children sequenced the story and wrote sentences.


The children thought of what they would like to do better in 2025 and wrote on stars and decorated them.

In Maths, we learnt about the number 0. The children sorted pictures that represent 0 and not 0. The children ordered numbers 0-5. We have also been learning to subitise. When we see objects, we can say the number without counting. We used dice and dominoes to say the number of dots without counting. Playing dominoes and games with dice is great for children’s Maths skills.

We have enjoyed looking at the snow and seeing the ice in the playground. On Friday, we made snow pictures.

On Friday, we went into the hall and explored moving in different ways on the apparatus.

Next week we will be starting the Phase 3 phonics. Please support your children learning these sounds each evening and completing the sheet in their phonics books. We will also be sending home writing books on their reading day. There is a meeting on Monday at 2.45pm to explain these. If you cannot come to the meeting, information will be in their writing book.

We are encouraging the children to practise zipping up their coats, please practise this at home.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team