The children led the Collective Worship this week focused on The Baptism of The Lord.


In Maths, the children have been learning the multiples of 2, 5 and 10.  They have explored number lines, hundred squares and arrays within their work this week.

Trampoline workshop

On Tuesday morning, Year 3 took part in a whole school rebound (mini trampette) workshop. The session was led by an instructor and promoted health and fitness across the school. The children had lots of fun taking part and engaged wonderfully in the session.

Thanks for organising Miss Pringle!

P.E. days are Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday 

                            We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

                                                 Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie

Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr


Spellings: Week 2 please see the spelling sheet handed out on the first week back.

Maths: Mathletics has been set.

Times tables rock stars TTRS: Logins have been put in reading records. Please explore this new resource this week and let us know if there are any problems logging in and accessing it.