Year 1 Week Beginning 13.1.25

Year 1 have had a busy week of learning this week!

In Science, the children began their new topic on ‘Materials’. They explored different types of materials, such as metal, glass, wood and plastic, and looked closely at everyday objects to see what they were made from. In groups, the class then decided on a criteria for sorting materials and arranged objects into the different categories. Year 1 then discussed the big question, ‘What would happen if every material were rigid?’


In History, Year 1 have been finishing their topic on ‘Toys’.

They have been learning:

  • The concept of old and new
  • Developing an understanding of chronological order
  • Developing an awareness of change

As part of their lesson this week, they were visited by Mrs Heymoz  who brought in a doll that belonged to her aunt as a child. The doll was at least 70 years old!

They were also shown toys from Mrs Lopez’s childhood and a 62 year old doll that belongs to Mrs Lopez’s mum!!

On Tuesday, Year 1 had a very exciting trampoline workshop, which they absolutely loved!

Spelling activities have been set on Spelling Shed as usual- split digraphs this week.

Please continue to read frequently with your child. We are having a huge focus on handwriting in class, as many of the children are still not forming their letters correctly/ starting and finishing in the corrects place. Once we master the correct formation, orientation and size of  letters, we will be able to move onto cursive script. Please support your child with their formation, by correcting as and when you see it. Thank you so much!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 Team