Year 3 Week 1 Friday 10th January
In RE the children have been learning about the Epiphany. They made beautiful crowns to wear to assembly on Tuesday morning and looked at the gifts the Three Wise Men took to Jesus. They also discussed the meaning of the Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh that were gifted.
In Maths, the children have started their topic on multiplication. They looked at making equal groups and how using arrays can help them.
The children found similes and metaphors challenging before Christmas so took part in different activities this week to understand how and why they are used in writing. They applied their knowledge to draft a poem about lemons following an ABAB rhyming pattern. We couldn’t let an opportunity to taste the lemon pass us by either!
P.E. days are Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday
- Swimming lessons will commence next Wednesday (15th January) please ensure your child wears their PE kit, brings their swimming kit to school every Wednesday and give consent on School Gateway.
We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr
Homelearning: is set from 4pm on Fridays and due by 7pm on Wednesdays
Spellings: Have been set on Spellingshed to follow our weekly spelling pattern- please see the spelling sheet handed out on Tuesday.
Maths: Has been set on Mathletics to revise learning in class.