Year 5 – 10/01/25 | Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
We’ve had a fantastic start to the new term! It’s been lovely to see everyone again, and the children have all worked incredibly hard after their two-week break.
On Tuesday, the whole school focused on the Epiphany. The children made crowns, which they proudly wore to our Epiphany assembly. In class, we reflected on the significance of the Epiphany in the wider context of our mission on earth today. Later in RE, the children worked in groups to plan Celebrations of the Word, which they will lead between now and Easter. They carefully followed the four-part structure: We Gather, We Listen, We Respond, We Go Forth.
In English, we began a new unit based on the brilliant novel The Boy at the Back of the Class. So far, we have been inferring details about the characters from the first two chapters. The children are already intrigued by Ahmet, the new boy in the narrator’s class, and are eager to discover more about him.
In PE, we explored the different positions in netball, learning about their roles and where they are allowed to go on the court. This preparation will set us up for next week’s mini netball tournament.
In Science, we concluded our unit on Earth and Space. The children have been incredibly engaged with this topic, asking excellent questions throughout. I also shared with them that Mars, Jupiter, and Venus are currently visible in the night sky. I recommended they ask a parent to download the Stellarium app to help spot these planets while the skies are so clear.
In Music, we used a cup pattern to add a percussive element to What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor? before learning the short tune Hey Ho! Nobody Home. The children sang it first in unison, then in a two-part canon and after that a four-part canon. We then added the cup pattern to this, which was very complex! I was so impressed by how well the children kept in time and stuck to their parts. If you’d like to practise the cup pattern at home, here is the video we used—start at 12:30:
Home learning for this weekend:
Maths | Mathletics assignments:
· Dividing by 10, 100 & 1,000 · Multiples of 10, 100 & 1,000 |
Reading | 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day |
Spelling | We will carry last week’s spellings over into another week as we didn’t get a chance to practise them this week
Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-able’ where the ‘e’ from the root word remains · rechargeable · manageable · salvageable · agreeable · microwaveable · irreplaceable · changeable · knowledgeable · noticeable · replaceable |
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Donatantonio