Year 5 – 17/01/25
This week has been packed with exciting activities and meaningful learning across all subjects!
On Tuesday, Year 5 enjoyed a trampette session to promote health and fitness. The children had a lot of fun whilst keeping fit, as you can see from the photos! Thank you to Miss Pringle for organising this for the whole school.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the children put their invasion game and netball skills—developed since September—into practice during a mini netball tournament. I was so impressed by how well many of the children have taken to the sport. There was brilliant defending, intercepting, quick counter-attacking, and even plenty of impressive shooting!
In Science, we began our new topic on Properties of Materials. The children tested a range of objects made from different materials for their magnetism, transparency, and hardness, which led to some fascinating discoveries. One observation that particularly intrigued us was that copper 2p coins from the 1970s and 1980s were not magnetic, whereas more recent ones were. We researched why this was the case and found that metals that don’t contain iron became more expensive in the 1990s. As a result, the composition of the coins was changed to a cheaper metal containing iron, which is magnetic.
In Maths, we’ve been learning to find equivalent fractions, while in English we’ve continued our work based on the book The Boy at the Back of the Class.
In RE, we focused on the third Catholic Social Teaching principle: Solidarity and Peace. Along with the rest of the school, we explored where Scripture teaches us to work for solidarity and peace. We then learned about the Corrymeela community in Northern Ireland, which promotes reconciliation and peacebuilding by healing social, religious, and political divisions. Inspired by their work, we discussed practical ways we can promote peace and solidarity in our own local community.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Donatantonio
Home learning for this week:
Maths | Mathletics assignments:
· Finding equivalent proper fractions · Recognising equivalent fractions |
Reading | 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day |
Spelling | Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words that are adverbs of time
· afterwards · finally · immediately · recently · earlier · yesterday · eventually · tomorrow · previously · whilst |